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Could a mass jumper list work?


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@Nicodemus : I meant the Gatling Gun, sorry for the mispell. 


Actually I deployed nothing on the battlefield. He had secured the backfield of his deployment zone, so I wouldn't have been able to charge for at least 2 turn, only moving. I therefore thought that it would be best to deepstrike everything to get out of LOS for as long as I could. The Dreadnought was the only one on board, but I deepstriked him far from his main forces to do dammage without being subject to retaliation. He attacked some troops near a far objective (still ended up dead because of a failed 7inch charge even with the magna grapple). 


If I would run more scout, I think I would run them in packs of 5-10 with CCW to be able to serve as counter-deepstrike in my zone. Since they charge at S5 I5, they would do great, even against pod or termi or whatever outflank. Of course they may not win, but if they can deny long enough the fact you are loosing your own deployment zone, then its worth it. 

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And then there's the Sicaran.

What does the Sicaran do that makes it so worthwhile apparently? I'm just curious since I don't have the rules for it, nor any weapon profiles.

Thanks in advance.


It's AV 13/12/12 with a twin-linked accelerator autocannon. Heavy 6, rending and it ignores jink. Also you can give it lascannons or heavy bolter sponsons and ceramite plating. It has better shooting than a land raider IMO and doesn't have to pay for the ability to transport. Oh, and it's fast.

Vad härlig! Många tack, broder! happy.png

That sounds amazing. And it sounds like a viable anti-air option compared to a stormraven. But I'm derailing this thread. Carry on, everyone.


edit: spelling

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And then there's the Sicaran.

What does the Sicaran do that makes it so worthwhile apparently? I'm just curious since I don't have the rules for it, nor any weapon profiles.

Thanks in advance.


It's AV 13/12/12 with a twin-linked accelerator autocannon. Heavy 6, rending and it ignores jink. Also you can give it lascannons or heavy bolter sponsons and ceramite plating. It has better shooting than a land raider IMO and doesn't have to pay for the ability to transport. Oh, and it's fast.

Vad härlig! Många tack, broder! happy.png

That sounds amazing. And it sounds like a viable anti-air option compared to a stormraven. But I'm derailing this thread. Carry on, everyone.


edit: spelling

From everyone is telling me it's basically a better baal predator. There's also a legacy of glory that can give it tank hunters and 4+ haywire which is perfect for me because i play against the necron haywire bomb all the time.

For the list I'm thinking of not going completely jumper and run a but more combined arms. DC in my opinion are now the premier jump assault squad. Command squads will make good melta suicide squads but I'm not sure they or assault marines are better in that role. Assault marines seem useful to me for target saturation. I might end up running more bikes and DC in my list. Also I'm really liking the idea of a sicarian I was thinking maybe two with a stormraven for support? Also thank you everyone for the ideas, batrep, and lists they are all very helpful.

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I think there's just one concern you need to deal with, and that is rear claiming.  ASMs and other jumpers are priced for assault.  Keeping them back for objectives is a poor choice and a poor use of points.  As a result, i would consider grabbing 2x Vengeance Batteries of choice. Alternatively, you can make use of the troop tax, and put las-caddy TACs at the back.  

Infiltrating scout units will synergize well with a predominantly jumping list. 



If you're ever thinking about running a jumper heavy list, I heartly recommend using Maelstrom missions (or similar) which heavily favours things like Jumpers, Bikes, Thunderwolf Cav etc

Maelstrom pushes objectives into the middle of the table, and rewards fast durable units. It also tones down things like Wave Serpent Eldar, as they have to come into punching distance in midfield to score.


Malestrom missions are heavily flawed, but they're still by far the best thing about 7th ed.

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Tried mass jumpers today and I really enjoyed it, my list was 20 assault marinesjumppacks 5 suicide assault marinea, 20 tacticals drop pods, 10 death company, Dante, astorath, captain, storm raven


I loved it! The speed, the hitting power, the board control it was all awesome. Battle report to follow

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