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I have problems remembering the result tables of shooting, wounding, close combat.... is there any trick that you use to remember them? A friend told me that for shooting is 7 - ballistic skill of the miniature, is it right?. In any case, Id like to hear your tips happy.png

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That's pretty much correct for everything up to BS 5. From BS 6, it's initially 2, then a reroll from 6-1 for every stat above 6. BS 10 and BS 5 Twin-Linked mean the same thing.


Str v Toughness it's usually the difference to a minimum of 2+, and any toughness over double Str cannot be Wounded.


WS is more like, "Am I better, I hit on 3+, are you better, I hit on 5+, are you insanely good, I hit on 6+".

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the 7 - bs works for shooting for bs 5 and lower (aka 99% of the shooting)

and cc is super easy, is your ws higher: 3+  is it the same or lower: 4+ is the opponents ws 2x+1 yours: 5+.
I assume you play marines since this is a marine board so your average guys hit everything ws 1-3 on 3s ws 4-8 on 4s and 9-10 on 5s.

wounding is the difference between s and t so if its equal its 4, if the S is 1 more then 3, then if its 2 or more its 2+
if the t is 1 higher its a 5, then 2 higher is a 6, 3 higher is a 2nd 6 and 4 higher is a no go. ex bolt guns cant wound wraithknights because s4 vs t8

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