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Malefic Daemonology fluff question

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So i have a fluff query

When my sorceror casts summoning for example would he just be creating a gateway into the warp allow whatever daemons want to to come through instead of summoning daemons of a particular god. Ie my nurgle sorceror summoning some pink horrors wouldnt ruin the mono nurgle thene of my army

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This is something I've been thinking about, I expect future csm codex to have a rule that marked sorcerers may only summon daemons of the same mark. (I'd also like to see a khornate malefic summoner, that could only use daemonology)
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This is something I've been thinking about, I expect future csm codex to have a rule that marked sorcerers may only summon daemons of the same mark. (I'd also like to see a khornate malefic summoner, that could only use daemonology)

See il be honest i always thought of daemon summoning as unless your summoning a specific daemon its random what comes through

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An interesting question indeed. I think it is best to start with the basics. First thing first, Chaos is varied and everything goes, this is the only rule in a realm where rules are an anathema. A sorcerer, at least in most of the background sources (BL books, wiki, roleplay books), usually forms a pact with a score of lesser daemons. This daemons then answer his call when he summons them to do his bidding. 


Another traditional way to explain "daemonology" is the tried and tested portal theory. The sorcerer creates a minor portal into the Warp, a rend in the tissue of reality, from which daemons spill forth. This is sometimes portrayed as the basic aspect of daemonology and the daemons are essentially free to ravage everything they wish, hence they are not controlled per se.


In Talon of Horus, the sorcerer uses a series of psychic tarot cards to bind daemons, the "deck" in question is his grimoire. 


My personal interpretation of the whole "daemonology" thing is that a sorcerer usually forms a compact with a score of daemons. Some sorcerers prefer the daemons of his patron god, some other have pacts with countless different daemonic entities. 


Another theory is that a sorcerer is "used" by the daemons as a conduit from which they spill into realspace.


All in all I doubt that the gods are picky who they sorcerers summon. At the end of the day the gods are fickle and even daemons of different patrons form basic alliances to ravage the realspace together. A portal can be considered an universal thing and I doubt that a sorcerer would be punished by his deity for summoning the daemons of another god, as long as victory of Chaos is served and the goals achieved.


So no breaking of the "in character" persona of your warband if you summon different daemons. Who knows perhaps Nurgle will even reward you if you waste the minions of Tzeentch to drown your enemy in bodies, as long as his chosen children, the Plaguebearers and Nurglings are free to enjoy themselves in realspace, at the expense of the poor gibbering hordes of the Changer of Ways... now who is being manipulated, ha!

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An interesting question indeed. I think it is best to start with the basics. First thing first, Chaos is varied and everything goes, this is the only rule in a realm where rules are an anathema. A sorcerer, at least in most of the background sources (BL books, wiki, roleplay books), usually forms a pact with a score of lesser daemons. This daemons then answer his call when he summons them to do his bidding.


Another traditional way to explain "daemonology" is the tried and tested portal theory. The sorcerer creates a minor portal into the Warp, a rend in the tissue of reality, from which daemons spill forth. This is sometimes portrayed as the basic aspect of daemonology and the daemons are essentially free to ravage everything they wish, hence they are not controlled per se.


In Talon of Horus, the sorcerer uses a series of psychic tarot cards to bind daemons, the "deck" in question is his grimoire.


My personal interpretation of the whole "daemonology" thing is that a sorcerer usually forms a compact with a score of daemons. Some sorcerers prefer the daemons of his patron god, some other have pacts with countless different daemonic entities.


Another theory is that a sorcerer is "used" by the daemons as a conduit from which they spill into realspace.


All in all I doubt that the gods are picky who they sorcerers summon. At the end of the day the gods are fickle and even daemons of different patrons form basic alliances to ravage the realspace together. A portal can be considered an universal thing and I doubt that a sorcerer would be punished by his deity for summoning the daemons of another god, as long as victory of Chaos is served and the goals achieved.


So no breaking of the "in character" persona of your warband if you summon different daemons. Who knows perhaps Nurgle will even reward you if you waste the minions of Tzeentch to drown your enemy in bodies, as long as his chosen children, the Plaguebearers and Nurglings are free to enjoy themselves in realspace, at the expense of the poor gibbering hordes of the Changer of Ways... now who is being manipulated, ha!

Excellent :D i can definately agree with that plus what a better way to prove nurgles power than by enslaving his brothers daemons

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