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First game, after thoughts


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Had my first game with the new dex... In fact it was also my first game of 7th. Went up against one of the top players in the state with his guard list. Needless to say I got soundly beaten up, but managed to squeeze out a draw.


1850 points. I ran


Dante, priest, libby

10 Sang guard

2× frag cannon dreads in pods

2x 5 man tacticals 1 missile, 1 heavy flamer in pod

1x5 man assault in pod 2 x melta 2x infernus

2x baals, assault cannon heavy bolter.

1 fast vindicator


Probably not the greatest list around but, my normal list was no longer legal.


He ran


Commisar yarrick

Pask in a doom tank of kill everything

2 tanks that fired 3 plasma cannons a turn.

30 man blob with heavy weapons and a psyker, also some dude who made them fearless.

2x vet squads, 1 in a transport.

2 x think they are called hydras

And a really nasty imperial knight.

Ageis defence line quad gun



I won first turn, set up my tacticals on an objective and the 2 baals with vindicated.


He deployed in a massive blob behind the aegis, his only reserves where the veterans.


Turn 1.... He seizes the iniative. Destroys my vindicated, a Baal looses a hp.


I drop in my furioso's targeting 1 of his plasma tanks with their meltas and hitting as many of the blob squad as possible. Scrapped the tank and killed about 8 of the blob. The Baal preds are shredding his blob as well.


Turn 2.... One of his vet squads come in near my objective. The other comes in behind his objective. He scraps one of the furioso and takes a hp off the other one. His hydra are bombing the crap out of my tacticals, lucky rolls keep them alive.


My turn! Dante, Sang guard, libby and priest fail there reserve roll and fail the reroll!!. The heavy flamer tacticals and melta assassin squad all succeed though. I pod the tacticals next to the vet Squad and the turn to ash! The melta assassin squad try to take out pask, but a bad scatter places them at max range with a aegis in the way.


My remaining furioso charges the blob Loosing a hull point to overwatch on the way in. They are fearless and may str in the squad was yarrick at str 6. So I was able to tie them up all game and secure line breaker!


My Baal kills the last vet squads transport with rending shots.


Turn 3... He realises there is nothing he can do to save his blob they are tied up for the rest of them game and pulled off the objective.


Pask shreds my assault squad. His knight kills one Baal. I loose 3 tacticals to his hydra thingos.


My go... Dante and co finaly come in, but I find it really hard to place a 13 man squad with 32mm bases, there is a knight on my right and drop pods all over the place. I am forced to deploy mid field, but I have wings of Sang on the libby which fails to work. So the squad is basically a sitting duck mid field!


I don't have much left that can do anything. My dread kills a single guardsman, my Baal kills a couple of his vets that have moved onto the quad gun. Sang guard are out of range.


Turn 4... Pask and the last plasma tank rip into the Sang guard. Luckily between Dantes tanking and his own aegis I loose only 5 and the Sang priest. Dante is on 2 wounds. The dread knight pie plates the squad but 2 + saves keep them safe. Luckily he fails his charge.


I loose more tacticals to his long range barrages. Both squads down to 2 models now.


My go.... Eager to unleash Dantes fury he moves up the ground to engage Pask, needed a 7inch charge through difficult terrain though which he fails. Libby fails for the second time to cast any powers.


Baal shreds all but 1 of the vets with the help of my drop pods storm bolters. Dread kills another guardsman. I'm in big trouble!


Turn 5...

At this stage even tho I'm getting hammered we are tied. He got first blood and is holding 1 objective with his hydra. I have line breaker and 1 objective.


Pask unloads on Dante and co again. I loose the libby and Dante has 1 wound left, their are 2 Sang guard left in the squad. The knight pie plates me again does nothing, then his heavy stubber kills the remaining 2 Sang guard.... We all laugh.


Both my tacticals are brought down to 1 model each from the next barrage.


My go... Dante finaly in range at turn 5... What a joke! But he's angry (I rolled rampage for his second warlord trait). Jumps behind Pask fails with the melta. Assaults with 8 str 7 attacks. This is when I learnt that Pask and the plasma tank where in a squadron. I roll 3 pens and blow up both tanks!!! Slay the warlord to me and im up by 1 victory point.


Baal and pods fail to kill last vet, he goes to ground behind the aegis. At least he can't get to the objective.


Game goes on. Turn 6


I realise he has no objective secured units on his objective, just those Damn barrage tanks, that have hammered my tacticals. Dante can contest the objective if I keep him alive.


The only thing he has left that can shoot Dante was the knight. I make my 2+ save. Dante lives. My tacticals one in each squad make all there saves and hold my objective.


My go... Dante kills one of the hydra tanks and contests the objective. I'm now up 5v1 vp.


Bugger game goes on


Turn 7.... The knight pie plates Dante. I fail the 2+ game is tied at 5 v 5 as I'm no longer contesting and he's picked up slay the warlord. I loose 1 tactical, but still hold an objective


My Baal attempt to kill his last tank holding the objective but fails. Game ends in a draw!


My thoughts after the game.

1. Big bases SUUUUCK on our deepstrikers, especially large squads.


2. Our psychic powers are cool, but you can't rely on them. I am somewhat underwhelmed with libbys.


3. Dante is great, but he's no tank. I should have started him on the board and used wings to get him into the bad guys by turn 2.


4. Baal preds are really nice.


Thx for reading and sorry for the scrappy editing wrote this all on my phone!

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My furioso where armed with frag cannons and melta guns also the magna grapple.


Sorry my guard knowledge isn't the best. The 2 tanks in the back line had 4 twin linked St small blasts a turn with shred.


Also pask had a tank with 20 str 5 rending shots. Absolutely brutal

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I rolled brilliantly on their saves, think I took 6 wounds the first round saved them all! Then spread them out as much as I could. After I lost a few he had no LOS so they were much harder to hit. I was very lucky though!


If Dante had not have killed one of them nasty Wyrvens off I think I would have lost the lot!

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Sounds like you had a fun time. I had my first game last week (it was brutal, we won, but only two TAC Marines and the immobilized rhino were standing) and I used the rhino for the first time in years. It was fast, and I rediscovered the utility of fire points. Especially when combined with grav weapons.

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Yeah Deep Striking the Sanguard and co probably wasn't the best idea. They should almost always start on the board.


Did you libby have Galian's Staff? That is a must-have item for them.


I'm am not keen on Baals whatsoever now that they are HS. A Fast Vindi costs less points than them and are much more versatile. The slot swap was a dumb move on GW's part.


BTW, Dante only picks up a second Warlord Trait when playing Maelstrom missions, and he can only roll on the Tactical traits list. He could never have rolled for Rampage.

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Yeah Deep Striking the Sanguard and co probably wasn't the best idea. They should almost always start on the board.


Did you libby have Galian's Staff? That is a must-have item for them.


I'm am not keen on Baals whatsoever now that they are HS. A Fast Vindi costs less points than them and are much more versatile. The slot swap was a dumb move on GW's part.


BTW, Dante only picks up a second Warlord Trait when playing Maelstrom missions, and he can only roll on the Tactical traits list. He could never have rolled for Rampage.

I took Galians staff and rolled a double 1 the first time I used it! Pretty unlucky tho, I will be giving it another go!


If thats true on the Dante thing then that is my mistake! I assumed tactical objectives ment any mission with objectives! Although I didnt realise he could only choose tactical traits to!

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Nice report, I think you did well considering he had a very strong anti-2+ presence. I used to play IG and I know one of those executioners can easily put 20+ wounds on a single squad!


Would a damocles tickle your fancy? Turn that 3+ rerollable for reserves into a 2+? This confirms why I include it in my list although I too will probably have to rely on wings if DSing that 13-man unit. That's why I opted for a second libby over a priest - do you think that would have made a difference?

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Nice report, I think you did well considering he had a very strong anti-2+ presence. I used to play IG and I know one of those executioners can easily put 20+ wounds on a single squad!

Would a damocles tickle your fancy? Turn that 3+ rerollable for reserves into a 2+? This confirms why I include it in my list although I too will probably have to rely on wings if DSing that 13-man unit. That's why I opted for a second libby over a priest - do you think that would have made a difference?

Well after failing a 3+ with reroll I would say absolutley yes a Damocles would help tongue.png I would have to drop a Baal or a Vindicator though. In reality It probably wouldnt be the best swap as deep striking a 13 man squad is a bad idea, I probably wouldnt do it again!

Another libby would have been handy although I don't think it would have helped much, I dropped 5 warp charges on Wings of Sanguinus using staff of Galain and still failed to get it off, managed to roll a double 1 for the staff and took a wound as well. The priest's Feel no pain probably saved me 5 wounds on the turn I deep struck so it was a good choice (did more than the Libby anyway)

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Sounds like you did well to scrape a draw against a tough list and some bad luck. Guard rely on their tanks (and the pesky knight) to deal the real damage to PA opponents so I would have been tempted to drop one Fragioso in favour of another melta/infernus assault squad in pod.


I will bear your experience of Dante and the SG in mind. Just because they can DS does not always mean it is beneficial to do so.


I'm am not keen on Baals whatsoever now that they are HS. A Fast Vindi costs less points than them and are much more versatile. The slot swap was a dumb move on GW's part.

I am not so sure about that. Our FA slots seem to be hotly contested in many lists with melta assault squads and grav bikers jostling for space. Heavy support actually seems to be less popular and moving the Baal there does not seem to cause it many problems unless you used to run AV13 spam (in which case it does suck a bit).

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I am not so sure about that. Our FA slots seem to be hotly contested in many lists with melta assault squads and grav bikers jostling for space. Heavy support actually seems to be less popular and moving the Baal there does not seem to cause it many problems unless you used to run AV13 spam (in which case it does suck a bit).



Doing Av13 spam is the only time I would have considered running Baals. Now that they are up agaisnt vindies, normal preds and stormravens, I would never ever run them, which is sad.

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I am not so sure about that. Our FA slots seem to be hotly contested in many lists with melta assault squads and grav bikers jostling for space. Heavy support actually seems to be less popular and moving the Baal there does not seem to cause it many problems unless you used to run AV13 spam (in which case it does suck a bit).



Doing Av13 spam is the only time I would have considered running Baals. Now that they are up agaisnt vindies, normal preds and stormravens, I would never ever run them, which is sad.



Well, running two CADs is still an option for a heavy mech list. Unless there's a suitable formation in Exterminatus... Plus, with Stormravens now being generic, one can always take the Adeptus Astartes Stormwing formation which will free up the Heavy Support slots.

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Question - where did dante take his other wounds from? It almost seems like (or was implied that) the pie plate popped him.  Should have only taken one wound from that. (Unless he had taken 3 wounds previously!) 


Pask with his uber death tank did most the wounds on Dante, he has some 20 shot str 5 rending tank with prefered enemy. Also the Plasma Tanks and there ap 2. The Knights cannon only took off the last wound!

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Well, running two CADs is still an option for a heavy mech list. Unless there's a suitable formation in Exterminatus... Plus, with Stormravens now being generic, one can always take the Adeptus Astartes Stormwing formation which will free up the Heavy Support slots.

Multiple detachments are severely frowned upon/banned from my local area, as are formations. Besides, there is a HQ/Troop tax that goes with taking multiple dets that can't be ignored. And besides besides (tongue.png ) there are a heck of a lot of other units I would ever take in a second CAD before taking Baals anyways... like more Vindies and normal preds.

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