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Slaanesh CC unit, opinions please


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So I'm working on a Slaanesh warband and need some opinions.

As an early Christmas gift my wife got me a Spartan assault tank (God I love my wife), and I was contemplating whether to create a 10 man termi unit for it, or a 25 man close combat unit. The termi's would be geared with combi weapons and power weapons with a chain or powerfist added in, and the CC unit would have all ccw's with the champion having a powerfist and lightning claw combo.

My question is which would be better suited for the Spartan, and what other wargear should be added.

Obviously this build would be for 2000 pts and above.

Opinions please.

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You're essentially describing a Deathstar type unit.  Given that role, I would be inclined to say the Terminators rather than a Power Armoured unit.  Though if it's taking the role of a Deathstar, it should be supported by 1 (or more) HQ(s) to make sure it hits as hard as possible.


Something like:

- Chaos Lord of Slaanesh in Terminator Armour with either Fist / Claw or Brand / Claw

- Chaos Sorcerer (unmarked) in Terminator Armour with ML3, Force Axe and Spell Familiar (takes Telepathy or Biomancy)

- 10 Slaanesh Terminators with 2 Heavy Flamers and an Icon of Excess (the other weapons come down to personal taste, I'd go with 8 Combi-bolters, 6 Power Lances, 2 Power Mauls and 2 Chainfists)


You'll want the Heavy Flamers to thin hordes before you charge, the Sorcerer to buff the unit (or nerf enemy units).  You'll also want something to deal with enemy Walkers (the Chainfists), while Power Lances are great for a unit that will almost certainly be charging an enemy unit (and probably killing it in 1 round of combat).  The Icon is also a must as, even though it's pricey, it will grant FNP to the entire unit (including the attached Characters), which will be extremely useful in keeping what is an expensive unit alive.


Now if I had points left over, I'd start upgrading some of the Combi-bolters to Combi-plasmas, which will further diversify the effectiveness of the unit.  While I usually would say "one role for one unit", when talking about a unit that will take up so much of your army, it needs to be able to take on anything, otherwise it'll get tarpitted by something and effectively nullified for the rest of the game.


Even at 2000pts, this unit will clock in at around the 900-1000pt mark (including the Spartan), so there will be a great many eggs in one basket.  But assuming it hits where it should, it could delete an enemy unit per turn, every turn from the 2nd turn (I doubt anyone would be foolish enough to put themselves in a position where this unit will get to assault on turn 1, even if you're going second).


You will need to actively avoid units like Meganobz and Assault Terminators (unless you get Invisibility off the Telepathy Discipline) as they'll cause too much damage to you.  As once a Deathstar begins to get weakened, it can fall apart quickly.


- - - - -


2 units of 5 Noise Marines is 10pts more than 1 unit of 10 (due to the extra Champion) but allows you to target more enemy units per turn with those Blastmasters.  So I prefer the smaller units.  They also allow you to sit on 2 objectives (instead of just one).  In other words, they gain Tactical Flexibility, albeit at the cost of them being (potentially) an easier kill point.

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Why not an 18 man CCW armed Noise Marine unit with Doom Siren Champion and a HQ with them?


What may help though is giving an idea of the points value games you're looking at and if there's units you're thinking of using with it.

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Wow, thanks for all the feedback.

Currently, I'm trying to plan a warband between 1000 and 1999 pts, as this is our usual game standards. But on occasion we do 2000 up to 2500 pts.

So far everything is still in the planning stage. I still need to pick up a few more boxes of Raptors, and need to order afew things from Spellcrow and Kromlech.

Also need afew boxes of Daemonettes for possible summoning, and for conversion parts.


I converted some Blastmasters using Multimeltas, found a tutorial online. But I think I'm going to use Spellcrows Sonic Weapons from their Pleasure Legion line.

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The main issue with a large (15-20) unit of melee NMs is that they're not really points effective, are slow, and can be tied up by a Dreadnought or minced by a Furioso. Plus the temptation then is deathstar, you then want a beatstick IC & invisibility then before you know it your whole list is based around one big 700 point blob that isn't that good anyway.


I'd just run 5-7 man squads of NMs in Rhinos with a Champ w/Power Sword and Doom Siren.

Keeps the cost down, Doom Siren does the majority of damage (plus you can't charge anyway after disembarking), then Champ hopefully uses I5 & AP3 to win his challenges. MSU means you can capture objectives and add in a few Maulers, Helbrute, Spaw, etc... give your enemy a lot to deal with.



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I'm a big fan of Melee Noise Marines.

They are fearless, they have FnP with the Icon, and with I5, VotLW and a LC+Doom Siren Champion they wreck MEQ units so hard that it isn't funny anymore. I usually field them in Dirge Caster Rhinos to take and hold objectives. In my experience they are our best Close Combat unit. Especially if you often fight loyalists.

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If you're set on Slaanesh, the best options to fill that Spartan, IMO


1) Daemonettes - hit really hard, main drawback is fragility, which the spartan solves

2) Slaanesh marked CSM with the banner - good in assault, tough, packs some melta to hopefully eliminate any dreads or MC that might tie you up

3) Noise Marines with the banner - really tied with #2. Fearless is a big help. Sirens are nasty. Make sure you put a fist on that champ

4) Termies - weakest option by far. So expensive, 2+/5++ isn't great for what they cost

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If you're set on Slaanesh, the best options to fill that Spartan, IMO


1) Daemonettes - hit really hard, main drawback is fragility, which the spartan solves

2) Slaanesh marked CSM with the banner - good in assault, tough, packs some melta to hopefully eliminate any dreads or MC that might tie you up

3) Noise Marines with the banner - really tied with #2. Fearless is a big help. Sirens are nasty. Make sure you put a fist on that champ

4) Termies - weakest option by far. So expensive, 2+/5++ isn't great for what they cost

Idk i find slaanesh termies do ok

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Sorry haven't posted in a while, holidays.

Have taken everyone's advice. Have built /converted up 10 Slaanesh termi's, and am working on the Noise marine squads, both regular squads, and a dedicated CC squad.

I will post pics here when done with the Noise Marines.

Still need to pick up some Daemonettes though.

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