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Frater Cornelius

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I have been thinking and re-thinking this issue until my neighbour cried out in pain and went on a vacation.


Do you think it is worth making a psyker part of your main strategy, even though you can not muster more than 3 or 4 +D6 charges?


An example. Both Tigurius and Sevrin Loth can get Invisibility high reliability (Tiggy has re-rolls and Loth chooses it). This would cry out for a Death Star, be it Death Company, TWC, Centurions or whatever else you fancy.


However, apart from GK, an Imperial faction will never manage to accumulate enough warp charges to roll enough 4+ for it to become impossible to stop. Especially when facing Daemons, Draigo Cent Star and Eldar.


So, do you still think it is worth including Tiggy or Loth as the sole psyker in an army and make him part of the main battle plan? Or do you think it is too risky given how many charges some of the high end lists can gather to stop it?


Keep in mind, we are talking bleeding edge competitiveness, so the opponents will mainly be Eldar, Tau and Daemons.


Cheers for any feedback ;)

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I would agree with that statement, if it was an optional ribbon I could attach to the army. However, what if the army relies on getting that cast off? Have I failed in creating a list because the margin of error is that low that I would lose the game because of one failed cast?
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I routinely run psykers in most of my lists. I run Ultramarines, so at games 1500+ points, I will grab either Tiggy or Calgar or both, and I will build a list around them. My meta doesn't really focus on psykers, but there's a nid psyker spam list and a jetseer list, and I'll still go for it. I can get my powers off decently enough to not worry about it. 6's are still hard to get sometimes. Summoning lists are basically the only thing that will shut you down hard. As per power trees, I like divination for Perfect Timing and Prescience, Forewarning isn't bad either. That's my old 6th ed style of psykery, mostly focusing on divination. With Invis, you want something either extremely shooty like centurions, or something extremely assaulty like Assault Terminators, Death Company, etc. You're basically building a deathstar at that point. For divination, the psyker is usually fine by himself. For invis, he needs backup, like a melee character of some sort. Chapter Master, Calgar, etc. With a divination psyker, chilling with a backline shooting unit isn't bad. I had a fun game with Tiggy where he jumped between three different devastator squads to provide boosts depending on the targets (lascannons, missiles, heavy bolters). Invis, I ran a centurion star. It was ok, not terribly fun, but it does allow you to win. I'll only attempt to run that in major tournaments, nothing local/friendly. When you do a centstar or similar, I've found that you won't max victory points as 1200 points or so is put into a single killy unit. Low troops, so anything maelstrom is difficult. Unless you can table your opponent for an outright victory, you'll pull about and 8 to 2 or so in a good game. Blob guard or Orks just laugh at you though. Those are silly games. So, basic setups I use:


-Tiggy in centurions (GK primary, ultra allies to allow Draigo), devastators, etc. for shooting purposes, going for divination, or invis for the centstar

-Tiggy in Terminators, going for Invisibility, and if you get it, grabbing prescience for rerolls, or Biomancy looking for endurance

-Balestar sorcerer with Obliterators, going for divination

-Be'lakor making something invis, whether a transport you want to survive (Spartan Assault Tank??) or a nasty spawn/biker unit to beat face


Do note, making the psyker your warlord probably isn't the best bet. Tiggy perils to death occasionally, Draigo and Be'lakor (perils->grounded->dead) have both killed themselves due to that as well. Psykers are a risk/reward thing, so I don't have any problem sacrificing them to the dice gods. The biggest thing for me is to find something that I find enjoyable, and do it. Having fun is the name of the game. We push our little army men around a table, and if Tiggy perils, rolls a 6, and goes ham on some terminators, all the better! Hope this helps!

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