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Is Dante that good?


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If you want grav, get SM allies. They do it better.

They do it better but you have to pay varying taxes smile.png ...4 gravguns in 6 BA bikes is 186, same amount of gravguns in SM require a biker captain / CM, and more bodies (min 380). Or any hq, a troop, and centus. In any case, more expensive.

You can totally invest the points and get a proper WS ally detachment or a Tigustar and do some nasty things with them, but if you want to spend most your points in BA goodness, and still want some decent grav presence, budget gravbikers are a nice option, specially with the FT detachment and all those FA slots.

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Dante with Hit and Run in a jump pack Death Company squad is one of the most useful units in 40K.  I prefer Dante with DC for the ablative wounds at 10 points less over Sanguinary Guard, not every jumper needs a power weapon with Dante in there and DC being able to mix and match load outs they are golden.  The extra hit and run movement is a huge bonus, being able to leave combat at will and grab 3 D6 extra movement in an objectives game? yes thanks.


Death Company can really bring the pain but mainly on the charge.   Being able to hit and run with Death Company jump packers using Dante's hit and run turns DC into the assault unit from hell.


DOA for skimmers, jumpers and flyers? Even better.  Dante gets an extra tactical trait with a re-roll if you are battle forged.  Whats not to like about this highly mobile tactical genius that can pound almost anything in 40k except death stars. 

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Dante is that perfect mix of toolbox and beatstick that a Lord of War IC should be, much like Draigo.  Sadly, they completely missed the boat with Logan Grimnar, but it does give me hope that when Vect makes his comeback as a Lord of War, he'll be a brutal killing machine who also enhances the rest of your army.

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I'm loving the new Dante, his only weakness is 4++, but I think 3++ would be to much.


Point of interest: if Dante is in the same squad as a Sang Priest, he effectively has a 3++ equivalent unless he's hit with S8+ Ap2 weapons. 4++ followed by 5+ FnP has the same failure rate as a 3++ save.


If you go Dante/DC or even Dante/SG its a very good idea to put a jump pack priest with the  death company.  The priest raises the DC's weapon skill to 5 which means hitting on 3's most of the time. 


As priests can now take special issue war gear and relics give the priest Valours edge.  Place in the DC.   Being so quick the priest may very well kill the trouble making challenger himself if using Valours Edge which is just 5 points more than a power weapon.

Near end game splitting off one of these three units to hold/contest/kill a depleted unit is pretty useful 

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I'll be going DC and Dante + JP Libby in the start, i want to try the new spells! There seems to be a lot of potential with the Libby, he's only 5 points more, but gets a free force weapon. The possibility for 24" move + run turn 1, casting fear of darkness or getting the 5++ seems very tempting. A little randomness i fun!


The other nice thing about using Dante is the ability to split IC away from unit when needed. With Eternal Warrior you won't have to worry about instagib's.

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As priests can now take special issue war gear and relics give the priest Valours edge.  Place in the DC.   Being so quick the priest may very well kill the trouble making challenger himself if using Valours Edge which is just 5 points more than a power weapon.

I think the Angel's Wings will be the better investment. Taking both will make one expensive priest.
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The eternal relic discussion. Why on Earth GW hasn't issued a FAQ about this after so many codices with relics is beyond me. Just a yes or a no, so that we can go on with our lives :)


Vanilla relics are powerful but expensive, but with BA relics being so cheap and so useful, it'd be great to have an official answer to this.

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I'm not sure you could take both in any event. The Relics list says "A model may replace one weapon with one of the following:"

The Jump pack has the following rule: "Does not replace one of the character’s weapons." So any restrictions on replacing do not apply.
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You can have one of each relic no more no less.  Its very clear.


Relics of Baal

"Only one of each relic may be taken per army"


Read the fine print (3,4,6,7)


The entry for Captains, Librarians and Sanguinary Priests lists Relics plural (more than one but not the same relic twice in the army). If you had the mind and points you could make him your warlord and give a Librarian The Angels Wing, The Crown Angelic, The Veritas Vitae, The Fury of Baal and the Valours Edge.


When you think of it ......The Valour's edge would make an awesome force weapon for 5 points more than a normal power weapon.

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The entry for Captains, Librarians and Sanguinary Priests lists Relics plural (more than one but not the same relic twice in the army). If you had the mind and points you could give a Librarian The Angels Wing, The Crown Angelic, The Veritas Vitae, The Fury of Baal and the Valours Edge.



And when you look at your list and ask yourself "Has that Librarian replaced one weapon with one relic?" the answer is very clearly "No". He's replaced several weapons (assuming he had that many to replace) with several relics.

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The entry for Captains, Librarians and Sanguinary Priests lists Relics plural (more than one but not the same relic twice in the army). If you had the mind and points you could give a Librarian The Angels Wing, The Crown Angelic, The Veritas Vitae, The Fury of Baal and the Valours Edge.



And when you look at your list and ask yourself "Has that Librarian replaced one weapon with one relic?" the answer is very clearly "No". He's replaced several weapons (assuming he had that many to replace) with several relics.


You only replaced a bolt pistol and a force weapon please read the fine print (3,4,6,7)

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And when you look at your list and ask yourself "Has that Librarian replaced one weapon with one relic?" the answer is very clearly "No". He's replaced several weapons (assuming he had that many to replace) with several relics.

The rule does not say that this replacement can only be done once. The captain has replaced one weapon (his chainsword) with one relic (Valour's Edge). Then he has replaced one weapon (his bolt pistol) with one relic (Fury of Baal). The other relics do not replace anything and this the restriction does not apply. As long as the captain has one weapon he can replace it with one relic.
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The entry for Captains, Librarians and Sanguinary Priests lists Relics plural (more than one but not the same relic twice in the army). If you had the mind and points you could give a Librarian The Angels Wing, The Crown Angelic, The Veritas Vitae, The Fury of Baal and the Valours Edge.



And when you look at your list and ask yourself "Has that Librarian replaced one weapon with one relic?" the answer is very clearly "No". He's replaced several weapons (assuming he had that many to replace) with several relics.


You only replaced a bolt pistol and a force weapon please read the fine print (3,4,6,7)



By my count that still makes two weapons. Which is not one.


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And when you look at your list and ask yourself "Has that Librarian replaced one weapon with one relic?" the answer is very clearly "No". He's replaced several weapons (assuming he had that many to replace) with several relics.

The rule does not say that this replacement can only be done once. The captain has replaced one weapon (his chainsword) with one relic (Valour's Edge). Then he has replaced one weapon (his bolt pistol) with one relic (Fury of Baal). The other relics do not replace anything and this the restriction does not apply. As long as the captain has one weapon he can replace it with one relic.



You're seriously going to try that? It says you may replace ONE weapon with ONE relic. You have replaced TWO weapons with TWO relics. Even if we assume that the relics that don't replace weapons are not limited to ONE relic (which I disagree with) you're still absolutely 100% breaking the rules by replacing more than one weapon with more than one relic.


Look at the wording for special issue wargear directly above the relics - "A model may take up to one of each of the following:" Why would they not use that wording if that is in fact what they mean?

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