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What can an Inquisitor do for you today?


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I think Blood Angels may benefit signficantly from taking an Inquisatorial detachment as an ally. Here are some reasons why:


-Cheap Henchman squads -- Even though BA Tacs/Scouts are cheaper now, they have nothing on Bolter Acolytes for the price of a MB each and the ability to take 3 SWs per squad and a Divination Psyker for two MBs each. These squads can either ride a Psybolt Chimera (6 x S6 AP4 shots at 36" a turn), a Valkyrie, a Land Raider, or even piggyback in on a Blood Angel Drop Pod to be exceptionally dangerous.


-Dangerous CC Squads -- As an alternate (or supplement) to Death Company, you can take Inquisatorial Henchman with DCA and/or Crusaders and a Priest or two (for War Hymns). Have this unit come out of a Land Raider or even a BA Stormraven and they will tear up almost anything you point them at, especially if you combine them with a BA Librarian with the Unleash Rage ability (DCA each have 5 x S4 AP3 attacks on the charge, all at WS5 and I6 with re-rolls to hit from Priest Zealot if you cast Unleash Rage on them). Escort a combat Psyker like Mephiston or a assault HQ like Gabrieth Seth with one of these squads and you can buzzsaw through almost any target unit.


-Coteaz -- Still a tremendous "force multiplier" unit, especially with access to Divination and his "I've been expecting you" rule that gives him the ability to take free shots at enemy units arriving from reserve within 12" of him. Put him with a Devastator squad full of Plasma Cannons in the backline and watch the fireworks begin.


-Servo-skulls -- With Descent of the Angels WL trait (Dante gets this automatically), your JP units already only scatter D6". Throw in some Servo skulls and you can be scattering 0" with your Sanguinary Guard, JP Command Squads, and JP Death Company, which a tremendous tactical boon for an army dependant on accurate deep-striking.


-Rad grenades -- An Ordos Xenos Inquisitor is now one of the only units in the game that can take close-combat rad grenades. Attach him to a squad of your choice and, when assaulting, you have +1S from Furious Charge and the enemy has -1T from rad grenades, giving you a net effect of wounding on 2+s against anything T4 or below, which is most units in the game. Even against MCs, which are usually T6, rad grenades drop them down to  T5, which means that they can be IDed by S10 attacks, like Mephiston's Sanguine Sword or Furioso Dread's Blood Talons.


-Inquisatorial Relics -- These are situational, but being able to give a free Scout move to any unit joined by an Inquisitor with the right Relic can be key, especially if that unit has a Dedicated Transport (say Assault Terminators riding in a LRC).


-Psyocculum -- Attach an Inquisator with this piece of Wargear and dual Plasma Pistols to a squad of 6 Sternguard Vets in a Drop Pod with Combi-plasmas each and then bring them all down within 12" of any enemy Psyker, such as a Hive Tyrant or Warlock Council or GK Grand Master or Centurion deathsatr with attached Psyker... you then can unleash 14 Plasma shots, all at BS10, so basically guaranteed to hit, wounding on 2+s, and ignoring all armor saves... should pretty much kill anything not AV13/14 they engage in a single volley if the target is a Psyker/has a Psyker attached.

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Nice review glad to see this and I totally missed the Mephiston Rad Grenade Combo should be terrifying. A friend of mine Runs the Swarmlord often and brags about how he had gone 2-0 against the mighty Meph. I aim to change that. Also if I am not mistaken it's 3 points for a servoskull. So if you take a Pistol on a Priest you can get 3 servoskulls for the OCD players and not have any extra points laying around.
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Inq PsykOut grenades also reduce Psykers to I1 (hi Grey Knights!).


Liber Heresius can give the bearer's Unit Scout, Counter Attack, Hatred each once a game.


Ulumethi Plasma Syphon can mitigate incoming Plasma Shots against Assault TDA.


Inq Chimeras are AV12 Front and still allow 5 Models to fire out of them.


Inq Chimeras can also still take PsyBolt for 6 HB shots of S6 (hi TWC!).


Jokaeros and Servitors can give you a Plasma Cannon / LasCannon firebase.


And Inq Psykers can still take Telepathy.



Gosh, I like Inq.

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Ordo Xenos Inquisitor: liber heresius, rad grenades, psyker lvl 1 (hammer hand)


Put him with 9 DC in a drop pod.  Turn one declare counter charge on the unit, drop pod, cast hammer hand, kill a tank with infernus pistols.  Dare an enemy to charge you.  Turn two...reap the whirlwind of St 6 DC with hatred and enemies at -1 T.


You could also use the liber heresius to scout a unit of JP Vanguard or Sanguard forward and then leave him behind as the unit advances with their jump packs.

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Ordo Xenos Inquisitor: liber heresius, rad grenades, psyker lvl 1 (hammer hand)

Put him with 9 DC in a drop pod. Turn one declare counter charge on the unit, drop pod, cast hammer hand, kill a tank with infernus pistols. Dare an enemy to charge you. Turn two...reap the whirlwind of St 6 DC with hatred and enemies at -1 T.

You could also use the liber heresius to scout a unit of JP Vanguard or Sanguard forward and then leave him behind as the unit advances with their jump packs.

Uhm, two little things!

The DC would be Strength 7, since Hammerhand gives +2 smile.png With my beloved Power Lances that could be S8, allowing you to ID TWC and friends.

You have to use the Liber Heresius at the start of the turn, I am not 100% sure that you could use the Drop Pod, disembark and then give them Counter-attack.

I am still in love with the Psychotroke Grenades.

Everything but #1 is useful, though #4 is semi-useful.

PS. Never knew the Psyker could pick between two powers. I always thought it was random and thus valued it really low.

With Hammerhand you have your 2+ roll and Hatred or the Grenades give you rerolls on the To Hits.

Who needs our old Chaplains when we have the Inquisition?

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Hopefully this is on topic, but I've always thought the Callidus assassin would be really useful for BA. It can stop a key enemy unit coming in from reserve and then deploy in the opponents gun line and hamper a powerful shooting unit (broadsides/ devs/ dark reapers etc), maybe even issue a challenge to really screw with them!


Could work really nicely in tandem with a cheap melta pod-squad blowing up a box for her to melt the brains and stab the mushy things inside!

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Ordo Xenos Inquisitor: liber heresius, rad grenades, psyker lvl 1 (hammer hand)

Bad news, sorry, I don't want to ruin the party but..


May upgrade to a Psyker (Mastery Level 1), generating powers from the Daemonology (Sanctic), Divination, Pyromancy, Telekinesis and Telepathy disciplines - XX pts


The digital codex has been updated, I would advice you to re-download it since you can no longer decide to 'pick' Hammerhand.

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The psyocculum would be a lot of fun with Sternguard, I hadn't thought of that.


I was thinking there was a rule limiting how much scatter could be reduced, to a minimum of 1D6. But, I checked the rule book and didn't find it.

As long as one of the scatter reducers says to reduce it *by* 1d6 rather than *to*. Wording can vary, but it should line up to set your peeps in right.

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