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McGibs' Bloody Beasties! (Imps and Knight on Page 3!)


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  • 2 weeks later...

You sodding well knocked it clean outta the park didn't you!?


My word, I'm utterly speechless at how fantastically realised and awesome this army is! Each and every conversion and bit of paint is just so RIGHT.


Wow, I can but say encore maestro.

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He started life as a pingpong ball, a lot of greenstuff, and some nostalgia.
Now he floats around the tabletop shooting laserbeams out of his eyes and eating people whole as my counts-as Be'Lakor.


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That thing is just unbelievably awesome! And the Doom connection just makes it even better: There's nothing as nostalgic as remembering the moment when these guys would cave in on themselves after you had emptied the better part of a chaingun mag into them -- ah, the memories ;)


Anyway, excellent paintjob and conversion! I'll have to repeat myself: This is one of the best and most unconventional Khornate armies in existence at the moment!

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That is ludicrously awesome :lol:


My one criticism is the paint around his butt-thruster (insert childish snickering).  The yellows and oranges there seem a bit pasty, compared to the standard the rest of your work has set.

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