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Repurposing an old Assault squad.


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So, I am currently working through my existing Blood Angels collection trying to figure out what is still able to be ran and what I need to repurpose for this new codex release.  I've worked out most of them, but I'm stuck on an extra 10 man assault squad.  I'm trying to decide if I should convert them to death company(I have 20 already) or if I should give vanguards a shot by sprucing them up a bit.  My plan is a full Jump Infantry list with no vehicles, save for a drop pod for my(now forced) tactical marine squad. Yeah, 10k in Blood Angels and not a single tactical marine. Glad I got the new box though, gorgeous.

I also am at a loss for what HQs I should bring.  I like both the sanguinary priests and the librarians for jump options, though, wanted input on what will be most effective in a full jp army.  Any suggestions will be most appreciated. Thanks!

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Oh, I've already gotten to experience first hand how awesome Dante is. He's really just back to his old self forme. Though mmy jp army doesn't utilize any deepstriking so part of his rules are wasted since I run red tide style. Most people don't seem to have a great answer to 100ish fast power armor guys that want to rip you apart in close combat:p Anyways, the vanguards do seem appealing, though not with all power weapons, as that seems a waste. Probably on pf and one pw. Toss in Dante and watch the lols. Or sang priest. Either way, fun:)


Edit: also, not a fan of formations. Particularly, ours. The tyranids received some nice ones, but not really impressed with the BA ones, personally.

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Edit: also, not a fan of formations. Particularly, ours. The tyranids received some nice ones, but not really impressed with the BA ones, personally.


What, youre not impressed by free power weapons, and being able to charge after deepstriking?


Youre a hard man to impress!

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I don't like being forced into bringing units I don't want. Plus they lose the greatest buff we got in the new edition which was the return of +1 I on the charge again. Does not seem a fair trade to me.


Aw come on you know you want a 10 man comi melta sternguard skies of during right behind an imperial knight.

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I don't like being forced into bringing units I don't want. Plus they lose the greatest buff we got in the new edition which was the return of +1 I on the charge again. Does not seem a fair trade to me.


The tac squads gain objective secured, the other squads taken from the BA force org chart get to assault off deepstrike and still retain red thirst.


That's how it works.

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