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Effectiveness of the Steel Host?


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Hello, I'm a BA player who has an allied detachment of IG (2 LR and a vet squad) and have recently read through the Red Waaagh! Contrary to expectation, not only did it have neat formations but a very entertaining story. What intrigues me the most is the aforementioned formation.


I'm curious if anyone fields it with regularity and how well does it work for you? I would love to field it, but that's a distant hope and was wondering if anyone could offer any current advice.

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I've not used it, but others have and I've only heard good things. I'm sure they'll be along soon but what I can say is that Russ tanks are good as are Veterans, so a formation can only make them better ;) As you might expect Russes as Heavy vehicles are slow but powerful, and quite vulnerable to assault however Veterans can take up to 3 special weapons so they could provide an escort to help protect them and that's before you consider what your Marines are doing.


They will be a worthy addition to your sons of Sanguinus, I hope you return in the distant hope of the future to show us your Steel Host :D

Steel host I think is a minimum of 5 battle tanks,  and the only advantage you are getting is preferred enemy so I find it a difficult formation to justify.  Then you have the Hydra tax which is annoying.  


If you go standard Imperial Guard Allies you can get pask + companion,    PLUS a standard leman russ(or 3),   PLUS some vets.   Personally I think its a much better option,   that formation is only useful in much higher point games I feel.   Pask gets bs4, preferred enemy AND more importantly,  rending on his punisher,  its awesome!  You could also instead of the extra Russ get some Wyverns which are a great choice and low points. 

I love that formation and will be fielding it tomorrow. It is expensive as sin though so you kinda have to center your army on it. Take at least one Executioner to get the best mileage out of Preferred Enemy. Your high strength weapons will also enjoy and end to a million ones to wound that I sometimes have. Also note, I don't see anything saying the formation's Tank Commander cannot be Pask.

There's preferred enemy and then there's the other bonuses Pask brings, depends on the Russ you put him in I suppose. A single Hydra isn't too bad, even if you don't encounter flyers or skimmers it can plink away at other things or run interference right?

I thought the hydra can only shoot at flyers? Well apart from the heavy bolter.

False, it will only snapshot at anything but flyers and skimmers though (maybe jetbikes too, got to check) so yes, a hydra is not the great allrounder it used to be, but you can think of it as the tax you pay for prefered enemy (since we should asume you intended to run 5 russes anyway!). 75 pts for prefered enemy when within 12" of my command tank sounds like a very decent buff to the other tanks and at least worth the same as a prescience casting psycher, which already costs you 50 pts. in my opinion you're only paying 25 pts tax on a hydra, which isn't much!

It did really well. My opponent, my brother-in-law, played Space Wolves and conceded after turn two. It was a 2.5k game so it wasn't just my Steel Host that netted me that result but it was a big part. My command tank was an Executioner paired with another Executioner (a favorite of mine) and a Exterminator was in PE range of them. Within two turns of shooting they'd destroyed his Thunderwolf unit (five with all Storm Shields) and half killed his Wolf Lord. The other tanks, another Exterminator and a Vanquisher, were guarding my other flank and didn't do too much except kill a few Grey Hunters that podded in (his cover saves helped protect his Land Raider or the Vanquisher would have been MVP.) I can only advise that taking a Steel Host requires a bit of thought:


1) Realize that not all tanks will be within PE range and plan accordingly. Some will just be plain 'ol Russ tanks on their own, not that his is a bad thing.

2) Hydras, will not good, are not terrible and are not expensive either. Count it as a mixed bag and worth the costs of the formation benefits.

3) Executioners eat power armor (or terminator armor) for breakfast and Steel Host makes them reliable. Deeply consider Executioners.

4) Pask doesn't have to be your warlord in a Steel Host. If you take him, make another guy the warlord and gain a warlord trait that might benefit your whole army.

5) Lastly, PE helps most with rate of fire. Exterminators (my favorite) and Punishers will really like it. Template weapons won't benefit from accuracy increases but at least you're not rolling one to-wound any more. Yay.


At the end of the day, its five Russ with benefits. That can't go too badly.

Ouch, conceding after turn 2 means things have either gone horribly wrong for you or right for your opponent! Still, I'm sure it would have been a different story had you not had the toys to handle the TW - next time they're told to sit they might listen ;) Part of anything is making the most of the benefits so I'm sure your use of the Steel Host was instrumental in gaining victory :) What's better than an Executioner? More Executioners with improved accuracy! :lol: Great post libis :tu:

liked the battle report, but oh my,(and not to be harsh) that table looks a bit dull. have you considered making a cheap one together with your brother in law (i've done so with my regular gaming mate, split the cost)? all you need are some 2 by 2 mdf boards cut out from the store, some brown paint, mixed with some gravel and sand and some styrofoam to make hills etc. took us about a whole day to make a 8 by 4 table. It will make your games SO much more fun to play, believe me (we've played on a dull table ourselves for quite a while.

Playing on nothing is the traditional action for when you want to play but don't have the terrain. Who hasn't battled over the great table cloth plains and contested ownership of mount books? When it comes to building or painting models or terrain most of us go for the former unfortunately, best thing is to organise a collected effort with treats :)

I actually have a nicer table at my house but I moved out of town and its an hour drive to get a game in at all. The LFGS was closed that day and neither my brother-in-law or I even have the room to store terrain anyway. My table has a chalk paint coating on it for drawing in 2D terrain and we make work anything 3D. It isn't perfect but its what I've got.

Read the battle report. It was very ironic since I just finished Stormclaw and to go from seeing both the Wolves pull the IG out of the fire twice to seeing the IG beat the snot out of the wolves.


I'm definitely convinced of the Steel Host's potential and I'm going to use it as my current goal for when I expand my IG detachment.


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