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Angels Fury Spearhead Force

Drunken Angel

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Question on this detachments special rules?


Augur Triangulation: If a friendly unit with the Blood Angels Faction arrives from Deep Strike Reserve within 12" of at least two models from this formation equipped with teleport homers, then it does not scatter and can charge on the same turn it arrives.


Does that mean at least one if not all of the tactical squads in the storm raven can assault* from Deep Strike on turn one?


Does this also allow each of the three Storm Ravens to transport a Dreadnought which can now charge* out of the Storm Ravens and assault on turn one?



* Each raven must be within 12 inches of two teleport homers. Not hard to do. 

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Id say the dreadnoughts can start on the ravens, but they cant charge the turn they arrive, as you cant use the homers the first turn. They have to be on the table at the start of the turn in order to work (core rules for all homers)

They do however allow you to make a great coordinated attack turn 2, where you could have all your units enter play and charge the enemy.


Angels Fury = 1020pts at cheapest. 3 * 10 tacticals and 3 ravens

blood rain strike force = 620 at cheapest, 5 assault marines, 5 vanguards, 5 DC marines with jump packs, furioso dread and a raven

Intervention force = 280 at cheapest, 5 Vanguards with jump packs and 2 * 5 assault marines

totals in at 1920 pts, giving you 4 fliers (3 on turn 1) and then a total of 60 marines and a dreadnought that can charge the enemy turn 2... 

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Question on this detachments special rules?


Augur Triangulation: If a friendly unit with the Blood Angels Faction arrives from Deep Strike Reserve within 12" of at least two models from this formation equipped with teleport homers, then it does not scatter and can charge on the same turn it arrives.


Does that mean at least one if not all of the tactical squads in the storm raven can assault* from Deep Strike on turn one?


Does this also allow each of the three Storm Ravens to transport a Dreadnought which can now charge* out of the Storm Ravens and assault on turn one?



* Each raven must be within 12 inches of two teleport homers. Not hard to do. 


No, the Dreadnought and Tactical Squads did not arrive from Deep Strike Reserve, they just arrived from regular reserve, so the Augur Triangulation rule doesn't come into play for them.

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you got it bang on:), words are important!


also, you can assault turn one with drop pod dreads... just because you have to be in range of guys with teleport homers, you aren't using the teleport homer rule

you are using the triangulation rule. that's the only rule that matters.


if, on a later turn you only have one guy left with a teleport homer, and you have terminators[the only thing it would work on] then they wouldn't scatter.

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the best way i can see of using this is drop pods, roll for ravens ( and hopefully get them) turn one then move them on to where you want charging furiosos and drop pods full of deathcompany/assault and tac, also gives you the turn one forces you need to survive should you fail the 3 up with a reroll at. Personally at 2k though i'd try and shoe horn in a damocles for a 2 up with a reroll, though a marine opponent with a melta pod that gets to go first will make that damocles pay no matter how well you hide it.


and yes as for wording no skies of fury charging for the tac squads ( not arriving from deepstrike reserve) but podded assets would be fine as they're not using the homers rules, just auger triangulation.

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the best way i can see of using this is drop pods, roll for ravens ( and hopefully get them) turn one then move them on to where you want charging furiosos and drop pods full of deathcompany/assault and tac, also gives you the turn one forces you need to survive should you fail the 3 up with a reroll at. Personally at 2k though i'd try and shoe horn in a damocles for a 2 up with a reroll, though a marine opponent with a melta pod that gets to go first will make that damocles pay no matter how well you hide it.


and yes as for wording no skies of fury charging for the tac squads ( not arriving from deepstrike reserve) but podded assets would be fine as they're not using the homers rules, just auger triangulation.

Those units would still have disembarked from vehicles that dont have Assault Vehicle. So they wouldnt be able to charge

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There has been a lot of debate on this formation elsewhere, so I wanted to get the input here. Are we so sure that the formation rule works while the tac squads are embarked on the storm ravens?


The formation says that the deep striking unit must arrive within 12" of at least two models equipped with teleport homers. I realize the book says to measure all ranges involving the embarked unit to the hull of the vehicle, however this rule being model specific seems that it might operate differently. From a RAI perspective it certainly seems like the models need to be on the ground (reading the formation intro fluff). if this is the case the earliest you could pull off an assault is turn two.


What do you think?

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Per the rules for embarked models in transports, anything that emanates a radius from a model emanates from the hull of the vehicle when the model is embarked.  Mix that with the rules not requiring the teleport homers to be present at the start of the turn and you've got the potential for multiple units assaulting out of drop pods on Turn 1.  I'm sure we're going to see a lot of feelbads when people start getting Mephiston, Corbulo, and a pile of Death Company assaulting them at the top of the first turn.

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Per the rules for embarked models in transports, anything that emanates a radius from a model emanates from the hull of the vehicle when the model is embarked.  Mix that with the rules not requiring the teleport homers to be present at the start of the turn and you've got the potential for multiple units assaulting out of drop pods on Turn 1.  I'm sure we're going to see a lot of feelbads when people start getting Mephiston, Corbulo, and a pile of Death Company assaulting them at the top of the first turn.

yeah but at what points level would that be? the spearhead is over 1k then meph and corbs is another 300 plus 110 in troops tax minimum with anoher 35 for their pod.

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Drop pods are open-topped, which grants the Assault Vehicle special rule.


Well, they would if you could usually assault from reserve ....but you cant (usually).  (I may be mistaken, but they also may specifically mention not charging in addition to that rule).

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at 2000 pts you get:


spearhead formation
3 * 10 Tactical marines, 3 homers

2 * Stormravens, TL lascannon, MM
1 * Stormraven, TL ass cannon, HB

Furioso librarian, lvl 2, pod



8 DC marines, 1 power weapons, pod

5 DC marines, bolters, pod


DC dreadnought, pod


2 * 5 scouts


Empty pod

This gives you 3 pods turn 1 (allowing you to customize which units you want down (I think Furioso librarian, Corbulo and the big DC unit multi charging one flank, and then the DC dread or small marines unit taking on the other flank, forcing the enemy to clump together in the center, allowing for easy mopping turn 2 and forward)

Empty pod can be deep striked backwaters to hold an objective or to hinder enemy movement.

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Drop pods are open-topped, which grants the Assault Vehicle special rule.

I did forget about that. However, i believe you cant charge after having disembarked from a vehicle that entered from reserves. The formation states the unit that deep stikes can charge but the unit istnt deep striking the drop pod is.

Actually I believe that they count as coming in from reserve as it is the only thing keeping them from assaulting out of drop pods currently.

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I did forget about that. However, i believe you cant charge after having disembarked from a vehicle that entered from reserves. The formation states the unit that deep stikes can charge but the unit istnt deep striking the drop pod is.


No, the Formation states that a unit that came from Deep Strike Reserve can charge.

That is different from 'units that are Deep Striking'.

The rules also tell us that units in the Drop Pod are put into Deep Strike Reserve, so they are allowed to Charge.

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I love how everyone focuses on the drop pod aspect when the formation was clearly built for TDA and assault Marines. Fss, no scattering TDA and jump packs assaulting the turn they land, how pimp is that? Why would one even think of pods when you can pin point assault units?
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It's ideas like this that pushed me to 30k. If you have to built a chain of rules to do something it most likely wasn't intended. GW gives us rules for a really fluffy and fun formation and people move to break it.


Play it as the description tells us and all is good.



The Dude Abides.

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