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Do units with +1I from BSF gain it for sweeping advance?


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So I don't have the new codex in hand, but if a BA unit beats another unit on its first turn of assault and rolls to sweep it, does it get to use the additional +1 for Initiative when determining if it cuts down the other unit?


For example, a unit of charging tactical marines kills all but a few guardsmen in a squad on its first turn of charging that unit. The guardsmen fail their leadership test and break from the engagement adding their I of 3 to their fall back distance roll. They roll a 5 -> getting 8" away (3+5=8)


Now the blood angels roll a 3 and add their initiative. It's is usually a 7 in this case (4+3=7) and they fail to catch the unit. However since it is their first turn of assault, they gain +1 I from being in a Baal Strike Force FOC. So do they count as I 5 for the purposes of sweeping advance too?

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Tests are generally made on unmodified leadership.


Stick corbulo in the unit as your warlord and it doesnt really matter.


For example, a unit of charging tactical marines kills all but a few guardsmen in a squad on its first turn of charging that unit. The guardsmen fail their leadership test and break from the engagement adding their I of 3 to their fall back distance roll. They roll a 5 -> getting 8" away (3+5=8)



That's also not how you do it.


Guard squad loses combat. Takes Ld test with negative modifier. Fails.


Both players roll a die and add the I of their unit. If the guard player loses, all his models die, as they get swept.


If the guard player rolls higher, then his unit flees 2d6" away, and the BA make a d6" consolidation move.

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Sadly not. Sweeping Advances are done off the base Initiative otherwise, Grey Knights would have been even worse in their previous incarnation (Nemesis Force Halberds struck at +2 I). Alternatively, you can look at it as this: by the time a winner has been determined in combat, the first round (and thus any charge bonus) is over.

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A miniature with the red thirst Adds +1 to I till the end of the assault phase. Why wouldn't it apply to sweeping advance? Haven't read the GK dex, but it doesn't have to be related, both rules can have similar effects but be worded differently, making them work different in some details.
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Because it is tested on their unmodified leadership. Same way if you hit say a Nid MC with a thunder hammer and it runs from combat, you dont test on I1.

The test is not made on wargear, it is made on the models profile. Since the rule makes the unit +1 initiative until the end of the assault phase (not just when making attacks/you can't choose not to use it like a piece if wargear) and sweeping advance is part of the assault phase, wouldn't they then get it?

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