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Best loadouts for armoured sentinels


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Hi all


Looking at Sentinels,  I really like the models and think,  although slightly overpriced compared to say a chimera,  they come with some nice options.  


So options I see as being worth taking ...


Multilaser -  cheapest,  most amount of shots,  great for causing wounds.


Lascannon -  most expensive,  1 shot with best range.  Strictly tank hunting really.


Autocannon -  mixed bag,  2 shots,  best range,  only 1 strength more than multilaser but also 1 less shot. 



What have people had success with?  Am I missing something with the other options?  Are HKMs worth it as an extra turn 1 shot? 

Do you mean armoured or Scout?


Armoured either Lascannon or my favourite is plasma cannon.


Scout either HF, ML or AC for flanking and side armour.


Both can have hunterkillers, though makes sense for the flankers to boost the firepower coming in from them on their first and most likely last chance to shoot.

Well there is no best option. It all runs down to army synergy. What does your army need more of? 

If you need anti tank, like me, I would go for lascannons. 

On the other hand, if you need more anti transport (AV10-12) Autocannons is your friend. 


I field my self 3 sentinels with plasma cannons, and 3 with lascannons. 

The plasma cannons are really great. But also have a tendency to be taken out pretty fast due to their threat level. 


So my suggestion is to everyone in this question to ask them self what they need. Not what is best.

I hadn't even thought of using Plasma cannons?  Gets hot and blast put me off,  but I guess blast is maybe a blessing with bs3?  Before they get shot up do you find them useful?   My plan with Sentinels is to either baby sit the leman russ punishers or to lurk behind cover and pot shot / 

Indeed, it always depends on what you need but PCs are a good option if only because the Scout Sentinel doesn't get it. It's a bit of a waste to give them multilasers I think, if you're going for cheap may as well use the Scouts. Autocannons are good but are easily found elsewhere so break out the big guns I say, my two have Lascannons and provide some useful heavy AT in support for an acceptable price.

If I go plasma cannons,  I think you are probably better going for the Leman Russ.   AV 14,  only 1 gets hot roll and basically the same points.  Also just having one you are almost as mobile.  Shame all Sentinels don't have move through cover or you'd have more of a reason to go with them.  I think lascannons are the best option that cannot be taken elsewhere.  Closest thing would be a Vendetta but not knowing when you arrive I find quite a handicap that negates the fact that your three lascannons are twinlinked. 


Autocannons can be taken almost everywhere else however these would be mobile.  

I mount my armored sentinel guns with pins so I can switch them out. My scout have fixed heavy flamers with a spare las cannon scout that I keep around for armored armies.


To date, armored+auto cannons has been the star performer in my opinion. Las cannons were a close second (mobile anti tank).

You need to roll a Gets Hot roll for each shot fired with the Executioner, the same as if you fired a Plasma Rifle in Rapid Fire range. The Sentinels have more chance to spread that pain around the squad, though.


That said, a barebones Executioner runs you at 155pts, whereas 3 Armoured Sentinels with PCs run at 165pts. The Sentinels have the edge in Hull Points, having double them, and also are less effected by Crew Stunned/Shaken, because only one shot will be Snap-Firing. However, AV12 just isn't worth investing in so heavily IMO, but I'm sure with the right support, PC Sentinels could be a worthy addition to an army.

Many opponent have underestimated the lowly armored sentinel. I prefer the autocannon sentinel, with bs3 on average you will get 1 hit per turn. I generally use then as direct support for my meat shields, umm i mean infantry platoons. Being av12 walkers makes them great tarpit units against most assault units(specially demons) that would chew through squads of infantry.

Another thing concerning sentinels versus Executioner tank. 

One meltagun can take out a Executioner tank, but one meltagun cannot take out 3 sentinels. So the price comparison is not really interesting unless you have set all the conditions. 

The AV14 helps a lot, I am not blind to that, but there are to many factors to calculate when comparing the two units to each other. 


I usually tell people when they are looking at certain units that they like for either appearance, fluff or rules. Add it to your list and then add units that works well with it. 

You can take all the "best" units from a codex, but if there is no synergy, an army with weaker units but who has synergy will easily beat the "strong".


My last game I played was against a stronger when looking at units. But it lacked synergy and was also to much focused on one thing, crushing the enemy to tiny pieces. 

With some out of the box playing and going all out on the obejctives I secured an easy win.

The answer is clearly missile launchers and a hunter killer missile so you can field the CPLT-C4 Catapult variant Sentinel:


Fun fact: Adding the hunter killer missile is the difference between the LRM-15 and LRM-20 tongue.png.


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