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Help with new chapter name


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Hello brothers

I have my own DIY chapter, with its own fluff, tactics, characters etc. The one thing that I cannot figure out is a decent name. It seems like all the good ones are taken and any I make up sound cheesy or over the top. If it helps, the things that make my chapter unique from normal BA are: they have 4 assault and 4 tactical squads in each battle company, they make heavy use of drop pods for units without JPs like sternguard and tacticals, each company has its own 5 man Sang guard squad to guard the captain plus another 10 man squad for the chapter master, and the chapter master doubles up as the herald of the Sang guard. Melta and flamers are the primary special weapons used, plasma is not held in high regard. The battle brothers in this chapter try to fight the flaw rather than live with it, and anyone who falls to the black rage/red thirst is looked upon as weak and not worthy of being a Blood Angel. I really went with the angelic theme for these guys, as I don't like the vampire theme that much. Their colour scheme is red armour with green details. Can you guys help me come up with a decent name? Thanks!

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Ok, a bit of fluff:

.Chapter based on the moon of a feral world called Corsian. The moon doesn't have a name yet

.They only recruit from Corsian

.The planet is home to an alien race, the Braazmus. They farm the human population. Every 10 years they release ~10% of their human captives aged between 8 and 15, as they enjoy hunting humans. Some humans have established tribes that live in the treetops (the terrain of the world is mainly jungle, with some flat plains.) My chapter allows the Braazmus to exist because they believe constantly being hunted improves the quality of recruits.

.The moon's atmosphere is poisonous gas, so the inside is hollowed out to accommodate the fortress monastery

.The chapter is very proud, they value honour and will challenge anyone who insults them to a duel. This has led to a rivalry between my chapter and the Dark Angels, as a disagreement between two captains over the use of exteriminatus led to the captain of our 4th company being killed in a duel. We now refuse to fight with the Dark Angels.

.The chapter was founded when the original Blood Angels legion split. We revere Azekellon (sp?) and he's an example of how a Blood Angel should be.

This is a brief sum up and a lot of stuff is still to be decided.


.As I said above, they view the flaw as a weakness and are ashamed of it

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Ok, with the limited information provided I will give you a list of some names I came up with in like five minutes. So far you stated you are keeping with an angel motif, so I used angel names in part of it. Based on the only variations in the fluff you gave us, they are a divergent codex chapter, as well as divergent from the parent chapters unique divergent formation. You also suggest they view the flaw as a weakness and try to hide it and are shameful of those who succumb to the black rage. So here is what I came up with. More background would help with better names but this is a start.m


Angels of repudiation

Humble Seraphim or. Latin Angelus humiliates (which sounded cooler)

Host ( or Angels) of Aidos (who is the Greek goddess of humility)

Prideful Cherubium

Abjection Angels


Again most oh my, suggestions are on the fact they are in denial or shameful of the flaw, so their humility of it wants them to hide it. Personally I like using the Greek goddess one, cause it's not as blatently obvious, and you could say you first chapter masters name was Aidos and hi and a small squad perhaps are looked up to as demigods on your home world because he saved them fro.m being over ran by xenon Orc scum, and perhaps based on your fluff he was i. Charge of a unit of sanguinary guard of blood Angels so was looked upon as a golden angel sent to save the people. As a tribute for his units success he was allowed to parent a successor chapter and use the rescued world as their home world.

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Names are only "taken" if it is by an official Chapter. Other players can't "take" names. There are many "Iron Dragons" Chapters, "Spartans" Chapters, and other DIYs here that use the same name. Don't be afraid to use a name if you really like it.

Actually, I wouldn't even say "official" names are protected, as their is validation within the lore to have multiple Chapters share a name, even potentially at the same time.


Now, logically, some Chapter names would probably be sacrosanct. I wouldn't expect two Blood Angel Chapters to exist simultaneously, for instance.


As for ideas on a name, the Angels Viridian, since you mentioned green as one of your colors?

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Angels Incandescent


Scions Angelic (Angelici if you want to go for Latin)


Angels Irae / Insanabilis (Wrath and Wrathful respectively)


Angels Doloris (eh it sounds cool, means Sorrowful :p)


Angels Odium (Hateful)


Angels Superbum (Prideful)


....look just go on Goolge Translate, set it to English -> Latin and enter some words :P

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Hmm... i'm liking the sound of Sons of Azkaellon. It's my favourite so far. I might write up some more fluff about the chapter originally being led by Azkaellon, hence the Chapter Master also leading the Sanguinary Guard. What do you guys think?

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Azkaellon led the Legion in breaking up into Chapters during the 2nd Founding, then disappeared. It doesn't seem likely that he would turn up leading some other successor later on down the road.


I would suggest following the model of the Sons of Orar - that Chapter named themselves after a hero of the III Legion from the time of the Scouring, though it doesn't appear (based on the information that is currently available) that Orar ever actually led the successor Chapter. Your Chapter simply looked back at the history and traditions of their progenitors and decided that Azkaellon would be the spiritual father of the Chapter.


Just my recommendation.

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Ok, that sounds good. No matter how cool it would be to have Azkaellon leading my chapter, I have to stick to the fluff biggrin.png. Well, I'm decided on the Sons of Azkaellon, thanks for everyone who posted, your input is very much appreciated.

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