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Captain Tycho in the new codex?


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Many seem to feel that Captain Tycho has lost a great deal, and although I am generally pleased with our new 'dex, I have to agree. Tycho lost the Dead Man's Hand entirely, and although he retains his digital weapons and still has the army-wide Furious Charge enjoyed by everything else, without that he really isn't all that great in combat anymore. His combi-bolter is still master-crafted, but it lost access to sternguard special ammo (though it is now 24'' 4/4 Rapid Fire standard). Finally, he lost his special warlord trait, and although the one he still enjoys - Red Rampage - is pretty neat, it is 1) available to any warlord in the 'dex and 2) not really particularly well-suited to Tycho, who is our shootiest character.


I don't know. He's not bad, but he doesn't really play to the strengths of the rest of the 'dex anymore. It used to be he was a shooty character who had special traits that made him unusually good in close combat. Now he's a shooty character who still enjoys some of the special benefits of being a Blood Angel (Furious Charge, Red Rampage) and some of the special benefits of being a captain (better stats, mostly), but I'm not at all sure that those traits are worth it. Given the kinds of lists the rest of this codex makes me want to run, I'm more likely to build up a generic captain with assaultier gear, and probably do better.

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Here's my advice - but its gonna cost you a bit more than Tycho's 130.  

Sadly, he's lost all relevance in our dex. No PW, and no army buffs to speak of. 


If you're a fluff player though, I recommend this:


Captain +

Valours Edge (counts as DMH) 

Digi Weapons (counts as DMH)

Combi Melta (counts s Blood Song)

Artificer Armour (because Tycho)


that "counts as" Tycho is already better, but does come in at 140 (only 10 points more than Tycho) for the use of an AP2 pw with digi.

Definitely roll on the BA table too! 


Then, if you can afford it, I'd throw in the Veritas as well - total 155 and you have a solid, fighty support character thats still cheaper than old Tycho. 


If you've got the model, and you want to use him, i feel this is the way to go! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

To me, Tycho has simply has his Wardisms removed and has been returned to what he was. Whilst this is a nerf to what he was in the 5th edition book, it is arguable that he shouldn't have been like that in the first place...


As it stands the three things he has going for him are:

~ Guaranteed Red Rampage trait (so +D3 A each fight sub-phase)

~ AP4 Bolter, Master-crafted

~ Master-crafted Firepike (i.e a longer ranged Melta Gun)


To me, he still has a place in a Melta Sternguard, or any tactical squad. He still brings fun formations to Apocalypse games and even DC Tycho is viable now. He is not an out and out beat stick and to be fair, he never was even accounting for his Wardism. As for losing Rites of Battle, so has everyone now so it's simply a case of him being brought into line like his counterparts.


Even from the day he was created he was not optional. In the second edition he was a Captain and his wargear was chosen to reflect the model at the time (which was a Captain with a Bolter and a bare hand on his waist) - so a Combi-weapon, Digi Lasers and something like a Conversion Field (or was it a Bionic Eye? I forget now)... was chosen. Since then, he's never been optional and there's always been better options, but that's not the point. the tl;dr is if you want to play Tycho, play Tycho. Don't lament over what he hasn't got, just play him. I know I will :)

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to be honest, hes actually not that bad, he just doesnt have the beatstick role.


I think he'd work nicely with sternguard still as he gives them those few extra attacks a round and has a gun that fits in nicely with sternguard loadouts.


i'd avoid using him vs MEQ opponents, but vs his canon enemies (so... orks) or stuff like tau/eldar he's still pretty damn cool! Took me a while to get over him no longer being chuck norris, but I dont mind too much now

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and they shall know no fear is better than fearless... so what would be the point?


Yeah Tycho isnt a close combat character, but that doesnt mean hes terrible, just means he's not the guy you send against beatstick characters. His rules arent amazing, but you actually get quite a bit for the 130 points.

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  • 1 year later...

You definitely take into consideration the fluff/and or fun factor when using Tycho. I don't see why they didn't just bring him over to 7th as close as possible to how he was in 6th? I'm hoping for an update/upgrade when they release the next BA material, be it new codex, or a new eSupplement?

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Here's my advice - but its gonna cost you a bit more than Tycho's 130.  

Sadly, he's lost all relevance in our dex. No PW, and no army buffs to speak of. 


If you're a fluff player though, I recommend this:


Captain +

Valours Edge (counts as DMH) 

Digi Weapons (counts as DMH)

Combi Melta (counts s Blood Song)

Artificer Armour (because Tycho)


that "counts as" Tycho is already better, but does come in at 140 (only 10 points more than Tycho) for the use of an AP2 pw with digi.

Definitely roll on the BA table too! 


Then, if you can afford it, I'd throw in the Veritas as well - total 155 and you have a solid, fighty support character thats still cheaper than old Tycho. 


If you've got the model, and you want to use him, i feel this is the way to go! 


Thank you for that. Since I just ordered him, and will use him, I will also use what you posted :) .... again, thanks brother!

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I repainted my old Tycho as DC Tycho after picking the game back up and finding the new addition in the codex. He's still not ideal but can now charge after firing his bolter. Add him to a small squad of 5 DC with bolters and you get 12 bolter shots within 12" followed by 26 combat attacks on the charge. With the whole squad getting FnP and Tycho able to tank with 2+ / 4++ that makes a decent little unit to use against infantry.


He's not the type of character to throw against anything big but you can have some fun making use of Relentless.

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I repainted my old Tycho as DC Tycho after picking the game back up and finding the new addition in the codex. He's still not ideal but can now charge after firing his bolter. Add him to a small squad of 5 DC with bolters and you get 12 bolter shots within 12" followed by 26 combat attacks on the charge. With the whole squad getting FnP and Tycho able to tank with 2+ / 4++ that makes a decent little unit to use against infantry.


He's not the type of character to throw against anything big but you can have some fun making use of Relentless.


The 2+/4++/5+++ tank is pretty interesting actually. But it requires foot-based DC :(

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I've got a kitbashed Tycho I've never used... Only ever played a couple of games using our 5th ed dex (and they were with 6th ed BRB) but I am interested to try him out, if only because I love the character fluff so much :)


Need to find an Ork opponent... :D

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Tycho is one of my favorite models, and characters in the 40k universe. Honestly for what you pay for him as himself he's actually good for the points. A vanilla captain for the same points is less effective. If you love the model and want to play him the old way do it. You have a fairly high chance to roll RR if you want to roll in the BA traits. I usually take the veritas and double up strategic, with a generic captain using the model.
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Maybe, maybe not. However, I still enjoyed playing with Lemartes following Power Mauls becoming AP4 so maybe I'm just weird smile.png

Glad I'm not the only one who will try to squeeze Lemartes into a list whenever he can. I6,then have a libby hit him with the Quickening? Ouch.

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He works pretty great when leading Sternguard, Boltgun DC with a hidden fist or two, shooty command squads and drop podding devastators. Yes. Drop pod him with devastators. Preferrably Multimelta ones. You will be amazed how much a pain in the ass he can be.  If only we could have fielded grav cannon Centurions, they would have made the ultimate honor guard for Tycho.

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I'm digging the standard Captain replacement for him, but I don't get the attraction of taking a combi-melta on someone who isn't Relentless and who could have taken a Pistol instead to maintain that extra attack at AP2 in combat. Current Tycho doesn't know what he wants to be good at in my eyes. In gold he wishes he was Kantor and in Black he wishes he was a Chaplain. Getting rid of Dead Man's Hand made him null and void in my current lists despite liking the model and owning it for twoish decades.


If I used him it would certainly be the DC version of him in an all DC army since the gold version can be proxied more efficiently with a standard Captain.

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