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New formations and Fghting Tau or Eldar


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Having seen some of the new formations and reading the new Blood Angels Codex, in any of your opinions do we have any good formations that gives us a fighting chance against Tau or Eldar?


From what I can see Eldar Particularly are still the power house against every other 40k army,


Apologies if I'm totally off with my interpretation of Tau and Eldar, I don't have either of their codex, most of my information is from Battle reports and bosting on forums.



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The triple stormraven/tac squad formation that lets you assault t2 from DS seems like it could be awesome against Tau, chuck in the JP that stops their interceptor fire and they're pretty screwed! I don't know about Eldar, don't have any Eldar players down at my FLGS.

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The whole book had flashes of brilliance but ended up being a whole lot of mediocrity and nipples. It does not make me as moist as Champions of Fenris did.

And it did the worst thing a supplement could do. It made me question if the core book is all that great to begin with. It would fetch a decent price on ebay this time of the year.

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The whole book had flashes of brilliance but ended up being a whole lot of mediocrity and nipples. It does not make me as moist as Champions of Fenris did.

And it did the worst thing a supplement could do. It made me question if the core book is all that great to begin with. It would fetch a decent price on ebay this time of the year.

But... who doesn't like nipples?!

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I am considering to give my custom Thunderlord manly nipple armour while his thunderwolf is sniffing out dat fine Eldar womenz. Best of both worlds biggrin.png

Ok, you win. Your Thunderlord shall henceforth be considered an honourary Blood Angel, assuming his nipples are pronounced enough. Anyway, I better go to sleep, all this talk of nipples has worn me out biggrin.png.

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Back to the OP's question... You are right to identify Tau and Eldar as potential problem armies.


BAs have some new toys to mess with Tau a little. The Angel's Wing relic is a nice one since all Interceptor fire becomes snap-shots. Give it to a Librarian or Priest and DS with a shooty unit in front of his Riptide, then laugh when he realizes he cannot fire his lovely ion pie plate at them. :p


The AP4 guns on the Sanguinary Guard will do a nice number against Fire Warriors and many types of Eldar infantry if you can get close enough to fire them.


There are 2 particularly strong flavours of Eldar which are Wave Serpent spam and multiple Wraithknights (nasty players will often spam these 2 units and field as little of anything else as possible). Between holofields, serpent fields and good armour, Wave Serpents are hard to kill. Deep striking a squad behind them can work but even that is hit-and-miss. Close combat is the surest way to down Wave Serpents but the trick is catching them. I would go for several squads with Jump packs and a few strength-boosting close combat weapons such as power axes or fists. Remember your army has Furious charge and even a small squad can usually glance a Serpent to death with massed S5 hits on the rear armour in assault.


Jump packs are fast enough to catch Wave Serpents too. Also, the most popular wave Serpent configuration is scatter lasers and shuriken cannons which is not optimal for dealing with power armour (although you will lose some to volume of fire). If possible, try to maximise your FNP to keep your squads alive. Multiple Death Company will probably do well as will Sanguinary Guard led by a Priest.


To deal with those Wraithknights, you will need units which can bring a fixed to-wound roll with them. Sternguard are one option as their Hellfire rounds woumd on a 2+. A 10-man squad in a drop pod will normally put 3-4 wounds on a Wraithknight on turn 1 provided you land within 12" (not normally too hard with a pod). Upgrade a couple of the Sterniguard to combi-grav guns which are even more effective as they wound on a 3+ against Wraithknights but also negate their armour save. Each Grav gun will cause an average of 0.88 wounds so you will need about 4 or 5 to be reasonably confident of killing a Wraithknight.


Grav weapons mounted on bikes are also an effective platform as bikes are Relentless and so get 3 shots instead of 2 and have a bonus of being pretty good against Wave Serpents too due to auto-immobilising on a 6.


So to kill Eldar, several fast moving assault squads to try and assault his serpents. Back them up with a couple of units of Grav bikers and a big Sternguard unit in a pod. Remember you get 4 Elite slots in Baal Strike Force army? You will need them. ;)

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^ This is along the lines I was going to say.


I wouldn't use the 3-stormravens formation vs tau as they are the best interceptor army out there and all he has to do is take down your middle raven and then your options will be limited. Deep striking a ten-man sanguinary guard with dante and another character with angel's wing is a real counter to them. Take grav on sternguard or bikes to deal with riptides. Whatever else you fill your army with can deal with crisis suits and fire warriors.


In the competitive meta eldar have several powerful builds as mentioned above. The forgeworld Sicaran battle tank will chew up wave serpents and jetbikes. I would recommend at least 5 sternguard with combi-gravs to deal with wraithknights. You'll need all that grav as they tend to deploy their WK in cover. Again a big SG unit supported by death company will do well - if you start them on the board you can easily be in assault on turn two as his wave serpents will have nowhere to hide and WK do not have the volume of fire to trouble a large SG and DC if you use cover in your movement bounds. Just be sure to take a power fist or two.

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Good follow up advice from Shaezus there.


On other thing I would suggest if you can spare the points is to give the sergeant of any squad with grav guns an Auspex to reduce the target's cover save by a point. This is a worthwhile upgrade for any squad that includes a significant amount of Ap3/2 weaponry.

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Immerstum - can you keep in mind that this is a forum for all ages, and keep your posts in line with that.


Same goes for the rest, please.


Anyway, I have specifically tailored my 1850 point list with the new FT Blood Rain formation to kill off MC spam that happens between Taudar and other armies.


Here's a synopsis:


Baal FOC




->Mephiston (175)


->Chaplain (115)

+ Angel's wing




->5 Assault Terminators (225)

+5 TH/SS

+Land Raider Redeemer w/MM (250)




->5 scouts (70)

+snipers, camo cloaks


->5 scouts (70)

+snipers, camo cloaks


Flesh Tearer Blood Rain formation


->5 Vanguard Veterans (180)

+2 vets with power lances, 2 vets with storm shields, sergeant with power fist/storm shield


->10 Death Company (230)

+jump packs, bolters


->5 Assault marines (95)

+2 melta guns


->Furioso (140)

+Blood talon, frag cannon, magna grapples


->Storm Raven (200)

+Twin linked lascannon, twin linked MM


It should hit 1850 right on the nose.


This list is meant to get right up in the face of the enemy and be able to take down monstrous creature spam that seems to be plaguing the game still. Units able to do this are MephStar, 2 scout squads with snipers, Fragioso, and the VV.


MephStar (Mephiston plus hammernators) go in the Redeemer and the scouts hide in good cover to support. The FT formation stays off the board until turn 2, which it will likely show up from rerolls and the fact that they all come in together.


Turn 2, the ASM squad hops down and does it's melta suicide run, and the DC squad with the attached chaplain from the primary detachment hop in and rapid fire something to death and troll any interceptor weapons - most likely they'll drop in next to a broadside unit and unleash hell with their bolters and charge anything next turn with a 2+ save or a blob due to their ability to overwhelm with weight of attacks. They also benefit from counterattack if anyone is stupid enough to charge them


The storm raven flies on with the VV and the Fragioso in tow and tries to eliminate any air or tank threats. Next turn, everyone disembarks and VV get 10 (2 base+2 rage+1 extra ccw) S 6 (power lances are +1 S plus +1 from furious charge) AP3 attacks from two VV and the sergeant lends power fist attacks while hiding behind the 2 shield-wall guys.


Fraggy does what Fraggy does best.


While this is going on, Redeemer has hopefully made it to the front lines and deposits MephStar and its payload into the enemy.


This list, as mentioned above, can take on any MC in the game, even en masse. MephStar doles out S9/10 attacks, VV dish out 10 S6 AP3 attacks plus PF on the charge, scouts wound on 4+ with rending, Fragioso can eat a riptide in a turn, and the Death company with the attached chaplain with his Angel's wing can skip any interceptor fire and use mass attacks to kill either MC or weak tanks. Not to mention the contributions from the Redeemer and Stormraven.

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Thanks for the replies, I have got to say you have restored my faith a little.


I haven't been able to have a good battle for a few months, due to work and such. All I have read is about how tau and elder are pretty much unbeatable and I couldn't understand how and why Games-workshop would make the game so unbalanced. But after reading you replies, I think with a good tactics and little luck, we have what its takes to take them on, I look forward to taking them on, when I get a chance.


Thanks again TheLost

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