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Eldar battle focus rule


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Ok, I am new here and don't really know what I am doing, so please don't get mad at me. :) Now to business, the Eldar army has the Battle Focus special rule, and I quote, "Can either shoot and then run, or run and then shoot, in the same shooting phase. Must complete both actions before you move onto the next unit. Cannot fire heavy weapons the run, or run and then fire heavy weapons, unless relentless."  I was wondering, can I use this special rule in the shooting phase, and then charge as well in the assault phase? Nowhere in the codex does it say anything regarding how this special rule effects the assault phase. I used the special rule and was going to charge in the assault phase, but they guy I was playing said that doing that was basically the Whaag special rule for the orks and that it was cheap for me to do that.  If the Codex does not say anything about this rule effecting the assault phase, does it?

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I shall answer this in 2 parts:

1 - It is as written, you may run then shoot, or shoot then run. It does not allow any bonuses for the assault phase as this is separate. Think of it as the Eldar being slippery suckers, weaving in and out with their high speed (I am a Dark Eldar player and my brother is a Craftworld Eldar player, we know all about high speed games between the two and how their rules work). To reiterate, there is no bonus for assaulting, only that they can shoot and run or run and shoot.

2 - I don't want to sound harsh, but this is a humanity board only, whether Imperial or Chaos, but no xenos shall be permitted here unless in pics of a battle report. As a Dark Eldar player I provide the following link to thedarkcity.net: http://www.thedarkcity.net/ where they will be more than happy to help as, although a Dark Eldar forum, they allow discussion of their Craftworld kin. In case you're unaware, rules for the B&C are found here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/22-rules-of-the-bc/


Hope this helps and good luck with smiting your foe. 

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Guard have similar rules form their officer's orders.  The problem you come across is in the basic rules.


"Some units are disallowed from charging. Common reasons a unit is not allowed to declare a charge include:

• The unit Ran in the Shooting phase."


The codex rule allows a unit to shoot and run in the same phase.  But that is all it allows.  Unless you have some other wording that specifically over rules the above quoted basic rule, then a unit that runs can not assault no matter why they were alloed to run.

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Thanks guys! That was really helpful. I will leave due to my "race" msn-wink.gif. It is perfectly fine; I suspected as much when I joined. I there a Craftworld Eldar area like this?

As stated, in the Official Rules forum all rules for anything relating to Warhammer 40,000 is allowed. However, you will not be able to discuss your filthy xenos anywhere else on this board msn-wink.gif But, if you play any of the many Armies of the Imperium or Chaos then you will find the B&C and to be a treasure trove of knowledge and information as well as friendly players!

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Yeah shouldn't be shooing people away. Especially since we could need clarifications also (to make sure we're not being cheated)


But as the book says, you cannot declare a charge if you have run on the previous shooting phase, unless of course a special ability is in use such an ork waaaaaaahg

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