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Emperor's children fluff questions

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Hey guys now im thinking of making ny Slaaneshi warband be a Emperors children splinter warband but i have a few questions

1) is it reasonable to have my Lord only becone a Lord Commander post heresy?

2) do all the Emperors children hate fabius? Or is it reasonable my lord could if made a bargain with him ie u give me geneseed i give u half of the slaves we taje

3) would you say having around a 1000 marines in the warband is too big?

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Hey guys now im thinking of making ny Slaaneshi warband be a Emperor's children splinter warband but i have a few questions

1) is it reasonable to have my Lord only becone a Lord Commander post heresy?

2) do all the Emperor's children hate fabius? Or is it reasonable my lord could if made a bargain with him ie u give me geneseed i give u half of the slaves we taje

3) would you say having around a 1000 marines in the warband is too big?

With the legion shattered post heresy, your lord can call himself whatever he wants, it being his warband after all. As for hating Fabius, I guess that would depend on your lords background, some may love him, some may loathe him eh it's your headcanon go with what you will.

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Hey guys now im thinking of making ny Slaaneshi warband be a Emperor's children splinter warband but i have a few questions

1) is it reasonable to have my Lord only becone a Lord Commander post heresy?

2) do all the Emperor's children hate fabius? Or is it reasonable my lord could if made a bargain with him ie u give me geneseed i give u half of the slaves we taje

3) would you say having around a 1000 marines in the warband is too big?

With the legion shattered post heresy, your lord can call himself whatever he wants, it being his warband after all. As for hating Fabius, I guess that would depend on your lords background, some may love him, some may loathe him eh it's your headcanon go with what you will.

I just dont want to go against canon too much haha.


I suppose on one hand my lord probably hates fabius deep down but he knows if he wants his warband to survibe and grow stronger he needs his skills

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Well as its your warband you can run with it how you want, although from what I gathered most of the legions need Fabius Bile in some form or another, so it wouldn't be too out of the way to consider having him deal with your warband in a 'You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' capacity.

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Well as its your warband you can run with it how you want, although from what I gathered most of the legions need Fabius Bile in some form or another, so it wouldn't be too out of the way to consider having him deal with your warband in a 'You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' capacity.

Good point :p now im tempted to have my marines annoying the hell out of the smurfs

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Hey guys now im thinking of making ny Slaaneshi warband be a Emperor's children splinter warband but i have a few questions

1) is it reasonable to have my Lord only becone a Lord Commander post heresy?

2) do all the Emperor's children hate fabius? Or is it reasonable my lord could if made a bargain with him ie u give me geneseed i give u half of the slaves we taje

3) would you say having around a 1000 marines in the warband is too big?

1. As previously mentioned, it's his warband, he can call himself what he wants. In addition I think promotions would be common due to the attrition of fighting for ten millennia. In fact it would be unbelievable for a group of Chaos Marines to continue in an organization without an attainable means to gain more power like promotions. Especially ones as self centered as Emperor's Children.


2. In regards to Fabious Bile, some warbands may still hate him and refuse to cooperate with him in any fashion, but it is also feasible that over the course of thousands if years some warbands have come to some sort of accommodation with him. That being said, there all of course other methods of replenishing your men than Fabious Bile.


3. A thousand Astartes seems about right for a warband with a modest fleet and territory, it is comparable to a loyalist chapter.

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1: The Emperor's Children Legion High Command does not dissolve until after the Legion Wars, so a Lord Commander during the Scouring era, or even Legion Wars era, is possible.


2: They might hate him, but they aren't above working for him/with him as seen in Talon of Horus.


3: No it's a fine number. Some Warbands can even have many thousands, and when a Legion is united it could have 100,000+ Marines.

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1: The Emperor's Children Legion High Command does not dissolve until after the Legion Wars, so a Lord Commander during the Scouring era, or even Legion Wars era, is possible.


2: They might hate him, but they aren't above working for him/with him as seen in Talon of Horus.


3: No it's a fine number. Some Warbands can even have many thousands, and when a Legion is united it could have 100,000+ Marines.



I actually really doubt that a lot of Emperors Children hate Fabius, they might *look down* on him for not following Slaanesh, but the Emperors Children have worked with him as recently as 37M.


Warband relations are rarely so cut and dry as love and hate anyway, in a hell/heaven/purgatory dimension where myths and gods are real the relationship between the warped mortals within is...complicated. Allegiances mean different things to different people, and to the Emperors Children as long as you're doing the work of Slaanesh they probably couldn't care less if you're a World Eater, of all the groups in the Eye they are the most self-centered and laid back, much like how Slaanesh 'hates' Khorne but only takes about 5 seconds(Or five hundred years in mortal eyes.) to actually devote any hate to him before returning to her own pleasures.


I would even go so far as to say the Emperors Children probably hang out with Fabius quite a lot.

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