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mech blood angels


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So I hadn't heard anything about blood angels really before the new 'dex dropped.  A few weeks before it did, i played a guy who had a mechanized list with fast razorbacks (with ASM inside), outflanking baal preds, drop podded fragiosos, and fast predators and vindicators.


It was glorious, and I wanted it.


I went in half with one friend for three deathstorm boxes and decided to start blood angels, with my major focus being the fast armored aspect of the blood angels.  Needless to say, i am heartbroken about the movement of the baal preds to heavy.


HOWEVER, the magnificent optimist that I am, I want to see if it can still be done.  Other than the Baal being moved, we still have access to razorbacks and land speeders in the fast slot.  AND A HQ DREADNOUGHT TO LEAD MY MECHANIZED ARMY!


So I want your opinion on this: can it be done, and can it be done well?


in HQ we have the libby dread

in troops, drop pods, fast razors and fast rhinos

in elites drop podded dreadnoughts (pick your flavor, plenty to choose from) as well as dedicated transports

in fast attack land speeders

in heavies there are vindicators, predators, storm ravens, and even baal preds (though in this slot, i much prefer the two lascannon/autocannon pred instead), whirlwinds, and even land raiders (though these aren't fast)

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You could take Cassor as a troop in a pod. I think that BA mech is fun, but not extremely competitive. If you mainly play friendly games, that shouldn't be a problem. Perhaps you should consider going unbound? You're not running much infantry by the sounds of it, so the bonuses from Baal strike force barely effect you. That would let you take as many HS slots as you like.

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Baals losing scout AND moving to HS was probably the biggest hit but the nerf to magna grapples and points for frag cannons also made a negative impact. Predators became cheaper a little but the lucifer engine option accounts for much of this. Vindicators now 3 meltabombs cheaper than they were. So I think you would need a second detachment to run a full mech list.


On the other hand bikers became an all-round better option. If I was going for mech I would want two sicarans and a fire raptor or scorpius whirlwind as HS but until they FAQ the removal of the reclusiarch that's not an option and in any case that depends on if you are allowed forgeworld.


In short, neither as fun nor effective as before sadly.

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I agree that the change of Baals to heavy support was one of the biggest blows. Losing discounted Razorbacks sucked too. However, I am able to run two detachments and field more or less the same army due to points cost reductions across the board.


My mech(ish) 2k list typically includes:

2 Fragiosos in pods

4 5x Tacticals in Razorbacks

2 Fast Vindicators

2 Baal Predators

1 AC/Las Predator


I'm still fiddling with HQ options. The Librarian used to be my go to, but he can't do much in a Razorback and the army has little support for him on foot. I've been toying with a Techmarine in a RB for each detachment. Cheap and thematic for a mech list.


I also have a Sternguard squad that I usually put in a third pod, though I'm more and more leaning towards using some of my disenfranchised Assault Marines as a melta suicide squad in the last pod and finally building my bikes with grav weapons with the excess points.


It's worth noting that my meta is not keen on flyers and my list doesn't really need to account for them, not that my beerhammer circle is competitive play, anyway.

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My mech list is currently



Librarian ml2

5 tacticals lasplas razorback

Cassor the damned

2 Baal preds assault cannon heavy bolter

Baal strike force

Ml2 librarian dreadnought

10 death company thunderhammer

10 tacticals heavy flammer melts vet Sgt PW IP rhino

10 tacticals heavy flammer melts vet Sgt PW IP rhino

2 autocannon lascannon pres



Itis actually much better to play this addition because our tactical marines are a viable option. I play them forward and aggressive and that seems to work well. The speed that our mechlist can bring really scares people. I can respond to the board and bring strong fire power the whole time. It's a fun was to play. Ithuink it is still viable and have won my fair share of games with it.

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