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A new rule?

Wrath of Humanity

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I just thought of a cool rule that would give the advantage to Daemons in Warhammer 40k and also make the game more realistic. 


Let's call the rule: Coerce.

So practically every Lord of War and HQ of the Daemons have this special rule.


The rule is at the end of every turn per every HQ or Lord of War you have on the board, you choose a unit that belongs to your opponent( unit can only consist of 10 miniatures maximum). With the unit choose, you roll 2 dice with a 4+ to hit and a 5+ to wound. Your opponent can prevent this by rolling it's invulnerable save. Then, if you wound successfully, the unit is under your control for the next turn.  Next, the unit also gains 1+ to Strength, Toughness and Initiative for the next turn too. 


This rule can affect all units except Grey Knights( they are built to combat this rule) and Independent Characters.


Any tips or suggestions? What do you think?


Would it be too OP?

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It would be over powered in its current form but id like to see them add similar crazy rules for Daemons to make them less of a standard army. I have to admit id like to see both Daemons and Grey Knights have a set of rules that go into effect only when fighting each other or cancel certain powers and rules. 


Number 1 you have the ability to pick any of your enemy's units, such a rule should be restricted to Troop choice or to exclude HQ and Elite choices not just Independent characters and Grey Knights as this is to strong.

Number 2 Where is the downside to this rule for you? Surely possession should have a back lash if it goes wrong. Say on an unsuccessful Possession the Unit making the attack should not be able to move next turn.

Number 3 my final change id make is that the move itself is a Psychic Attack rather than an additional turn of sorts. This should balance it and give it a better slot in turns.


I hope this helps you balance it.

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Something like this might work as a psychic power. Both units roll a d6 and add their leadership (with possible + modifiers for the caster), the higher wins. It would allow the unit to move straight away and then shoot/run and assault as appropriate. Say wrap charge three or four. And if it fails the caster suffers d6 hits at strength of the units leadership (against the casters leadership) to represent the mental backlash of failure.


So in addition to the chance of perils if it goes wrong it can really hurt against a unit with good leadership (which tend to be the better units) so one has to balance the risk of going after the best unit with one that is more likely to be taken over but probably not as good.

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Something like this might work as a psychic power. Both units roll a d6 and add their leadership (with possible + modifiers for the caster), the higher wins. It would allow the unit to move straight away and then shoot/run and assault as appropriate. Say wrap charge three or four. And if it fails the caster suffers d6 hits at strength of the units leadership (against the casters leadership) to represent the mental backlash of failure.


So in addition to the chance of perils if it goes wrong it can really hurt against a unit with good leadership (which tend to be the better units) so one has to balance the risk of going after the best unit with one that is more likely to be taken over but probably not as good.

Thats too risky. 

I would say a 2-3 warp charges, but normal consequences if perils. If the enemy resists the spell- it backlashes to the caster causing d3 warp charges to be lost from the pool. 


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Considering that the current competitive meta has shifted to death stars or simply stupidly powerful units and very little chaff in between, it would basically be an auto-win for Daemons most of the time. This rule isn't just broken. It simply does not belong into 40k.

Puppet Master let you shoot once with a single enemy model and it was deemed too powerful to stay.

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