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From all the Chaos moderators

Today is one of those days that modellers and gamers love (even if relatives have to go through the torture of trying to buy gifts for us), a day potentially meaning new toys which we all love no matter the age and responsibilities.

So then, we throw it out to you to share with your fellow destroyers of the Imperium. Show us your plastic and resin. Your rules and cards. That shiny new airbrush set up. And everything to do with Chaos, even if you have to wait till relatives head home or the kids finally fall asleep.

Don't forget those Secret Santa minis too. Lets see what members have made for each other.

Over to you and have a wonderful day http://www.desismileys.com/smileys/desismileys_2125.gif
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Merry Christmas to all, and may your stockings be ever full of plastic heretics

I do love my plastic heretics in stockings...oh...that too.

Drinking, feasting, pretty lights, stockings. Slaanesh clearly approves of this holiday.

Hmm, the chance to be over indulgent. Maybe.
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For who do we hope everyone a Happy Holiday season?


The Warmaster!


For who do we wish all a Merry Christmas?


The Warmaster!


For who do we bid everyone a Happy New Year (of the Long War)?


The Warmaster!


For who do we desire the Best to You and Yours?


The Warmaster!




Cheers everyone!

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The reinforcements for my warband:




1x Chaos Rhino

1x Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor


I think I will have a tank lord to play soon. Hmm, maybe Chainfist/Lightning Claw + Mark of Tzeentch for a cheap and tanky lord. Yup, that will be the case I think. 




PS: And lo my Forge World Black Legion Dreadnought + Chainfist +  Plasma Cannon has arrived too. Along with it also a set of heads for the Sons of Horus. Awesome!



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Merry Christmas, my brothers who stand both wrought in Blood and Brass, and in Midnight Clad! (and of course, those of the lesser Legions!)

I've received, as per usual, a few hundred dollars as gifts from my extended family, so... that's good.



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Santa was a fool! He had the galaxy in his Claus and let it slip away...


Happy Holidays, everyone! :)


My reinforcements include the Black Legion supplement, a Daemon Prince to be converted into Skarbrand and the former Warmaster: Horus Lupercal.


(I also got a Grey Knights omnibus and datacards, but the gift-giver is currently in a purgatory of agony and torment)

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