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Scorpius Conversion


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Hello, I hope this is the right place to ask. What B&C thinks about an unknown forge world variant that features a clip-fed mortar ?


I was going to order a couple Scorpius for my Death Guard army but at the very last moment I visualized an alternative version. I didn't like the launcher superstructure and wanted to look for an alternative and got back on the old idea. I need some suggestions.


The gun it self: I don't know where to go pick one to modify it; and what to use for the clip mechanism ? To follow the rules the clip magazine was added but still I haven't even put it down on paper but: what about leaving open the roof door with something like a metal net to protect from grenades, as in some WWII vehicles.




I am not sure about the rear ramp. I think leaving as it is could facilitate maintenance and loading the clips. In any case I wondered if the entire rear section could be reshaped. I think some Photoshopping is needed....

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Eh, it's the holiday season, and quite a few members are occupied. Don't read too much into it.  :)


Anyhow, it sounds like a solid idea. I'm always for strange designs in the Heresy, blending 'found' items during compliance with the normal STC's found within the Imperium. As for the model itself, I'm definitely thinking a flat platform would be outstanding, maybe with a few DG loaders stacking shells for realism. As for the clip fed mortars, it might be worth looking into some WWII modeling kits, especially the laser-cut brass cannons some of them come with. Many have realistic panniers and feed trays, and could be a boon to your build. I'll dig around and see if I can find some examples.

Sure no offense. I just always had responses on this forum and seeing none this time after so many views sounded strange :)


However, it bothers me that I haven't found any measures for the models. The whole idea says "a smaller Medusa" but I don't know if its gun would fit in and it seems too big for a repeating fire mortar. The loaders would be good for sure, I like it maybe if the rear hull can be remodeled somehow. It's the difference in general use that should differ from the Medusa design. An open platform wouldn't be my first choice if the vehicles should be ready to be dropped by flyers to the surface. At the same time creating something that has later been abandoned because not best fitting to the Astartes requirements would be interesting and could justify the design itself...


Any enclosed design would have been preferable, so I thought of using the rear ramp as a folding platform. Dents removed and gun mounted on a rail that comes back when the vehicle is set for fire. Gun system slightly on the right to leave space for the driving compartment.


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