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Captain of the Sanguinary Guard stats .....


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Would it be safe to use the stats for Chapter Champion in C:SM for the current Captain of the Sanguinary Guard?

Seems he would be the chapter champion of the Blood Angels?

I think you could even use Captain stats for the Sang Guard leader, apparently called Sepharan.

In the 5th edition codex, there were some really cool background stories in the Sang Guard unit entry, describing how each and every one of these individuals are basically part of the legend of the chapter, and how they're demigods even among space marines. Sadly, their profile never reflected that, and still it doesn't do those stories justice. However, the Captain of the Sanguinary Guard isn't quite a chapter champion in my opinion. Yes, there's no other "honour guard" type unit, but then the Sang Guard is no honour guard for the Chapter Master, but a traditional insitution that once served to protect the Primarch. In my opinion, there's a big difference in that. They're an autonomous force within the chapter, belong to no company and to no individual. In one story, they asked Dante for his permission to send the entire Sang Guard with the Grey Knights to kill off some demon hosts, but I think they're not the same thing as the Honour Guard in C:SM, at least fluff-wise.

If you want to "field" the Captain of the Sanguinary Guard, of course you can use the stats of C:SM HG champion, just explicitly explain it to your opponent that you're using a different codex. If you wanted to have your force led by Sepharan, just take a Captain and paint him gold. msn-wink.gif


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Thanks Snorri. And like you I love G&F ... Gotrek and Felix is what first brought me into the Black Library's works. At that time I said "Fantasy and Sci Fi mixed in WH40K? .. not the least bit interested I'm 100% fantasy" .....hahahaha and here I am now. I must have missed the C:SM HG champion in that codex, I'll look for it again.

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Thanks Snorri. And like you I love G&F ... Gotrek and Felix is what first brought me into the Black Library's works. At that time I said "Fantasy and Sci Fi mixed in WH40K? .. not the least bit interested I'm 100% fantasy" .....hahahaha and here I am now. I must have missed the C:SM HG champion in that codex, I'll look for it again.

Yeah started with Fantasy as well tongue.png

Now, please not that you'd have to take an unit of HG from the codex to have the rules of that HG champion. An easier way is to treat Sepharan as the leader of a SG force or something similar, since SG don't have Sergeants. Guess it comes down to your opponent whether he/she allows it or not. msn-wink.gif


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