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You're deep-striking THAT?!?!


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Hey wait a sec... if I want to make a Melta Pod I have to build that squad without JPs, right?

Correct. You trade long term mobility for a more accurate Deep Strike, the ability to arrive on Turn 1 and whatever weapons you care to put on the pod.


To me it seems a fair trade, especially as there is so much mobility elsewhere in our army but the value of the trade will depend on what else you have in your list.

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Hey wait a sec... if I want to make a Melta Pod I have to build that squad without JPs, right?

Correct. You trade long term mobility for a more accurate Deep Strike, the ability to arrive on Turn 1 and whatever weapons you care to put on the pod.


To me it seems a fair trade, especially as there is so much mobility elsewhere in our army but the value of the trade will depend on what else you have in your list.


I wholeheartedly agree!  :D  I've never had a reason to build an ASM squad on foot before, this is gonna be cool!

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Magnets smile.png

Hmm... that is certainly an option. I don't mind kitbashing another box of bolter monkeys though. Lord knows I've got the bitz to make it work, lol.

lolwhut?!? biggrin.png

haha, yeah. my friends and I have been calling generic bolter marines that since 3rd edition.

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What do you have in mind for those PGs? Why not go whole hog and give the sarge two plasma pistols or a combi-plasma?


Too expensive. As to what I have in mind for them: just general pew pewing. Two plasmaguns down on T1 for 115 pts isn't awful.


I absolutely love plasma guns.  


I once had a squad wiped out to a single marine with a plasma gun and he just wouldn't fail a single morale check.  So my opponent ignored him and went after something more fun.  I responded by following behind at about 12" and just pumped plasma into his Chaos Terminators turn after turn until he'd had enough.  Eventually that lone bad@ss was taken out by Autocannon fire but that model got a nickname and a repaint for his bravery.

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Has anybody used deep-striking jumpers with the new dex? What are your experiences so far?


Late response, sorry.


Last game I played was all Strike Force (happy to give up ObSec to be fair). My ground pounders took a bit of a battering Turn 1 and 2 (went 2nd) and this is the weak link in my list, but then with Dante's Reserve buff my Raven came on taking out my oppo's Raven; 5-man double Melta/Combi-Melta/Jump squad came in and took out a Leman Russ, Dante and DC shot a Landspeeder down, and a suicide Flamer Asst Squad killed half a Veteran IG unit - all on arrival.


Yes, some lucky rolls, and my tri-Plasma Command Squad with Libby also came down only to wiff and kill two of the Plasmas from overheat, but I think Jumping in still has its uses. Also, I don't have enough Pods yet to do an alpha strike list, which I want to try, but the reserve alpha hit basically won me the game.

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Thanks for your response brother, there's no such thing as a late reply because our learning is always ongoing, especially after a new dex!

Did DoA make a big contribution to getting that hard-hitting alpha strike?

Most definitely.

I had a full Tac Squad, 4 Missile Devs, 10-man Asst Sq with twin Melta, and a hidden Scout squad on the board at the start, and had to deal with a drop-podding Ironclad and Asst Squad combo in my face turn 1. Coupled with his Leman Russ Squadron: Autocannon, 3 HBs and regular Battlecannon (Pask in one) I took a lot of fire and a fair few casualties, some to poor saves. I managed, just, to soak the pressure but had to sacrifice the 10-man Asst to take out the Ironclad, who were then promptly battered by fire with only the Power Sword Sgt left (...although he survived long enough to hunt down and kill the remaining enemy Asst Sq on his own tongue.png ).

But he had basically committed 90% of his force by that stage. Dante's reserve buff and DoA made such a difference to the counter-strike after that.

The sacrificial melta Asst Sq hit bang on to take out the Battlecannon Russ, even though they would have pretty much been in double range with the Meltas had they scattered. The sacrificial Flamer Sq scattered 2" but with the templates they were still in range to deal damage to the Vets. Dante and DC landed pinpoint as well, but again even with some scatter they were still within Bolter/Pistol range to deal with the Speeder. The only major deviation I had was the Command Sq with Libby, who fell out of double tap range with the Plasmas, but the Libby had Wings and so "jumped" again and spread out to shoot at a 5-man Tac Sq with Plasma Cannon (promptly wiffing as mentioned), but the spreading out from Wings ensured that the Plasma Cannon could only get 2 dudes max. He missed with his shot thankfully.

To sum the game up in humourous imagery, my opponent hit me with a brick in a sock early on; I dodged, disarmed him of the sock and then hit him back with it... to full effect biggrin.png

Unrelated to DoA, but just as a further observation from the game - after taking down the Speeder, Dante and my Jump Priest had to split from the DC squad separately the following turn in order to deal with a Libby, Sternguard Sq and 5-man Tac, all separate units. Those units were not on the board at the end of the assault phase. Dante really is the nuts now.

The one thing I will say with this particular experience, aside from having some luck with the dice, is that mass jumpers still need to pick their targets and landing positions carefully, and generally shouldn't go in unsupported as before. Some don't like the new Command Sq but I think it's a great little support unit that can reinforce a flank or help soften up a unit before you charge, without having to over-commit themselves. Also in this game, my oppo was fairly spread out so couldn't focus down any of my units in one go, and the squads I used where either "hit and die (potentially)" (5-man Jump Asst with either triple Melta or Flamer), or "land, hit and survive (with cover)" (Dante/SP/DC and the Libby/Comm Sq).

My list was kind of thrown together as I haven't built the models I actually want to use/add (Sang Guard, 5-man Grav Bikes etc) and it probably won't always work nearly as well as it did. I find though that it's not just the list you create that can be strong, but how you use the table you're playing on too.

Sorry for the ramble but hope this helps. I really can't see me leaving DS jumpers out of my list for quite some time. Oh, and I really like our new book!

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+1 To Shaezus' statement and question, I often have to deal with a friends Stompa, and the lost of Dante's scatterless intro makes it more of a gambit to fire tons of melta up its b-hole.

May need to try this suicide melta-pod deal.

Whilst it will never work 100% of the time, I generally haven't had a problem being in double Melta range on the DS, even with 1-6" scatter. Haven't had a mis-hap in months (but promptly will in my next game now that I have mentioned that rolleyes.gif ), and I still think the odds are in your favour to get the positioning you need on a Stompa.

Also, good players will bubble wrap a tough unit like that if they know you're bringing stuff down to try and deal with it. So you potentially have to invest in stuff that can get rid of the chaff early to allow your Meltas (or whatever unit) to get close enough. I sometimes find that with Jump Packs coming in from Turn 2 or a little later, your oppo has moved around a bit which maybe then creates openings for you to land in without having to go through the fodder first. It's all situational though, and at times you have to bait and hook the target unit to get him to move in the first place.

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+1 To Shaezus' statement and question, I often have to deal with a friends Stompa, and the lost of Dante's scatterless intro makes it more of a gambit to fire tons of melta up its b-hole.

May need to try this suicide melta-pod deal.

Whilst it will never work 100% of the time, I generally haven't had a problem being in double Melta range on the DS, even with 1-6" scatter. Haven't had a mis-hap in months (but promptly will in my next game now that I have mentioned that rolleyes.gif ), and I still think the odds are in your favour to get the positioning you need on a Stompa.

Also, good players will bubble wrap a tough unit like that if they know you're bringing stuff down to try and deal with it. So you potentially have to invest in stuff that can get rid of the chaff early to allow your Meltas (or whatever unit) to get close enough. I sometimes find that with Jump Packs coming in from Turn 2 or a little later, your oppo has moved around a bit which maybe then creates openings for you to land in without having to go through the fodder first. It's all situational though, and at times you have to bait and hook the target unit to get him to move in the first place.

I've told the ork player a few times that bubble wrapping it in grots or boys would really save it some hull points, but he's so disenchanted with boys and grots that he never runs them, just lootas and walkers. Coulda had something to do with my 5th ed DC charging with a Reclusiarch and getting 29 wounds, before the power axe/t-hammer guys attacked.

Oh well, fine with me.

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