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Storm of Angels vs. Descent of Angels.


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So I am looking to run one of the formations out of the exterminatus book (i.e. Dante's Avenging Host). And I was just wondering what other people think about DoA and the new Storm of Angels and whether or not they would stack. Nothing says that they wouldn't.


Descent of Angels: Units in your Warlord's Detachment with the Jump, Flyer, or Skimmer unit type can re-roll failed Reserve Rolls. In addition, Jump and Skimmer units from your Warlord detachment arriving from Deep Strike Reserve scatter D6" less than they usually would.


Storm of Angels: You can re-roll failed Reserve rolls for units in this formation. In addition, units in this Formation arriving from Deep Strike Reserve scatter D6" less (normally D6" rather than 2D6").


Now RAI I would assume only one applies and you scatter D6", but RAW "normally" isn't definitive and could mean that this isn't a normal circumstance and now we just don't scatter.


I want to play the no scatter methodology but was wondering what other people think. Thoughts/Concerns?

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Haven't seen the Dante's avenging Host, so the question would be: is Dante part of the formation? If he is, then I don't see why not both rules wouldn't stack. As per the BRB, you can only reroll a single roll once, so you lose one set of rerolls, but the scatter benefits would stack, since both make you scatter D6 less. This, assuming Dante is part of the formation. If Dante needs to be taken as part of another detachment, then basically now both detachments reroll reserves and scatter D6.


It's rather weird though, that a formation with Dante in it would mimic his warlord trait as a special rule. Unless you're meant to not take Dante as your warlord, but that doesn't make much sense considering his resilience and benefits when he's warlord.

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You can not combine both seeing as both come from separate detachments.

The only outside effect that causes you to scatter less (that I know off) is the Servo Skull. If either detachment deep strikes within 12" of an allied Skull, you do not scatter at all.

In all other cases there is either a beacon or you scatter D6.

Seeing as they are not coming from separate detachments and Dante is the Warlord of said detachment.


From what I can tell all units (i.e. Terminators, Drop Pods) will scatter only D6" due to Storm of Angels because it applies to all things deep striking. Jump Infantry and Skimmers will not scatter at all since they are being affected by both Storm of Angels and DoA.

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The formation: (for those that are curious)


Dante's Avenging Host

Commander Dante


1 Librarian

1 Sanguinary Priest

1 unit of Sanguinary Guard

The Blooded Demi-company

3 Stormraven Gunships


Special Rules

The Blooded Demi-company retains all of the special rules specified in its corresponding Formation data sheet. In addition, the following special rules apply to all units in this formation.


Storm of Angels: You can re-roll failed Reserve rolls for units in this Formation with the Deep Strike special rule. In addition, units in this Formation arriving from Deep Strike Reserve scatter D6" less (normally D6" rather than 2D6").


Objective Secured: All non-vehicle units in this Formation have the Objective Secured special rule. A unit with this special rules controls objectives even if an enemy scoring unit is within range of the objective marker, unless the enemy unit also has this special rule.

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For big games that formation sounds amazing. Obsec for everyone, the red thirst for the blooded, plenty of scatterless deep striking...only bad thing is that if you're taking 3 ravens, there's probably a way to use the spearhead formation instead with a detachment or two, and get a very similar army but with way better rules.
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