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Sanctic Discipline with Blood Angels


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So, with access to Divination, Biomancy, and Sanguinary disciplines, I'd wager that most BA players don't try to make use of the Sanctic discipline, especially given the risks that anyone using this discipline have for Perils of the Warp (GKs being the exception, of course).


First, let's look at the Sanctic discipline in the contex of the BA codex:


(Primaris) -- Banishment -- Only useful against Daemons, this is quite situational and, compared to the Primaris of Divination or Sanguinary disciplines, is much less useful.



(1) -- Gates of Infinity -- While BA have lots of access to mobility (between JP units, Fast Vehicles, and the Wings of Sanguinus power), this is definitely the ultimate mobility psychic power, allowing you to move a unit anywhere in the board, with no distance limits. I think it would be particularly useful for non-JP units, like foot-slogging Death Company or Assault Terminators. What makes this ability particularly useful for BA is, like C: SM (but unlike all the other Space Wolf/Dark Angel/Grey Knight, etc books), Blood Angels have access to Scout Bikers and their Locator Beacons. Combined with Infiltrate and 12" Scout move, this means that you can have a Scout Biker/Locator Beacon unit pretty much anywhere on the board before the game begins. This is great for follow-on DSing elements, but is also a great way to "pull" in a Gates of Infinity unit with no scatter.


A great way to use this would be to "Gate" 10 Hammernators/attached Sanguinary Priest into your opponent's DZ turn 1 while you simultaneously usig their Fast Vehicle status to move multiple Baal Predators up alongside the Hammernators and Drop Pod in some Sternguard as well... done proper, this can overwhelm your opponent's ability to react by resenting him with so many threats simultaneously.



(2) -- Sanctuary -- Giving a unit a 6++ save is not that incredible up front, but where this really shines is with a unit that already has an Invul save, like Terminators or Characters or Vanguard Vets with Storm Shields. If you have this power on JP/Bike equipped Librarian, then you can attach him to a squad of Vanguard Vets with JPs, Storm Shields, and mixed PWs/PFs... successfully manifested, Sanctuary would give the Vanguard Vets a 2++ save against both shooting and close combat....combined with an attached JP Sanguinary Priest, this would make for a very mobile, survivable, and dangerous unit.


Another way to use this power is in conjunction with the Precognition power from Divination... combining Sanctuary and Precognition, you can give a unit with no Invul save (such as Sanguinary Guard or Death Company) a 3++ save, which can be a game-changer. 


(3) -- Hammerhand -- The ultimate power for an assault based army, this can turn even Tactical Squads (especially if they are buffed with +1I on the charge ability) into highly dangerous CC threats. Similarly, Sanguinary Guard squads go from potent to down-right devastating if you increase their strength by +2... even Vehicles can be threated with mass S7 attacks on the charge (S4 + Hammerhand + Furious Charge) and special characters, like Dante or Astorath, become even more potent.


An example of employing Hammerhand is using it with a JP Librarian attached to a 10 man JP Death Company squad and attached Dante... the entire unit can move 12" a turn, has Hit and Run, and swings at initiative (6 x S9 AP2 I6 attacks from Dante and 50 x S7 AP- at I4 attacks from the DC on the charge)




I haven't even hit on the Witchfire powers (i.e. Soul Purge, Cleansing Flame, and Vortex of Doom), but I think the possibilities of using the Sanctic discipline are great with Blood Angels, especially if you are geared up for an assault focused play style.


If the risks of Perils from Sanctic are off-putting, then you can ally in GK Psykers to support your BA units. For example, you could attached Brother-Captain Stern (with guaranteed Hammerhand and Sanctuary) to a squad of 6 BA Assault Terminators with TH/SS and riding in a LRC with an attached Sang Priest.... getting both powers off means the entire squad  has a 2++ and strikes at S10 AP2, all at WS5 and with FNP, which is about as good as you can get for a non-Character unit in the game.

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Inquisitors, add them in and you don't have to worry about the perils, problem is no JPs :/

Did I miss something?  I thought only Psykers from Codex: Grey Knights had the perils protection from the Sanctic discipline.  Not that I wouldn't like to be wrong...

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Great idea on paper - something I wanted to consider as I run both BA and GK.


Downside is perils isn't something you can risk on Sanctic.
Secondly; nothing can keep up with anything that has a JP if you ally in GK psykers. The only squad with a JP equivalent is Interceptors and Dreadknights - both which can't join another unit.

Both situations work against each other; especially when you'd have to try and roll for Hammerhand with BA psykers.

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I would take GK librarians at ML3 (is that still a thing) and a terminator squad as an allied detachment for the 5 warp charges of you take ten terminators and combat squad them. Plus two BA librarians gives you 7 dice minimum a turn if you don't go ML 2. The terminators DS on turn 2 or 3 and put a dangerous unit in your opponents face the GK libby runs with some BA TH/SS with any luck this accomplishes your goal
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Inquisitors, add them in and you don't have to worry about the perils, problem is no JPs :/

Did I miss something?  I thought only Psykers from Codex: Grey Knights had the perils protection from the Sanctic discipline.  Not that I wouldn't like to be wrong...



They are cheap and expendable? 


Great idea on paper - something I wanted to consider as I run both BA and GK.


Downside is perils isn't something you can risk on Sanctic.



I think malefic daemonology is far more useful, if you can stomach it for fluff reason. 


Take a Lib dread (glances are less dangerous than wounds, can bring a techmarine to repair) and have him go crazy with summoning. You should be able to snowball warpcharge thanks to new units and never have to worry about backfield scoring/support. 

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Inquisitors, add them in and you don't have to worry about the perils, problem is no JPs :/

Did I miss something?  I thought only Psykers from Codex: Grey Knights had the perils protection from the Sanctic discipline.  Not that I wouldn't like to be wrong...



They are cheap and expendable? 


Great idea on paper - something I wanted to consider as I run both BA and GK.


Downside is perils isn't something you can risk on Sanctic.



I think malefic daemonology is far more useful, if you can stomach it for fluff reason. 


Take a Lib dread (glances are less dangerous than wounds, can bring a techmarine to repair) and have him go crazy with summoning. You should be able to snowball warpcharge thanks to new units and never have to worry about backfield scoring/support. 



 Where would a good loyal Blood Angel get a bunch of demons to summon and help generate warp charge?  Its...

Looks at my army of Thousand Sons and Pink Horrors. 


Nevermind.  Interesting idea.

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 Where would a good loyal Blood Angel get a bunch of demons to summon and help generate warp charge? 


"Blood for the Emperor! Skulls for the Golden Throne!"


I can see a certain vibe there. ;)


As an aside, I rather like the idea of a Techmarine to repair the Libby Dread. Shame that would use up both your HQ slots. :(

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Inquisitors, add them in and you don't have to worry about the perils, problem is no JPs :/


Did I miss something?  I thought only Psykers from Codex: Grey Knights had the perils protection from the Sanctic discipline.  Not that I wouldn't like to be wrong...
i was certain it got put in, except now I can't find it :/
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