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GW using new plastic?


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Sounds a bit like my Vanguard kit, all the parts looked lighter and shinier.



The details somehow felt less sharp but there was no difference frm any other kit once painted.

Might just've been the slight opacity of the plastic playing a trick on me.

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I bought a razorback on eBay a while back (all sprues, no box), and the plastic was almost white in colour. Seemed a little soft too, and slightly grainy when cut.

I suppose it could've been a recast, but it seems mostly those are more likely with resin kits due to the higher price tags. Needless to say, I'll not buy from that seller again if they prove to be hawking fake stuff.

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I love that old, light grey plastic!


It's so much easier to clean up compared to the newer, darker stuff. As you say it's kind of grainy and soft. This means that you need very little force on those mold lines, detailing is easier, and the stuff you scrape or cut off doesn't 'stick' to the plastic in the same way.


Awesome stuff.

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All GW plastic is essentially the same stuff, whether it's a clear plastic flying stand or a sprue of Blood Angels, and has been for decades.


The only differences between a cockpit canopy, a base and a sprue are the quantity of softening agent and which dye they add to it before moulding. A batch might fail to mix properly, but that's about the biggest variation you'll get.


The "new" dark plastic was simply a darker shade of grey dye introduced to make it easier to photograph.

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All the GW sprues seem to be medium to dark grey. Forgeworld has more color variations, being all resin (sometimes whiteish stuff seems to come out from them) I have never had any issues with the newer plastic kits. In fact I love the ease and minor amount of work thats needed on the vets kits.
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