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Considering to move to CSM

Frater Cornelius

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Hello there,


I am been contemplating to move to the CSM ruleset with my miniatures. Right now I am playing Space Wolves.

Well, it is not like I want to give in to the Dark Powers. I am and always will remain a Wolf. However, the modelling variety of Chaos is what lures me.

I want my general ride a big-ass dragon. I want big tamed monsters running over the board. I want to use different looking and awesome models. The things you see in a power metal music video.

The limitation of any SM book is apparent when you look at the variety you have with CSM and Daemons.


Now, I love CC. Assault phase is where I make my games. Granted, I run a pretty cheesy setup that involved invisible Thunderwolves, but still. Last time I checked, aggressive melee is where CSM comes into it's own.

I was considering units like Nurgle DP, Maulerfiends, Bikes and Spawns. No idea what Troops yet. Maybe possessed? I do not know.


On a final note. I am a competitive tournament player. Calling my SW/UM cheesy would be an understatement. However, I am one of those rare players that is willing to compromise cheese for looks.. to a point.


Anyway, is there any advice you can give regarding that? Or am I making a wrong move here?



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Re-model your entire army to look Chaosified but continue to use SW ruleset is one approach. It could be argued that the SW are clearly Chaos Marines in waiting anyway with their werewolves!


Other than that. Nurgle is the most effective god to follow ruleswise and lets you get a lot of good looking models too. Check out the stratergy guides pinned to the top of the forum and current forerunners are our Fast Attack choices (Bikers, Spawn and Heldrakes), Troops wise Plauge Marines are pretty effective for sitting on objectives and there's some mileage to be had from larger cultist units IF your opponent doesn't have ready access to template weapons.

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Re-model your entire army to look Chaosified but continue to use SW ruleset is one approach. It could be argued that the SW are clearly Chaos Marines in waiting anyway with their werewolves!


Other than that. Nurgle is the most effective god to follow ruleswise and lets you get a lot of good looking models too. Check out the stratergy guides pinned to the top of the forum and current forerunners are our Fast Attack choices (Bikers, Spawn and Heldrakes), Troops wise Plauge Marines are pretty effective for sitting on objectives and there's some mileage to be had from larger cultist units IF your opponent doesn't have ready access to template weapons.


I am not going to chaosify anything. As I said, I am a loyalist Wolf to the end. I just want to use CSM rules as an excuse to have a HQ flying on a dragon (DP counts-as) or using those awesome Ogre beasts (the big orange one, forgot the same) as Maulerfiends, or bringing Wulfen back by way of Possessed.

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A Space Wolves army that's being used counts-as a Chaos army? What is this, opposite day? ;)


Maulerfiends, Bikes, and Spawn will serve you well in a rush list that can apply pressure on the enemy very quickly; combined with the right units you can get right in to CC very quickly and hopefully overwhelm your opponent before they can deal too much hurt. Remember that saturation is key; 1 is not ever usually enough, 2 is good, 3+ preferred. A single Mauler', or a handful of Bikes/Spawn will likely not perform as you want them to, you need to double and triple up to absorb casualties and force your opponent to make tough targeting decisions.

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I am not going to chaosify anything. As I said, I am a loyalist Wolf to the end. I just want to use CSM rules as an excuse to have a HQ flying on a dragon (DP counts-as) or using those awesome Ogre beasts (the big orange one, forgot the same) as Maulerfiends, or bringing Wulfen back by way of Possessed.

If you do not want to chaosify existing models, maybe make new models but still use C:SW. AFAIK the rules for CSM are not considered very good, at least without the supplements.


BTW, have you seen Skyrar' Dark Wolves?


Are you set on the dragon riding marine being a DP? The heldrake already pretty much is a mechanical dragon. I doubt anyone would mind some conversion with a marine riding a heldrake.

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The units that have caught my interest are these:


Flying Nurgle DP or Bela'kor (my dragon lord)

Jugger Lord with Axe of Debilitating Angriness (another Wolf Lord I have)

TDA (my current Terminators)

Possessed (Wulfen)

Cultists (Kaerls or simply barbarians)

Chaos Spawns (Thunderwolves without a rider, led into battle by the Wolf Lord)

Heldrake (Big-ass dragon with some Space Wolves riding it)

Maulerfields (Ogre Stonehorn, ridden by Marines)

Obliterators (my current Centurion models, meaning heavily armoured ogres with big guns)


IA13 also has some decent ones like the Rapiers, Fire Raptor and Sicaran.


I even had a nifty idea how to handle the Spawnhood and Daemonhood thing on the Champs of the Gods table. Spawnhood means that the warrior is overwhelmed by the Curse of the Wulfen in his rage and turns into a beast (hence my Thunderwolve 'Spawns'). Daemonhood means that he became an Einherjar (google it).

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If your just wanting to field some awesome SW riding non standard beasties then the Chaos rule set will help that. The rules are good but its that compromise for a good looking model you mentioned.


If you know the models you want then I suggest posting up a mock list (with points) with what they will count as, once adjusted to be play worthy by my dammed brothers you can figure out what you want to build and field.

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