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Painting Sang Guard


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Alright, I've taken pics of the test model. My painting method was: Black spray as a primer, 1:1 mix of Balthasar Gold and Abbadon Black as an undercoat, straight Balthasar Gold as a basecoat, wash of Seraphim Sepia, watered down wash of Agrax Earthshade, layer of Gehenna's Gold leaving the darker colour in the recesses, another wash of Seraphim Sepia, another layer of Gehenna's gold, this time leaving a little more of the darker colour showing to build up a stronger gold on the most raised areas, thick edge highlight of 1:1 Gehenna's gold Mithril Silver (I also put this on the most raised areas of the armour like he middle of the shoulder pad), another Seraphim Sepia wash, then a final edge highlight of Mithril Silver. I then painted all the details. I think the gold looks nice, but I don't particularly like the Mithril Silver highlight. Next I'm going to try the method Luther used on Tycho. Thanks to Midnight angel I now know how to post pics, so here they are:






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That's not copper, it looks like red gold if anything.. It's not the unit's signature color, but it could easily look good; however the red shoulder trims really ruin the paintjob for me.  I suggest you switch the shoulderpad scheme around; red insides, gold trims.  That way the whole thing will come together much better.

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That's not copper, it looks like red gold if anything.. It's not the unit's signature color, but it could easily look good; however the red shoulder trims really ruin the paintjob for me.  I suggest you switch the shoulderpad scheme around; red insides, gold trims.  That way the whole thing will come together much better.

Don't worry, I already decided on red pads and gold trim, I agree about the red trim not looking too good. What do you guys suggest for a more 'gold-ish' gold? The photo makes the model look very different to the actual thing though, the actual model isn't so coppery. 

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Could I replace the mithril silver highlight with an auric armour gold? Or maybe use mithril silver for the sharpest edges but mainly use auric gold for highlighting?


That's what I was thinking.


Really though, go with what looks best to you. They're your models, and I do like the effect you already have.

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My Sang Guard are going to have to wait for 3 weeks, because I'm going to the states on holiday! Unfortunately I haven't gotten the gold Luther suggested, but hopefully I can get it cheap in the states (it's pretty steep at $15 a tube here in New Zealand!)

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My method was:

1) Tin Bitz base coat

2) Spray Shoning Gold from above (couple of coats)

3) Sprayed highlights with Vallejo Model Air Gold

4) Wash with Daler Rowney sepia ink mixed with Johnsons Klear




I wish i could do my jump packs like that O_O

Not just the packs I've never considered doing guard for FT but these look nice and a little darker.

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