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terminator lord or typhus with plaguebearers?

Lord Kallozar

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hi all, has anyone tried running typhus or a generic terminator lord within a horde of plaguebearers? Yes I know they cannot join as a unit but just having typhus/terminator lord mixed in with a big unit of plaguebearers sounds grousome. does it work or can it work? Pros and cons?



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I think another drawback of this might be that you would have to roll two separate charge rolls to assault something together, as you would still be two different units. If only one made it you would be short on staying power with just the lord, or short on heavy damage with just the bearers.


I don't have the Crimson Slaughter supplement, but don't they have an artifact that makes the model count as a daemon? Or is that just for casting malefic powers? Because that might make a terminator hc and some plague bearers useful.

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Terminator Lord with Prophet of the Voices would count as a daemon, but the artifact specifically excludes them joining units other than Possessed


Yes, but he wouldn't have the "Daemon of [insert God here]" special rule, so he still couldn't join a unit of Chaos Daemons (even without the Voices own restriction regarding possessed) as the restriction on joining a unit of Chaos Daemons is a question of "Daemonic Alignment", not just having the Daemon special rule.  The Daemonic Alignments are defined in Codex: Chaos Daemons, and are all "Daemons of [insert God here]".

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