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Mephy Question

Chaplain Admetus

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Hey everyone, quick question about Mephiston (and one that might need FAQed). Meph always knows the Sanguine Sword power, and generates two more from the Sanguinary, Biomancy, Divination, Pyromancy or Daemonology disciplines, all well and good. But does Sanguine Sword count as being a "Sanguinary" Power for the purposes of psychic focus? Essentially I can see three outcomes:


1) It counts as Sanguinary, and Meph can generate 2 extra psychic powers from Sanguinary and get Quickening via psychic focus

2) It counts as being from no discipline, and therefore Meph can never get a primaris power via psychic focus

3) It counts as being from no discipline, and therefore Meph gets psychic focus for whichever tree he rolls his 2 powers from


Anyone want to weigh in?

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