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Can anyone recommend a Gold Spray that looks similar to...


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Hi, I'm wondering if any of you have experience with Gold Spray? I'm looking for one that looks similar to Balthasar Gold....


I'm thinking of starting a Minotaurs army, and painting a bunch of tanks gold by hand isn't something I really want to do...


If not one that resembles Balthasar Gold, a recommendation for a high quality, smooth Gold would also be appreciated :-)

Unfortunately Army Painter only offers silver for metallic primers. Balthasar Gold is more of a bronze than a gold, so if you want a more brown looking Minotaurs army, you should look for a bronze acrylic spraypaint from a reputable brand, like Halfords, Humbrol, Dupli-Color, Rustoleum, Krylon, etc. Make sure it's an acrylic primer and make sure you shake, warm, and spray it properly in low humidity since every brand's can behaves differently and you don't want to ruin your models by spraying wrong.

The problem with using a metallic spray color(or any color at all, for that matter) and not having the same color in a bottle is that if you make some kind of mistake after you spray the mini, you don't have a matching color to do touch ups. You could always try to decant some of the paint from the can into a receptacle of some kind, but that's kind of a nightmare to do.


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