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Best loadouts for armoured sentinels


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have autocannons, lascannons, and multilasers...the autocannons are best.  Sure, it's "only" one pip of strength more than the multilaser, but it's a critical pip.  There's an ungodly amount of AV12 running around the game, and S6 just doesn't cut it.  With BS3, one shot doesn't cut it, either, at least for the points.  I actually do a fair bit of damage with BS3 lascannons, but for the points the autocannon is much better.

I'm of the opinion that the bits used to build a Sentinel doesn't matter as to which one it represents, but given the old ones were long before the Armoured Sentinel exists I reckon it'd be a petty opponent who'd not allow it.

  • 1 month later...

So slightly dragging up an old thread here.   


Between Multilaser,  Autocannon and Lascannon ... 


Ive been thinking about Multilasers and heres my thinking...  


VS armour ... 


vs av 10 Multilaser is the best option.  vs av 11,   multilaser is joint with Autocannon.   Vs av12,   Multilaser is worst out of the three. 


So considering Multilaser is cheapest thats a pretty good choice.  The extra shot really helps bring up that strength 6.  


Now vs troops.   Average strength of average guy is 3.5.   So round up to 4 and anything above strength 6 is overkill. 


Now also,  with cover saves so prevalent,   only ap3 is really usefull.  Whats the point in having AP4 if your opponent gets a 4+ cover save anyway? 


If scout sentinels were av10all round,  which I think is stupid and ruins them as a useful choice,  I think we would have  a really solid option.  


Finally another worthwhile comparison.  If a twinlinked autocanon is worth 1.5 of an un-twinlinked.  Then an LR Exterminator has the same fire output as a unit of 3 scout sentinels and is 5 points cheaper but also gets av14 and a heavy bolter.  

Good logic...experience tells me otherwise, though.  The multilasers on my nine chimeras and three sentinels tend to be pretty ineffective in spite of 36 shots/turn.  


Against vehicles, well, AV12 is kind of the standard, and as you point out, against AV11 the autocannon and the multilaser are tied.  AV10 is too rare to be a planning factor.  


Against troops, well, actually, AP4 is a big deal.  Enemy units hiding in cover are enemy units not claiming objectives, and so I find plenty of troops in the open in most of my games. Furthermore, If the threat of an autocannon "inspires" the enemy to sit in cover and delouse his nether region instead of maneuvering against me, that in itself has enormous value.
Finally, nothing's more aggravating than an ork making his 6+ save!  I'd say that a heavy bolter is a better weapon than a multilaser, when you get down to it...S6AP- is kind of a dead spot in that it's only marginally effective against weak vehicles and allows full armor save against even the weakest infantry.

Agreed there is a threshold as in all things, as useful as multilasers are there's no point in spamming them too much as they're a good support weapon but can never be the star of the show. Variety works best, which is why I quite like the ML+HB Chimera set up :)

All good points so thanks for sharing. Its weird how much that 1 extra point if strength makes vs armour 12. It makes it as good as a lascannon for penetration taking into account the extra shot.


Also interest what you say about the ap4. Maybe chimeras with dual heavy bolters are the way to go? You are still wounding on 2s or 3s against most infantry.

During the first moments of a game people tend to ignore my armoured sentinels and focus on heavier stuff or my deathstrike if they can draw a line to it (rarely happens)... Once they get 3 plasma blasts in their infantry lines their attention rapidly shifts towards the walking heralds of doom.

Well...plasma cannon sentinels are a whole 'nother story.  I don't like them because they're a hammer in an eggshell...you deploy them against me, and they die turn one...it's low-hanging fruit.  Heavy firepower with no protection is a no-brainer target on turn one!

Remember that a blast template doesn't miss the table outright, so against multiple targets you have a chance to hit something. Plus with plasma you're hitting hard so are a threat to tougher units so it is relative to your foe as ever. Against a Guard horde or something similar not very useful but they could reap a fine tally against Marines for example.

And while the changes of the template scattering to direction x are there... You can simply place the template in the middle of the enemy to migitate the potential of a total miss.

It gets funny when one wild scatter lands into something juicy that was hiding out of sight.

And while the changes of the template scattering to direction x are there... You can simply place the template in the middle of the enemy to migitate the potential of a total miss.

It gets funny when one wild scatter lands into something juicy that was hiding out of sight.

Or when it scatters on your own troops.  Friendly fire is hilarious.


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