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a germ of an idea for an army project for the new year

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I'm finally getting some free time and money to devote to the hobby.


My idea for the warband name is the death knights. Grey and black armour. Gloomy. Death obsessed. Have an aura of gloominess about them. Very resilient.


Thinking of using them as counts as plague marines. I like plague marines.


Any thoughts so far? Got a rough thousand point list in my head. These are my barely formed ideas so far.

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Thanks. I've even got their flaw and why they were declared traitor.


Their flaw is a excessive,stubborn devotion to duty.


They are resilient,stubborn,straightforward.


They fell as no one updated their orders. This led them to attack the enemy even though the imperium had formed a truce with this faction (not sure on who a rebel planet? The tau?). Due to this they were used as a scapegoat in order to preserve the truce.


My 1k list is two squads of pm in rhinos with two meltas and powerfist.


Two vindicators.


My lord who is called lord angrus blitz. Powerfist. Mark of nurgle. Plasma pistol. Sigil of corruption.


Possibly a dreadnought with multi melta and heavy flamer.

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Perhaps instead of turning because no one updated their orders have a rogue Inquisitor form the truce and have the Death Knights refuse to recognise his authority and them latter being fire upon by the inquisitor and being declared traitors because they killed him and his allies. It just seems that Marines being semi autonomous won't have the kind of system where if no one said to stop they would just keep going.


Lord Lee.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update. Am planning on getting shoulder pads and the first squad come payday. Shall try to post a test mini asap.


Am thinking of using a mix of chaos marine and marine bits as my guys have not gone full spiky evil chaos yet. Plus it gives a cleaner look to the army,which I like.


Do you think any opponent would have an issue with me using plague marines but not using the plague marine models but csm instead? I'd pay the points for plague marines but just use different models. Plus my guys are not half rotted but are solid,resilient.


Thank you for your thoughts. I'll post my ideas and progress here as a way to keep motivation and track my progress.

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