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Bringing Lords of War


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If he wants to play a Baneblade.. Why not?

First match you Deep Strike a melta-squad in a Drop Pod next to it and kill it within a turn.

Lay back, watch the rage and enjoy the show!


He should probably also show you the page where a Baneblade is a LoW-choice for Dark Angels.

Because he can't take a Baneblade.


Also: Tell your guy to stop being an idiot.

SHV's are different than Chapter Masters; Dante was always in the Codex while the Baneblade used to be Apocalypse-only.

Our personal "house-rule" is simple, you just inform the opponent before you bring stuff like SHV's or GMC's (the old Apocalypse stuff) because it completely changes the way the game plays. Dante or any of the other "wannabe LoWs" don't do that.

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Funny, I was just musing about the 'no LOW' thing before I came on here. Thankfully the TO for my next tourny has set a point limit - 390 I think - and this is the sensible way, because those SHVs are meant for apoc. Of course you could take a BB down easily enough or at least nullify it as a threat.


Rob, your opponent reminds me of a guy at my old LGS, who everybody called 'todge', as in 'todger'. Let him bring his BB and just blow it apart with a melta drop or two. 2 x 5-man ASM with 2 melta and 2 inferno pistol in pods = 270 points, near half of a BB. Then you can remind him what was that he said about LOW being OP? Seriously though I would look for other people to play against.

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Haha he's bringing a bane blade. Good job. Just remeber man we are blood angels outside of sister of battle we probable have the most access to melta in the game. Three 5 man assualt squads with two meltas and two infernos pistols. Sternguard formation all with combi meltas and a melta stormraven. This will be a fun matchup. Also if he's going with the stock bane blade then he gimping himself it's alright compared to the variants. Wait does he play imperial guard? If not then how is he getting bane blade with his dark angels.
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Man i wish I could take Dante. The libs and priests going HQ really crowds that slot. Being able to take a LoW would help alot. Only problem is..noone in my gaming group ever used one. So as soon as I mentioned it, it was "ill play against it once but if its stupid strong i wont play against it again until I buy some LoW". And "he must be super strong if youre arguing for it" Basically meaning if I do halfway decent or god forbid win, it'll be crying about me using a LoW. My main opponent brings imperial knight detachments and thats fine..but i mention a LoW and its enough to spark an arms race for the toughest lords of war dude can find. He's got money to burn hence the knights etc.


So I dont want to bring that to our gaming group. The knights are tough enough to take out..and since i managed to kill one last game im sure next game there will be some new crazy things on the table as it is. I totally agree about agreeing upon using them in your group. But im not a fan of playing against destroyer table weapons and things that take out 10 man squads with 1 of their multiple shooting attacks.


Am I wrong in thinking there are much more powerful LoW out there? Dante's stats haven't changed. They gave him EW and took unweildy off his axe. I just want the extra slot so i can take sang priests again. Not turn every game into apocalyptic insanity.


Sorry for venting a bit in here. Been thinking about this and was hoping for some opinions to let me know if I'm way off base here and overthinking this. Or are my concerns legitimate?

If some a hole brings imperial knights to the table and complains about you bringing Seth or Dante than don't play with that ass hat anymore. BA codex lords of war are nothing compared to a Knight on their own, much less a super heavy or even a Storm Eagle or Relic Sicaran, both in price and ability. That's ridiculous. 

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Update on the LoW talk with my 40k buddy


So we've been talking about it and he looked at the stats for Dante and Seth. Didn't really sway his opinion, in fact it solidified it. He says his knight costs him as much as if I took Dante and Seth combined with points to spare. And that their stats are comparable to his Knight and Dante would be able to take his Knight out in one round. I didn't agree with all of this but whatever.


But his main force is Dark Angels and they have no Lords of War. He has alot of Imperial Knights as well though. But I think that's one of the main things. DA have no LoW, and according to him their characters suck and the chapter master is terrible. So there is nothing for him to compare it to.  So I say "what if we field LoWs if they are similar in style to Dante and Seth, but try to keep the really crazy ones out of normal matches just for funs sake". He says well the thunderhawk for example might be more powerful than Dante but it also costs 3 times as much so why not just say all LoW are OK seeing as you'll be paying alot more for them if they really are more powerful. He says escalation hasn't been FAQ'd so if they make them a LoW they are putting them in the same category as all rest. 


So I agreed, but also won't be taking Dante or Seth for awhile. It's only fair that If I field a LoW..he should be able to field any of them he wants within the current rules. We both agreed that having half of your forces taken out in one turn from a crazy flyer or monsterous LoW would hinder fun in the current environment of our gaming group. At least for the average game.


 Your friend is a horrible person.


For the love of pete, show him this thread and allow him a right of reply, in the hope that it may make him change his childish idiot ways.


I personally would never play him again.


Or both of you allow to veto one unit each for the next battle.


If he is allowed to veto your units, then you get to veto his. If he refuses, then he is telling you that his opinion matters more than yours, and solidified the fact that he is being a douche.

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