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Squad for Mephiston


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Now then,


Just after a bit of advice on what sort of squads people are putting Mephiston into, my initial thought was put him in a LRC with some TH/SS terminators and roll them across the board but my local meta is filled with Knights and Lance armies so the Land Raider probably wouldn't make it past turn one.


Other than that squad I am honestly not sure what to put him with, some form of Drop Podding squad?


I really want to use Mephiston and the terminator models look pretty sweet but I'm not buying them just because they look good as they will just sit on my shelf.


Any input would be greatly appreciated!

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Podding him in with 9 DC seems like it would be pretty effective, especially if meph gets a power like sanguine shield to increase the survivability of the squad. They can act as an excellent distraction so your other important units like SG can advance up the table unharmed. I would use the squad to try and take out any scary shooty units to make things easier for the rest of the army. I would equip the squad with 1 power sword, 2 axes and a fist. The axes and fist are mainly to kill TEQ, Meph can kill most vehicles and MCs due to s 10 and force weapon.

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I'm think about adding him to a squad of sternguard in a pod? He can use sanguine powers to help shoot and buff turn he drops, or give him divination to help with output while deterring people from charging them?

That seems like a waste of his awesome close combat abilities... just get a regular libby if you want to improve your sternguard squad.

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I'm think about adding him to a squad of sternguard in a pod? He can use sanguine powers to help shoot and buff turn he drops, or give him divination to help with output while deterring people from charging them?


That seems like a waste of his awesome close combat abilities... just get a regular libby if you want to improve your sternguard squad.

What better way do you have to use him? put him in a land raider or a raven and your looking at a turn 3 charge most likely the only squad he's likly To join with is terminators, which I'm unlikly to use because our other elite choppy units feel much more efficient with jump packs which meph would slow down, remember he's not as beastly as he was but he can still scare people while your choppy units get into range.

I often used a libby buffed sternguard squad in a pod to great effect 10 FnP bodies backfield causing havoc while the rest of the force moved up ( I usually dropped either. Furios or 10 dc pod as well)

I feel meph would make the unit quite scary and you can always split him off to assault turn 2 if you wish. He looks lovely now he can join units, but with so many of great units being Jp equipped both him and corbs don't fit into a lot of lists easily. If you wanted to be a bugger roll biomancy and pray for the relentless power, imagine kitted out turn one podded sternguard charging after using special ammo with meph in there as well.

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I'm think about adding him to a squad of sternguard in a pod? He can use sanguine powers to help shoot and buff turn he drops, or give him divination to help with output while deterring people from charging them?

That seems like a waste of his awesome close combat abilities... just get a regular libby if you want to improve your sternguard squad.

What better way do you have to use him? put him in a land raider or a raven and your looking at a turn 3 charge most likely the only squad he's likly To join with is terminators, which I'm unlikly to use because our other elite choppy units feel much more efficient with jump packs which meph would slow down, remember he's not as beastly as he was but he can still scare people while your choppy units get into range.

I often used a libby buffed sternguard squad in a pod to great effect 10 FnP bodies backfield causing havoc while the rest of the force moved up ( I usually dropped either. Furios or 10 dc pod as well)

I feel meph would make the unit quite scary and you can always split him off to assault turn 2 if you wish. He looks lovely now he can join units, but with so many of great units being Jp equipped both him and corbs don't fit into a lot of lists easily. If you wanted to be a bugger roll biomancy and pray for the relentless power, imagine kitted out turn one podded sternguard charging after using special ammo with meph in there as well.


As I said earlier, I think podding him with DC is the best option. Of course, I think there are better characters such as Dante, regular libbys and Astorath which would be more useful than Meph but if you want to take him for fluff or model reasons I think chucking him in with podded DC is best. I do see your point about podding with Sternguard, it would be an effective unit but I don't see any advantage of using meph over a regular libby in terms of rolling on divination. The "scary factor" he adds to the Sternguard unit is not worth the points IMO, he'll probably end up leaving the squad to assault another unit and then get bogged down by a tarpit unit. Perhaps you could use a DC unit and a Sternguard unit, with Meph in the DC and a libby in the Sternguard?

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I would drop him in a pod with possibly a tactical squad along side with another pod of a DC, if you put him in a DC pod then you might as well paint targets in the models as well, putting him in a tactical squad gives him an extra 8 to 9 wounds depending if you want a preist in it as well etc, that way you are forcing your opponent to deal with 2 threats rather than one, effectively asking "did you want to get hit by a DC squad? Or mephiston and his boys?" that way you should have at least 1 unit survive and be able to do something with them not have DC and meph die before they can do anything substantial
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I'm making a MephStar with 5 Hammernators, and I'd throw in a priest if I had the points.


His S10 AP3 complements the termies S9 AP2 so well. I'm using them for MC hunting and mounted them in a redeemer to either contribute more wounds to a MC or clear out blob squads.


The ability to use a Termie for a LoS with a 3++ is the best thing since sliced bread.


Sure he doesn't get to sweep, but that means you get charging bonuses again and have the ability to charge a new unit while one of your other squads mop up the stragglers.

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I'm making a MephStar with 5 Hammernators, and I'd throw in a priest if I had the points.


His S10 AP3 complements the termies S9 AP2 so well. I'm using them for MC hunting and mounted them in a redeemer to either contribute more wounds to a MC or clear out blob squads.


The ability to use a Termie for a LoS with a 3++ is the best thing since sliced bread.


Sure he doesn't get to sweep, but that means you get charging bonuses again and have the ability to charge a new unit while one of your other squads mop up the stragglers.


Thanks for the feedback so far everyone. With regards to your post depthcharge, what's your plans if someone blows the Land Raider up first turn? Mephiston and the Terminators will be footslogging across the board. 

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I'm making a MephStar with 5 Hammernators, and I'd throw in a priest if I had the points.


His S10 AP3 complements the termies S9 AP2 so well. I'm using them for MC hunting and mounted them in a redeemer to either contribute more wounds to a MC or clear out blob squads.


The ability to use a Termie for a LoS with a 3++ is the best thing since sliced bread.


Sure he doesn't get to sweep, but that means you get charging bonuses again and have the ability to charge a new unit while one of your other squads mop up the stragglers.


Thanks for the feedback so far everyone. With regards to your post depthcharge, what's your plans if someone blows the Land Raider up first turn? Mephiston and the Terminators will be footslogging across the board. 



You can make any option seem bad if you say: "What if your opponent kills your key unit first turn"


In the end, you just have to pick one.


If you didnt use units because there was a chance they could be killed...you wouldnt be using anything.

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I'm making a MephStar with 5 Hammernators, and I'd throw in a priest if I had the points.

His S10 AP3 complements the termies S9 AP2 so well. I'm using them for MC hunting and mounted them in a redeemer to either contribute more wounds to a MC or clear out blob squads.

The ability to use a Termie for a LoS with a 3++ is the best thing since sliced bread.

Sure he doesn't get to sweep, but that means you get charging bonuses again and have the ability to charge a new unit while one of your other squads mop up the stragglers.



Thanks for the feedback so far everyone. With regards to your post depthcharge, what's your plans if someone blows the Land Raider up first turn? Mephiston and the Terminators will be footslogging across the board.

They can still get wings or they'll run sine they aren't shooty.


But anyway, they are a unit I want the enemy shoot at rather than my other stuff. Plus my list has multiple redundancies in place...my whole list is built in mind to face off MC spam that happens quite frequently.


Other than that, I'll just have to place the raider in a good position behind blocking LoS or sanctify my dice by sacrificing souls to the dice gods :P



P.S. If you want to take a swing at my list it's under the BA list section with the name "Baals to the Wall" plus I've shamelessly spammed it on other threads too haha

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Thanks for the feedback. I guess the TH/SS terminators are designed to take punishment.


I've slapped my list on the BA Army Lists section, feel free to go critique it.




I'm making a MephStar with 5 Hammernators, and I'd throw in a priest if I had the points.

His S10 AP3 complements the termies S9 AP2 so well. I'm using them for MC hunting and mounted them in a redeemer to either contribute more wounds to a MC or clear out blob squads.

The ability to use a Termie for a LoS with a 3++ is the best thing since sliced bread.

Sure he doesn't get to sweep, but that means you get charging bonuses again and have the ability to charge a new unit while one of your other squads mop up the stragglers.


Thanks for the feedback so far everyone. With regards to your post depthcharge, what's your plans if someone blows the Land Raider up first turn? Mephiston and the Terminators will be footslogging across the board. 



You can make any option seem bad if you say: "What if your opponent kills your key unit first turn"


In the end, you just have to pick one.


If you didnt use units because there was a chance they could be killed...you wouldnt be using anything.



This was an eye opener for me. So true. Even with the best luck in the world at some points that "Super awesome" deathstar unit is going to run into trouble or your prized unit is going to get wiped off the board.



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Thanks for the feedback. I guess the TH/SS terminators are designed to take punishment.


I've slapped my list on the BA Army Lists section, feel free to go critique it.



You can make any option seem bad if you say: "What if your opponent kills your key unit first turn"


In the end, you just have to pick one.


If you didnt use units because there was a chance they could be killed...you wouldnt be using anything.



This was an eye opener for me. So true. Even with the best luck in the world at some points that "Super awesome" deathstar unit is going to run into trouble or your prized unit is going to get wiped off the board.




The problem with hammernators in a LRR is that you can kill two birs with one stone if you manage to nuke the LR. Losing a 240 pts model and having 400+ pts of CC units footslogging across the board is a game lost before it ever got started.

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I might actually try a different approach, using Space Marine allies...


One of the disadvantages of putting Mephiston with most MEQ assault units is they are T4 and so, by majority toughness rule, he loses the bonus of his T5 against enemy shooting. Here is what I am thinking:


-Take Mephiston and roll entirely on the Sanguinary Psychic discipline (so he should have Sword of Sanguinus, Force, Quickening, and two other powers)

-Take 3 allied Assault Centurions upgraded to have TLed meltaguns and Omniscope

-Mephiston and Centurions all go in a BA Drop Pod (Fast Attack choice).


Now, turn 1 Meph/Assault Centurions drop in and either kill a vehicle with their melta guns (and blood lance, if Meph has it) or shoot up a high value target like a MC or Terminator Squad.


Based on what power Mephiston gets, you should have lots of options:


1 - Blood Boil/Blood Lance -- Can add to the melta-gun shooting to make this unit quite potent againt vehicles and/or high value enemy models, like HQs and their bodyguards.

2 - Fear of the Darkness -- Great if you drop Meph/Centurions into a "high-traffic" area with hordes of enemy troops that have low Ld, like an AM or Tau gunline... can clear out these areas quite nicely without actually killing a single model

3 - Unleash Rage -- When Meph/Centurions assualt, can give the Assault Cneturions 4 attacks on the charge each, all at I4 and S9 AP2

4 - Wings of Sanguinus -- Gives Meph/Centurions exceptional mobility, getting them in position to both shoot and have a almost guaranteed charge the next round (or even seize objectives, with a net 18" move)

5 - Shield of Sanguinus -- Adding a 5++ to Meph/Centurions, who already have T5, multiple wounds, and a 2+ save, gives them a real buff in surviving AP2 shooting/close combat attacks.

6 - The Quickening (Primaris) -- Mephiston can use this on himself to literally rip apart any unit with a 3+ save or worse. Alternately, he can use it on the Assault Centurion Sergeant if up against a unit with 2+ saves, giving him up to 7 S9 AP2 attacks at up to I7 on the charge.


Given that the entire unit is T5 and has a 2+ save to begin with, they should be immune to ID againt everythiing except S10 weapons (pretty rare) and force weapons (also, somewhat rare, outside of GKs). I think Mephiston and his Assault Centurion bodyguard can wreak havoc behind enemy lines quite nicely, allowing the rest of your force to maneuver, seize objective, and/or set them selves up for some serious Furious Charging later in the game!

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I think the Raider is an even better option if you have Knights running around on the board.  


With the Str.D chainsword, you're still getting the 3++ unless he rolls 6s - and thats after Meph gets his 6 (or more) S10 attacks - Then the S9 hammer attacks hit.  

There's precious little that can take out a raider at long range (lances aside)

Raider with 5guys + Meph + Priest is epic. 

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