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Flesh Tearers armour


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Hey folks,


Been having a think about doing Flesh Tearers and whilst I love the new Tactical kit I get the feeling Flesh Tearers may choose a less adorned and more basic path for their armour.


The new codex has them painted up in the new kit which looks great, but I want to stick with the correct fluff if there is any?


What do you guys think a Flesh Tearer would look like visually and is there any established fluff on it.

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The Flesh Tearers have always detested the artistic nature of the Blood Angels in novels. Calling them out on it resulted in a "friendly" duel between a FT and a BA. They wont wear it imo but you're free to create some background to justify it if you want to go that rout.
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I'm struggling with this as well, I'm trying to stick to fairly plain armour with one or two pieces from the blood angels range. They're a Second Founding chapter so somewhere in their stores they must have some Blood Angel-y armour hanging up. I mainly use it on character models though and Elites.

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I don't believe the Flesh Tearers detest the artistic nature of the Blood Angels. I think its more of the fact that they simply don't find a use for the "finer things in life" as they are falling to the Flaw faster than most. I remember reading Blood In The Machine, and it gave an example of how Seth hated the Sanguinary Guard. He reasoned that hiding behind all that gold and face mask is hypocritical as the Red Thirst is who, in his opinion, the Sons of Sanguinius are. 


So to answer the original post, bits and pieces would be normal. The 1:3 idea is a good one to follow. I haven't got my hands on the new tactical kit yet but currently I am using the regular tactical box with death company bits added here and there. I do however, like the sculpted abdominal look on the sergeants. As someone said above, they are Sons of Sanguinius. Though the don't have as much bling as their brother chapters, they will definitely have bits, such as a chalice hanging from an arm, here and there. 

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The Little I've read the Flehs Tearers books etc, it was described that Flesh Tearers take traits from their first Grand Master Nasser Amit, whom of all was Blood Angel but was more pragmatic than regular Blood Angels. He saw battered armor as honor badge and never understood why his fellow Blood Angels saw so much trouble fixing their armors, blemishes etc and sacrificed time that could have been spend on combat training or killing their enemies. After Amit leads his men to conquering Cretacia in his battle damaged Terminator armor and make it theirs, the tradition for Flesh Tearers has been ever since focus on tearing enemy apart and far less of their appearance than other of their Baal brothers. They're ever as good artisans as their Ball brothers but their fervor and example of Chapter Master Amit has guided them focus more on the job at hands than the details, what Blood Angels and their successors are famed for.

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Thanks for the input guys, I think I'm going to water down the BA tac box with vanilla bits. A lot of the artwork for these guys still features Purity Seals, Litanies and loincloths as well as the odd blood drop etc. Essentialy I don't want them to look like Blood Angels but likewise I don't wish for them to look vanilla.
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why not use Khorne berserkers or chaos space marines as a base? They look much more brutal than regular tacs, have a mix of pre heresy armour marks, and aren't even that "chaosy". Once you've shaved off overtly chaotic symbols and added some BA shoulder pads etc. you'd have an awesome army. The more ramshackle nature of the boltguns, especially mixed with imperial ones, would really help with the look of an army too goddamned furious to keep a parade ground aesthetic. Add some wings etc. for gravy

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