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Captain Tycho in the new codex?


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He works pretty great when leading Sternguard, Boltgun DC with a hidden fist or two, shooty command squads and drop podding devastators. Yes. Drop pod him with devastators. Preferrably Multimelta ones. You will be amazed how much a pain in the ass he can be.  If only we could have fielded grav cannon Centurions, they would have made the ultimate honor guard for Tycho.


Is there something that makes him particularly good with multimelta devastators? Maybe I'm slow but I'm not really seeing the connection of how he'd work well with them. Tanking wounds with his 4++ and giving them a boost in close combat if they're charged?

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He works pretty great when leading Sternguard, Boltgun DC with a hidden fist or two, shooty command squads and drop podding devastators. Yes. Drop pod him with devastators. Preferrably Multimelta ones. You will be amazed how much a pain in the ass he can be.  If only we could have fielded grav cannon Centurions, they would have made the ultimate honor guard for Tycho.


Is there something that makes him particularly good with multimelta devastators? Maybe I'm slow but I'm not really seeing the connection of how he'd work well with them. Tanking wounds with his 4++ and giving them a boost in close combat if they're charged?



W3 2+/4++ makes a great bodyguard for them against weapons that would normally quickly whittle their numbers as well as being a pretty good deterrant against being charged by minor assault units like ASM and whatnot.  His weapons synergize with the rest of the squad.  And his BS5 Master-Crafted Combi-Melta with 18" range in addition to the Multimelta snapshots can make the unit still threatening on a crucial turn when the squad needs to relocate.  Overall the unit becomes very much more durable and usable, and when you drop them behind the enemy it completely messes them up.


Now I need to shop around for 3 more Multi-Meltas..


EDIT: BTW, I'm loving the model in your avatar, any links to the full model shot per chance? :)

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As Captain Helion said :) I believe he's on page 2 of that thread.


Thanks for the reply to my question. Sounds like an interesting option but does make for a fairly expensive Devastator squad. I might have to eventually model a counts-as Tycho for the Angels Sorrowful.

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Here's my advice - but its gonna cost you a bit more than Tycho's 130.  

Sadly, he's lost all relevance in our dex. No PW, and no army buffs to speak of. 


If you're a fluff player though, I recommend this:


Captain +

Valours Edge (counts as DMH) 

Digi Weapons (counts as DMH)

Combi Melta (counts s Blood Song)

Artificer Armour (because Tycho)


that "counts as" Tycho is already better, but does come in at 140 (only 10 points more than Tycho) for the use of an AP2 pw with digi.

Definitely roll on the BA table too! 


Then, if you can afford it, I'd throw in the Veritas as well - total 155 and you have a solid, fighty support character thats still cheaper than old Tycho. 


If you've got the model, and you want to use him, i feel this is the way to go! 

Andadd 1 melta bomb for  armourbane   that he also had.

Also you can roll the BA trait for master-crafted weapon - and   make him almost identical.


But it's sad really - I don't seeany point using tycho exept armageddon campaign.

It's those kind of character that had no revamp since inception.


But he could be great and intresting -making sternguards obsec for example -  that would be huge and positive change.

Iron hands have an "endless" master-crafted combi-melta  just for 25 points. So why we have just 1 shot for  3 inch better (non-melta-range is unrelevant-plasma shot would be even  better)?Can it be a multi-melted melta? Or inferno-pistoled combi-weapon for attack bonus?

Or being able to pick a trait from BA table (or  some RB table)

There is so many thing that can make him relevant.


I  hope Captain Karlaen will occupy Tycho's "Named-captain" slot in next edition

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Why not both?


Though yes, I can see Tycho fading once the mold goes. GW resin is not a thing they wan't to continue...

They can completely retcon and redesign Tycho. They did it with Lemartes.



Yeah I was about to say. Here's hoping <3


Or at least a new captain given his wargear in honour.

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Why not both?


Though yes, I can see Tycho fading once the mold goes. GW resin is not a thing they wan't to continue...

Because he is redundant.

Game-wise he is captain without actual combat weapon. He can be "constructed" from generic version loosing only hatred for ork (which is even more redundant).

Model-wise he is quite old and don't match wargear as he have no Iron halo on model

Fluff-wise he is  dead.


It's a great point to pass that hero as legend not as "that lame captain with lame rules" 


So if GW want   him back - they must reeeeeeealy try and retcon his death

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He needs to stay in the codex and he needs to be improved. His previous version was much better.

He is a classic Blood Angel HQ- flawed hero sort. Great fluff behind him.

However in the fluff he is dead. But I still enjoy using him as my company captain.


Sanguinius stated that only he and the Sanguinary Guard were to wear golden armor. For everyone else it was forbidden. But he had gold artificer armor. I wonder if this was symbolic in some way?

And yes Karlaen needs to be in the next codex too!

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Sanguinius stated that only he and the Sanguinary Guard were to wear golden armor. For everyone else it was forbidden. But he had gold artificer armor. I wonder if this was symbolic in some way?



I never heard this before ... where does this bit of fluff come from?


Extra glad I chose to go with white for my Chapter Master and Captains out of nostalgia for the really old imagery from Space Crusade.


And yet ... in the Ward 'dex Honour Guard are pictured wearing gold armour. And Dante wears gold armour too, and he's neither Sanguinius nor Sanguinary Guard (or does Chapter get to wear gold since he stand in loco Sanguinuis?)

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