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I hate to ask but does anyone else find it hard just to collect one chaos army?  I have my main that is Word bearers(CSM, and R&H), but have started collecting other aspect like a world eaters detachment, a nurgle force, a Cthulhu tzeentch force, and a biker slaanesh force.  These have even started growing into there own army. This is not even counting the daemons. 


My question is how do you keep pure(one main force in one scheme basically)?  How do you prevent from sidetrack or get distracted by your side ideas?  Is playing chaos means you will eventually have a multiple sub army acting as one army, giving you freedom of option, making this our greatest trait and weakness?  How do you have everything in your chaos army relate to each other.  Is it better to go hog wild on one aspect of chaos(playing one warband or legion only) VS taking a little of everything and setting a story around it.  what everyone thoughts? 

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Well, you already know from my army log that I am collecting as broad of a Chaos collection as you can possibly have, minus some Khorne daemons and cult troops.


Honestly, my purchases over the last 3 years were pushed by what I thought would be strong in games, plus the models and art that I liked the most. However, the meta has changed so much so fast over this period, and I found myself spending way too much money and time building and expanding my CSM, my daemons, and now my R&H.


However, in terms of binding everything together- I haven't posted it all in my thread, but I have developed extensive lore to explain how the different components of my large force came together. This will allow me to create a unique army, color scheme, and story for my Warhammer models. I also plan to loosely bind all of the various models and ranges together by using the same custom bases and certain consistencies in the color schemes (plus adding a bit of my story to the models using sculpting and conversions).


I think the easiest thing to do is collect one warband or something like that. Have a smaller force, paint it, keep an easy and tight narrative. I have basically the opposite of that, but I know it's a challenge to weave everything together that has taken a few years and will take a few years more.

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Its simple. You give up straight away and now and then paint the odd thing from other Legions. But...you never post photos of them and deny all knowledge that they exist.
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This is why I chose to collect a Renegade Chapter, as long as I use a unifying colour scheme, they're all part of the same warband. It lets me field various detachments such as my sorcerer Zala'zarr 's Tzeentchian daemonic force of Possessed, Obliterators and Warp Talons.
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I started with Black Legion long ago just so I could collect a little of everything and have it all fit.  Everything went well for a few years, then the Daemons got their own codex and new models. 


And then there was the Miriael Sabathiel project.  It's just for show; never seen a game, but it is a 1250 point force that is definitely NOT Black Legion. 


Now, there are the Crimson Slaughter rules that have tempted me into painting just a few models in red.  But I can feel the corruption spreading.  Dark Vengeance models are plentiful and cheap.  They want their own tanks and not the Black Legion ones I have.

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It's always been the plan for me: 2000 points of each Traitor Legion.


How do I stop myself being sidetracked? Rigorous planning, and the knowledge that some of the Nine I still don't have the inspiration/skill for. Alpha Legion just need the Rhinos and Fire Raptor, I have everything for the World Eaters except possibly the bikes, past that I'm not sure.



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You don't. Chaos is about embracing the many variations of what it has to offer. I mean, you don't have to but it's more enjoyable as a collector and painter to not paint 80 of the same thing, you know?


Everything is related through chaos, that's it. My primary chaos army is Word Bearers. I got sidetracked after reading the WB novels. There was a khorne unit led by Khalaxis so I made a khorne unit. I was then interested in having each of the cults and did so. I eventually sold of the khorne, tzeentch, and slaanesh units since they were not undivided. I started the plague marines because I love the Death Guard and they were an effective answer to wraithguard at the time for me. The PM army has changed overtime and is led by Typhus. 


I think the variety is what is appealing in chaos besides the betrayal background, cool renegade paint schemes, and general disregard for the Imperium. Embracing all of the differences in what the book has to offer just makes it more fun and I don't feel like I'm neglecting a portion of my codex. Granted, I rarely play with my PM now days since they're entirely infantry, but they're still nice to use every now and again. Honestly, if I were to have a true chaos smoothie I'd have the main force be black legion or red corsairs. 

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I've had the same problem, all the chaos legions have such depth it's hard to pick, finally chose the sons of magnus cause I enjoy painting blue,wizards, and bird gods of "just as planned". Now the hard part is to keep from wandering off and buying more ECs, or building up some Night Lords or whichever legion I get a fixation with nex and stick which what I love.
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I currently have:

Emperors Children 40K

Word Bearers 40K

Death Guard 40K

Death Guard 30K

Alpha Legion Renegades & Heretics 40K

Small bunch of Night Lords Raptors 40K

Small bunch of Thousand Sons Jetbikes 30K

Small bunch of Sons of Horus 30K that I use as BA or SW in 40K Combat Patrol


...so yeah...

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How do I keep from doing other armies/forces within the same army?


They aren't really that different anyways, and I straight hate Nurgle on principle, Tzeentch's rules suck, and I actively switch between MoS and MoK, though I prefer mark of Khorne because my Chaos is designed as a primarily "Close combat" army to counterbalance my Tau.


The main part of my army is black legion, with some guys painted as World Eaters too, because...I wanted a Black army and a Red army to counter my Tan/Green/Grey/Blue tau army.


That and the latest 'fad' around the store is basically Kill Team but on a much larger scale (knight armies), and I'm not going to put anymore money into the hobby arms race than I already have.  I got 2 maulerfiends and a Rhino to buy and my Chaos army is done like my Tau have been done for half a year now.


When GeeDub comes out with a new book and :cusss us again, I may or may not buy into it.  I've become somewhat disillusioned with things-video games here lately have been major disappointments, especially Destiny-and they say the Division is like destiny (Random Number Generator-but with Microtransactions!) and no.  

I still play Destiny, and have logged several hours into it-there's a lot I do have fun with, leveling gear and weapons, and Killing is fun.  But the lack of story and content sucks.  Crucible (the PVP multiplayer) is better than COD2014, but it took me a long time to admit to myself-that without the Cronies pushing me to get the next Fish, I really, really don't like twitch shooters.  I like Halo, and Battlefield.


I got hoodwinked with Destiny's advertising campaign-and from here on, I've vowed to not buy a game until I've seen it reviewed by no less than 10 different people on youtube, and watched it from start to finish.


So what does this have to do with 40k, and with Chaos Space Marines in general?


I'm going to keep playing with what I have-to have a solid core so that whichever way the wind blows with GeeDub, I can adapt (like with my Tau) with little to no extra purchases or army invalidations.

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