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Hello from the Pacific Northwest!


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Hi all,


I'm from a suburb about 30 minutes northeast of Seattle. I'm 42 and have been playing war games since the early 80's. My first exposure to table top gaming was Car Wars and later Battletech. I am still very new to the 40K world....I've been collecting models for about 2 years off and on...bought a Space Marine Battleforce box about 2 years ago and the modeler in me got all excited and started building all these cool troops then my friend goes "Oh yeah, that's totally illegal, you can't play with these guys"....so that kind of frustrated me so I put everything away for awhile and started getting a tactical squad here, a devastator squad there. Now I have almost enough models to build a full strength battle company. My goal is to complete the Imperial Fists 3rd company and maybe start the 4th after that. I suppose one of these days I should break down and buy the rule book and play a game.....

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Hail and welcome, brother! Always good to see a new face on the boards. Feel free to ask any questions you have, here or in B&C at large, and don't forget to go over the posting rules here - it'll save on the social faux pas. ;) 

I haven't found a good place to play on our side of the water yet. Until recently I lived on the peninsula. If you are interested in learning the game, there is a great community in Bremerton. I played nearly every weekend for the last few years at a place called Blue Sky Hobbies. If you go in, and ask if someone would be willing to play a few starter games, they'd be more than happy to help you learn, I'm sure. There is even a fellow Imperial Fist player there with a spectacular (and massive) army. He helps demo games and works there part time, I think. Its worth the ferry ride for a good game with great people.

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