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McGibs' Bloody Beasties! (Imps and Knight on Page 3!)


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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the praise!

@Augustus b'Raass, the maulerfiend head is indeed the giant bull head from the ghorgon kit.


Non painted update with AoS box set!



Zerkers were nice and easy and look pretty badass. Now to just wait until they get decent rules...



Giant banner guy made a pretty cool apostate/chaplain type guy.



Big troll thing had dumb head and hands. So I gave him big gurillia hands with brass knuckles.


And an update on my chaos knight.




Pop vote: Is this "LOOK AT MAH BIG HAT" head better than the old one?


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YES! Visual proof that the AoS khorne models are super easy to convert into zerkers! Nicely done, buddy.


About the Knight´s head± I think the old head with the new Khornate round icon thingy would be the best option, especially considering that the new option makes his head kinda dissapear into the model, whereas the old one with the horns makes it pop a little more. 

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The old one is ridiculously awesome. I actually kind of like the stripped down ornamentation on the old one, but augs suggestion would be suitable too. It isn't that the new head is bad, it is just that the old one is sooooo good.

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I'm not generally a Chaos Fan, but have just looked the whole way through this topic - really clever conversions, and a whole heck of a lot of blood!

I think that the first head looked better.

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Just such an incredible show of work in this thread. Be very proud of what you've created!


I second the motion of 1st head with the seconds symbol behind it on the knight. Which is a brilliant piece of kit bashing!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also vote for the older horned head, both are cool, but the older one stands out more.


Also the hands a re cool. Kind of reminds me of Gypsy Danger,(Pacific Rim, awesome movie) when its hands convert to plasma weapons. 

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  • 3 months later...

Hey guys, long time not much to update. I've been chewing through the Imperial Assault star wars minis, which have been a blast to paint so far. But I got my hands on the Calth box, and set to work assembling and chopping up some more traditional marines.

I wan't to use these for 30k as well as 40k, so my plan is to have all these line grunts using the 30k world eaters scheme (maybe more bone coloured than white), while the officers, champions, and other higher up gribblies get progressively more and more chaotic and red/black/gold. Sort of paint a picture of corruption from the top down.
Also, regular sized marines make my champions/berserkers look like BEASTS!
Also some more bestial claw terminators, who will likely be Red Butcher standins.
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OMG, how could I have missed this thread?! This is four pages full of awesomeness!


Please, I must know where the heads of your Knight are from! I must know! I've got a larger kit for a similar project coming in and some time to get busy with it too, and its head is an area of concern. I must know where yours is from! Please!


(I like the newer, later one a lot better by the way. It looks more daemonic – which is what I suppose fits your army best.)


EDIT: Ok, I think the first one is a Knight head and separate horns, yes? The Khornate crest on the second one is from the standard bearer in the AoS boxed set? Where from is the skull mask on top of the Knight's head though?!

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  • 5 weeks later...


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