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Counts as Skitaari ideas


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Clarification: I'm talking about the infantry that are used to guard titans and high ranking individuals. For example, the ones in Titanicus.


So these guys often appear in fluff where titans have a pivotal role in the plot. I'd argue that they were one of the Mechanicus infantry units we knew the most about before FW came out and made the Mechanicum army. But we have yet to see skitaari released from FW.


Well we know Skitaari are gene enhanced, bionically modified super soldiers. They are often used to protect Mechanicum war machines from enemy infantry. We also know they are large and in most cases very tribal looking as they are covered in feathers and animal skins.


Because of all this, I was thinking the Bullgryn kit and rules would be a good way of representing them on the field. There are lots of possibilities for conversions. Best of all, there is a formation of Bullgryn that you can take that gives them fearless, fear, counter attack, and an extra +1 to cover saves for friendly models behind them. Best part is that they are a formation so you can bring them into any army without worrying about also getting 1 troop and 1HQ.


Obviously, you can't bring them in a Mechanicum army, as you can't mix and match 40k and 30k. My idea was to bring them in knight armies. The Bullgryn would grant knights a cover save on one side, allowing you to raise ion shields on a different side. They can also block charges from things like chainfist terminators, or blob squads with melta bombs, protecting your knights from a gruesome death.


Only downside is Bullgryn can't keep up with knights and they are expensive points wise.


What are your thoughts on this idea, and what models/rules would make better skitaari?

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I keep thinking of Skitarii as Tempestus Scions (Storm Troopers), as they have similar weapons- the hellgun (hot-shot lasgun), according to the Ciaphas Cain novels- and have a similar reputation for discipline. Of course, the Skitarii's descriptions do vary; it's safe to assume different forge worlds have different training and augmentation programs for their Skitarii, so a Bullgryn can also count as a Skitarius with gene-modifications to increase physical strength, if you have the right fluff for the forge world he's from. You might even use Space Marine scouts as Skitarii, but remember to replace their boltgun with hellguns (hot-shot lasguns).

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One idea I was toying around with before the Mechanicum was released was SM Scouts to represent Hypaspists, Dreadnoughts as Imperial Robots, 5 man Dev squads as Sagitarii and using attack bikes as Praetorians with a MotF as magos. The first two are obvious as Bjorn has pointed out how to represent the Hypaspists and Dreads share parts with Robots. Praetorians are as varied as skitarii descriptions but the one I was thinking of were the multi-weapon servitors that used ogryns as their foundation. On one arm you've got a combi-bolter and the other has a heavy bolter/multi-melta and for legs you've got wheels, treads or even MORE legs.

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Well storm troopers can easily be represented by FW's Adsecularis covenant. They are also easy to ally in thanks to the storm trooper codex. Might have to look into them for allying with my IH.


Malus your idea works even better now with IH tactics. My problem is if I'm going to use space marines rules, I might as well use marine models. My mind is weird like that.


I really hope FW standardizes what a skitaari is and gives names and details on what each unit is. I'd love some Titan skitaari. Their tribal brutality is such a great contrast to the calculated coldness of typical mechanicus units.

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There's a rumour going around that GW have a new codex coming for a new force, some are saying from the description in the rumour that Skitarii are being described and 40k Mechanicus are coming.

I`ve been waiting for something like that for the last twenty years, since the old "Grey Codex" in the second edition starter box. I really hope this rumor turns out to be the truth

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Awesome news, that means we won't have to do counts as armies for much longer!


Anyways, I'd like to steer us back on topic. You guys have given great ideas for basic skitaari, but I'm looking for ideas for the gene bulked brutes that fight at the feet of titans.

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As I've said in the news and rumors section, while I like the idea on a list, I hope it's just that using Scions. Due in part because skitarii are equivalent to Inq. Storm troopers and Scions. I'd rather have them make it something like a data slate for Guard. Models are nice, but I'd rather have conversions and see peoples take on things then the company run out every aspect of diy hobby. Give us rules and wargear, that is all!
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Awesome news, that means we won't have to do counts as armies for much longer!

Anyways, I'd like to steer us back on topic. You guys have given great ideas for basic skitaari, but I'm looking for ideas for the gene bulked brutes that fight at the feet of titans.

I've been piecing together a count as skitarii force with some iron hands centurions modeled as praetorians, ogryns with treads.

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