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Khârn's Burtcherhord

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The BA have some great new formations that really expose the Chaos ones. I just played a megabattle with a guy using the new BA stormraven formation (I bat repped it here LINK if you're interested.)


It's incredibly useful as you can assault after you deep strike with it, and it has ObSec. So there we have an example of an expensive, but entirely useful formation which includes flexibility.

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One question. There are quite a bit of BA formations that have no HQ or IC, so would you draw your Warlord from the squad leaders?

Your Warlord can be chosen from any Character in your army. It does not need to be an HQ or an IC at all.


If you have no character, then any other model can be chosen instead, but it does not gain a Warlord Trait.

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The BA have some great new formations that really expose the Chaos ones. I just played a megabattle with a guy using the new BA stormraven formation (I bat repped it here LINK if you're interested.)


It's incredibly useful as you can assault after you deep strike with it, and it has ObSec. So there we have an example of an expensive, but entirely useful formation which includes flexibility.

I believe your opponent played this incorrectly.


The Dreadnought and Tactical Squads do not arrive from Deep Strike Reserve, they just arrived from regular reserve, so the Augur Triangulation rule doesn't come into play. Also the teleport homers must start their turn on the board, so other units, say jump pack troops, would not be able to assault turn one.


Let me know if I misread your words.


Edit: you didn't say the deep strike reserve units came in turn one, but such units could only come in a minimum of one turn after the formation arrives, which still must roll reserves, even though it can start on turn one.


Just wanted to clarify that the formation doesn't allow turn one assaults from deep strike reserve as I understand the rules. It is also a roughly 900 point minimum formation that requires three storm Ravens so I doubt this will be seen in too many games.

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