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Does Tzeentch have a Chosen One?


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I feel like Tzeentch wouldn't have a direct champion that worships him but he would bestow his gifts on someone he wants to serve him. Like Magnus for example, He wanted Magnus to serve him but he Magnus kept refusing, even refusing Tzeentch when he tried a more forceful way of acquiring Magnus' fealty. So he gave Magnus gifts, in the hopes that he would serve him and forced him into working for him. This could be different for other champions though, some of them could willing work for Tzeentch.

I think this rings of truth. Logically any interaction with a Chaos God and a mortal would most likely be very one sided, but while other gods may prefer to outright overpower their servants will, Tzentch would choose trickery as it is his very nature.



I think this may have been similar to Fulgrim's fall, as he was accepting the gifts bestowed by Slannesh and let the Daemon into his soul that took control of him. It has been a while since I read the book though. Slannesh would prefer to corrupt an individual until he is past the point of no return.


Typhus was coerced into taking the role Nurgle had for him while his ship was adrift, infested with plague. This seems to fit Nurgle's MO as well leave someone with the bleakest of choices.

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I would argue that the gods would have more than one all-favored champion, it's just those GW chooses to put into production are those in focus.


Very good point.



It's important to remember scale, there's probably hundreds of champions as favored amongst the gods as Lucius, Ahirman, Typhus, or Khârn....and those are simply among the relatively limited number of Chaos Space Marines, there is no way to tell how many humans in the trillions and trillions of people who inhabit the universe are favored enough to go with a Chaos Space Marine toe to toe in the universe, because even though the gods are callous creatures of mercurial moods, the sheer mass of the human race probably means a lot.


It is truly, truly ridiculous how little ground we've covered(And not for lack of trying!) in the last several years with Warhammer 40k, we barely even scratch the surface of the events that happen in the 10,000 years between the Horus Heresy and now, with all the epic battles and titanic struggles between men made demi-gods that it entails.

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