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best anti armour spam for blood angels?


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If you're allowed FW, then you cant go wrong with a Mars Legacy Sicaran - 160points for 6x twinlinked, S7, Ap4, rending, tank-hunter shots at BS4.  

Not spammy- but i certainly like.  Other than that - i think 165 points for 3 MM attack bikes is great.


And then of course we have the now famous  "Melta Death Drop" - 5ASM, 2IPs, 2MGs in a pod - 135 points.  Cant beat that. 

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If all you really want is to pop armour, it's hard to top melta pod ASM. That said, I'm not keen on those because they are extremely limited at other tasks.

Specialisation brings a greater chance of success in any given role. A unit that has one special weapon good vs armour and one good vs infantry means they will be unlikely to do a complete job vs either.


The 4 melta shots from a meltacide squad allows - to some extent - for misses, failed pens and cover saves. One or two only and you're really counting on your luck. Besides, few units can truly excel against a variety of unit types.

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If you're allowed FW, then you cant go wrong with a Mars Legacy Sicaran - 160points for 6x twinlinked, S7, Ap4, rending, tank-hunter shots at BS4.


Not spammy- but i certainly like. Other than that - i think 165 points for 3 MM attack bikes is great.


And then of course we have the now famous "Melta Death Drop" - 5ASM, 2IPs, 2MGs in a pod - 135 points. Cant beat that.

I like that tank and can use it. I think I will try one this weekend. Thanks
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Attackbikers are king and under apreciated.

Maximum 3 shots per unit, highly unlikely to get in melta range on turn one even if you go second. Their value lies in the threat they pose from turn two onwards, if they live that long. Suited to some builds more than others i.e. Mech vs pod.

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Podded melta all the way! I find them more reliable than attack bikes, as the opponent doesn't get a round of shooting at them, and they can also take out your opponents key units before his first turn! I run 3 squads in my 2k pt list, along with 2 tactical squads with flamer, heavy flamer and combi flamer. This is really versatile and means I can take on pretty much anyone- green tide or guard horde? No problemo, my flamer tacs can heavily reduce their numbers t1, and distract them from the Dantestar advancing up the field. Land Raider full of hammernators? That's fine, my meltas can destroy raider and the termis will be footslogging the rest of the game! Nasty baneblade or monolith ready to destroy my transports and put pie plates on my expensive jumpers? T1 meltas will deal with that too thumbsup.gif ! Sorry I'm so overly enthusiastic about podded meltas, but I really really love these guys tongue.png

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With old dex attack bikes dominated anti armor point for point. In the new one assault marines with pod and melta are really undercosted. No other unit can really compete with them per point. 2 melta + combi, or some prefer 2 melta + 2 infernus. 

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Maybe I play it wrong, but ASM melta in pod doesn't work good for me. If opponent wants to protect his important armoured units he just places an infantry units shielding his tanks (imperial guard is particularly irritating in this way). I lean towards attack bikes, or grav bikes now.

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This is where the frying squad comes in smile.png

10 tacticals. Heavy flamer, flamer, combiflamer. In a pod.

Should clear up the bubble-wrap enough for the meltacide to do their thing.

That's starting to be a lot of points invested to nuke a single tank. 315-335 pts, depending on how the meltacide squad is geared. Short of killing a LR full of assault termies, its probably not worth it.

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This is where the frying squad comes in smile.png

10 tacticals. Heavy flamer, flamer, combiflamer. In a pod.

Should clear up the bubble-wrap enough for the meltacide to do their thing.

That's starting to be a lot of points invested to nuke a single tank. 315-335 pts, depending on how the meltacide squad is geared. Short of killing a LR full of assault termies, its probably not worth it.

Nuking a tank and the infantry around it don't forget.

Like most things it's situational but if say for example, he has an executioner with PC sponsons wrapped by a 30-man blob, and that executioner is the only real threat to my advancing SG, then it's a clear priority.

Besides, you get to kill two birds with one stone. And he has to deal with a strong tactical squad and a melta squad sitting in his DZ, whilst being aware he is going to be hit by SG and DC the next turn. So that's even more of the oppo's PV soaked up by something that has already done its job.

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Maybe out of vogue these days, but there is always the option to run Lascannon devs or a predator annihilator. While maybe not as killy as a pod full of stern guard w/ combi-melta, they are also not a suicide unit. And the AV13 on the predator is much more survivable in 7E than it was in 6th. 

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I'll have to ask one more thing, because even flaming an enemy unit with a second squad sounds good... it still doesn't get me close enough the tank with my meltas at the time I'm deploying from a drop pod

If he has his blob in a 6" bubble all the way round then granted, either go ahead without the melta bonus or try another option such as those mentioned above.


In 6th ed I ran las devs for a while. Even had them in a bastion, which worked most awesomely.

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