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what do you use for spawn?

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cthonians and dark young of shub-niggurath from various 3rd party miniatures:


FFG Mansions of Madness






Achtung! Cthulhu also recently released Cthonians and some sufficiently grotesque Draugr:


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Nothing yet, never been a fan of spawn (mainly the models). But when I get round to buying them I was planning on using the Word Bearers Gal Vorbak from FW. Such nice models, but too big for Possessed. Was going to get them anyway just to paint but getting to use them would be awesome so spawn seem good as they have the same base size.
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@ McGibs: Mate, I love your monstrous Khornate army! And your spawn certainly don't disappoint either!


I use converted Crypt Horrors in order to represent legionaries that have devolved so much that they can merely be used as some kind of arena beasts by the 4th assault company. Since they are World Eaters, each of them comes with a triumph rope and some Butcher's Nails implants, of course:



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I use the base models alongside ogres kingdoms bulls bodies, ork nobs, rat ogres, crypt horrors, and anything I can get my hands on.  Really the sky the limit when you convert spawn models.  I personally avoid warhounds models because I use them for flesh hounds, and really don'y want to confuse my opponents.  About the Gal Vorback, excellent models, but I will be using my for HQ models personally. 


*Mcgibs: Wow those are awesome and so original, great job!

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I use the base models alongside ogres kingdoms bulls bodies, ork nobs, rat ogres, crypt horrors, and anything I can get my hands on. Really the sky the limit when you convert spawn models. I personally avoid warhounds models because I use them for flesh hounds, and really don'y want to confuse my opponents. About the Gal Vorback, excellent models, but I will be using my for HQ models personally.


*Mcgibs: Wow those are awesome and so original, great job!

Yeah i decided to just use my war hounds as flesh hounds in the end

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cthonians and dark young of shub-niggurath from various 3rd party miniatures:


FFG Mansions of Madness






Achtung! Cthulhu also recently released Cthonians and some sufficiently grotesque Draugr:



^these x1000, love my spawn(and all things chaosy) tentacley and lovecraftian.

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