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why a stormraven?


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I currently don't use a storm raven but was thinking of buying one. I guess I don't really understand what makes them good. Av12 doesn't seem great and the way they drop guys and can kill a squad out right seems risky to me. I play at 2500 points. Are they decent at this point level or work better at lower points? What are your experience and why do you use them. Or give me the basic scenario on properly using them to max potential. Thanks guys
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I think they can have several uses, but I use them for air superiority and to deliver dreadnoughts.


AV12 on a flier is pretty good (can still go down to massed fire pretty easily - which you might see a lot of at 2500 pts), and since it has ceremite plating it's much more resilient against the best anti-vehicle units.


I like using the stormraven to deliver a multi-melta within melta range, anywhere on the board. Since fliers can move so fast it can hit almost anything, and the weapons are twin-linked so they're very reliable.


Stormravens are amazing at taking out other fliers (except for other SM fliers with ceremite plating). Ork, necron, eldar and IG all have pretty fragile fliers that can easily go down to a single Stormraven (sometimes you can get lucky and get two fliers in the same turn due to PotMS).


Finally, I usually load up my stormraven with a CC dreadnought. It's one of the only things that can survive a crash, and the SR is the only reliable way to get a nasty CC dread into combat. I use them to deliver the dread where it's needed, to make some S10 punches against a big baddy. The downside is that you have to hover the stormraven - but at least it still gets to shoot another round while it's delivering the cargo.


I've always been a big proponent of the flying box that is the Stormraven. I have two, and am thinking about a third for the new 3 stormraven formation.

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Storm Raven is tactically flexible: Can deliver trermiantors, jump units, dreadnought and work as decent AA unit.While it doesn't exceed transportation like StormWolf or bringing really big Guns like StormFang / Doom Scythe it can deliver reasonable sized squads, termies, jump infatry with Dread Support. It can take Locator beacon helping deep strikes and AV 12 flyer is pretty annoying to deal with S7 weapons only. When you count all aspects, you realize StormRaven is more than sumn of its parts. Expensive yes but effective way to deliver Death Company near enemy with Dread support and provide aareal defense or Anti Air support.

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  1. It's our only flyer, so if you want access to all the strengths and advantages of a flyer, it's your only option.

It can deliver a large squad anywhere on the board very efficiently.

AV 12 on a flyer with ceremite plating is actually pretty durable. I rarely lose my storm raven, except for when I decide that the risk is worth it and put it into hover mode.

It's pretty cool looking, if you like that boxy Refrigerator of the Imperium aesthetic.

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I agree with the above points and will add that I plan to run a small CCW scout squad in addition to the Dread. The reason for this is that it is a pretty cheap unit, it is a Troop choice and it benefits from being delivered by a vehicle with an assault ramp. Even a minimum sized squad has 15 S5 I5 attacks on the charge. That is enough to strip 3 hull points from a vehicle with rear AV10 or to put a reasonable dent in most back field units.


For an extra 55 points (bare bones) you have the option to hit another unit while the Dread gets stuck into something meaty and the Raven unloads another round of shooting.

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The matchless mobility, the twin linked lascannon and multi melta, and the extra capacity so you can stick your squad, plus a hero, make it a home run.


The only thing I hate about it is that you pay so many points, for something that does both the roles of a heavily armed fighter, and a transport. Sometimes, it is better to have something that is either one or the other, and you can focus on just doing either with it. I feel like when it comes down to playing with it, you never quite feel like you can excel in either role, since your always holding back in some way.


Viper Pattern Stormraven all the way!

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