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Lucked out with Relics?


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Is it just me? Or did we really luck out with our choice of relics? Theyre not ALL incredible- but the ones that are good, are great!!

I now struggle for which HQ to use on account of how good some of these relics are.

There are two auto-includes for me.

1. The Angel's Wing - The ability to reroll scatter, and more importantly only take snapfire intercept shots in incredible. For the same price as our old packs...i'll take one!

2. The Vertitas Vitae - this is my go-to relic. 15 points for a second WL trait!? YES PLEASE! I usually roll on the strat table anyway- so rolling 2 on that is just golden. Really ups your chances of getting what you want - and if you've taken CAD, then you get to reroll both of those! NOMMY!!!

Here are the 2 that I like, but will probably only take on occasion:

3. Gallian Staff - I like the ability to reroll 1s. Its quaint for a low level psychic army. However, the first time I used it, I killed myself dry.png So, i'm little apprehensive.

4. Valours Edge - AP2 melee weapon at init?! YES PLEASE! Only detractor is the cost and lower strength -but otherwise, really legit!! I think this works nicely with digi-weapons. Makes it quite hot! (EDIT: Thought this was 10pnts more than a PW - only 5 though. I think its very, very good at that cost)

The 2 that i probably wont bother with.

5. Baals Fury - great weapon. No gets hot plasma pistol - but i cant justify the cost for the loss of overheat.

6. Crown Angelic - meh. Stuff thats not immune to fear usually gets trounced in combat anyway :/

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Got my first game in today with the new codex. Gallian's staff did nothing for me since I only rolled ones for how many warp charges I would get dry.png but it's cheap enough and I see the potential so will keep it. Veritas vitae secured me move through cover and stealth (ruins) on a ruin heavy table, this helped a lot going up against Astra Militarum, both giving me better cover and also so my jumpers and bikes didn't have to care about terrain rolls. The first roll on the table gave my opponent -1 on reserve rolls, but he passed all on his first turn anyways. For me what makes this relic amazing is that you will almost always get at least one warlord trait that you will benefit from.

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That warlord trait sounds pretty good if you don't take a named character as warlord!


I haven't tried any relics yet, well I had Angel's Wings in a list but I chose not to deepstrike that unit.  I will be trying the Valour's Edge next.

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I like most of them.

Even Valour's Edge is like a Power Sword with 5 points for the reduced AP.

My only issue with this is that it's really a weapon for a Captain and I don't really run Captains.


Angel's Wing is already my favourite!

My first use of Sanguinary Guards ever had them scatter on a single Guardsman and they all died horribly.

That were ca. 250 points of models gone because of one stupid Imperial Guardsman =(


Fury of Baal is a bit expensive, I never liked all those Pistols because I think they are generally overcosted.

The downside compared to a real gun is already the range; we shouldn't pay even more because of the additional attack.

Especially now that Characters lost their Precision Shots they used to have in 6th.

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I think Fury of Baal should've gotten something else just to tip it into the "worth it" category, possibly making it a "Pistol 2" weapon or the like for an extra shot? Or maybe even making it an assault weapon that gave the user an extra S7 AP2 attack in combat at I10, as to represent firing it on the charge laugh.png

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Is it just me? Or did we really luck out with our choice of relics? Theyre not ALL incredible- but the ones that are good, are great!!

I now struggle for which HQ to use on account of how good some of these relics are.

There are two auto-includes for me.

1. The Angel's Wing - The ability to reroll scatter, and more importantly only take snapfire intercept shots in incredible. For the same price as our old packs...i'll take one!

2. The Vertitas Vitae - this is my go-to relic. 15 points for a second WL trait!? YES PLEASE! I usually roll on the strat table anyway- so rolling 2 on that is just golden. Really ups your chances of getting what you want - and if you've taken CAD, then you get to reroll both of those! NOMMY!!!

Here are the 2 that I like, but will probably only take on occasion:

3. Gallian Staff - I like the ability to reroll 1s. Its quaint for a low level psychic army. However, the first time I used it, I killed myself dry.png So, i'm little apprehensive.

4. Valours Edge - AP2 melee weapon at init?! YES PLEASE! Only detractor is the cost and lower strength -but otherwise, really legit!! I think this works nicely with digi-weapons. Makes it quite hot! (EDIT: Thought this was 10pnts more than a PW - only 5 though. I think its very, very good at that cost)

The 2 that i probably wont bother with.

5. Baals Fury - great weapon. No gets hot plasma pistol - but i cant justify the cost for the loss of overheat.

6. Crown Angelic - meh. Stuff thats not immune to fear usually gets trounced in combat anyway :/

I agree wholeheartedly with this. The relics are nothing short of awesome, even the ones that might be considered "meh" are pretty fine in my opinion.

Think of it, ork bikers that could cause so many wounds normally now hit on 5's. Same goes for Chaos Marines (they're not immune to fear last time I checked, right?). It reduces incoming wounds by quite a good deal and allows your troops to hit more easily, if you haven't taken a Priest for example. Yeah, against your normal marine build the mask is useless, but so are Deathmasks in general. Against an opponent without fearless or ATSKNF it is well worth the quite low point costs.

To me, the auto-include relics are Angel's Wing, the Valiant Blade and, if need be, the Veritas Vitae. They upgrade your normal Captain to a master-minded killing machine with an actual impact on the table, especially when drawn from the Baal detachment and if a Priest is present. When the cowardly Tau wish to blow you into smithereens the next time your troops arrive from reserves, just go "ne-nenene-ne-ne" and stuff the relics-wargear page into their faces. That is pure joy. biggrin.png


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Agree with you Mort, we dont have the one auto-include relic and the five useless gimmicks other armies do, and except for the pistol they are very well priced. They do not make our characters overpowered but they add some very nice things (especially the second warlord trait :D)

Very happy with this new approach to relics, hope they keep it up.

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My first use of Sanguinary Guards ever had them scatter on a single Guardsman and they all died horribly.

That were ca. 250 points of models gone because of one stupid Imperial Guardsman =(

There are some unlogical things with deep strikes. You'd think a group of gretchins wouldn't stop an airdropped Land Raider from landing.

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I quite like the Staff. It's dead cheap, and you don't -really- want your librarian geared for combat. Only niggle is that you lose out on AP3 from the sword. If you've gone termy armour, you're likely aiming for biomancy and combat so you'll want the axe. I think it's a superb choice for a support caster though. Not had a chance to try out the rest yet.


+EDIT+ Oh, and like Mort my librarian fluffed a termy armour save, and then offed himself with the staff half a turn later...

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The BA codex relics are all cheap and reasonable to great. The relics in Exterminatus are also great. After all, yes, I would like to pay a powerfist to give a banner to assault termies to give a ten man thunderhammer squad prefered enemy.

They did a great job on the relics and warlord traits for Blood Angels.

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The BA codex relics are all cheap and reasonable to great. The relics in Exterminatus are also great. After all, yes, I would like to pay a powerfist to give a banner to assault termies to give a ten man thunderhammer squad prefered enemy.

They did a great job on the relics and warlord traits for Blood Angels.


Yeah I'd be a bit more circumspect about the relics in Exterminatus. The banner is not bad, but expensive. The poisoned bolter is edging on ok, but 10 pts is a bit much really. The rest are all incredibly situational and should be left "on the shelf", so to speak.

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The BA codex relics are all cheap and reasonable to great. The relics in Exterminatus are also great. After all, yes, I would like to pay a powerfist to give a banner to assault termies to give a ten man thunderhammer squad prefered enemy.

They did a great job on the relics and warlord traits for Blood Angels.


Yeah I'd be a bit more circumspect about the relics in Exterminatus. The banner is not bad, but expensive. The poisoned bolter is edging on ok, but 10 pts is a bit much really. The rest are all incredibly situational and should be left "on the shelf", so to speak.



 I'd Imagine they're only really meant for campaign games though, not to be competitive everywhere!

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 I'd Imagine they're only really meant for campaign games though, not to be competitive everywhere!



True, but there is no reason why they can't be campaign-linked AND competitive.



I'd say there is because then we'd have a LOT of relics compared to other Chapters (to my knowledge at least) and that might be a little unfair perhaps!

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