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Loadout for Sanguinary Priest


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So I can't wait to build my Sanguinary Priest from the new kit. I'll be swapping the head for a helmeted one from the Sanguinary Guard kit and I want to swap the grail for a gun – question is, what gun? I think a storm bolter would look pretty cool but are there better options game-wise? I already have a jump priest so this one will be a foot slogger.

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That's a good point, I hadn't actually thought exactly where I would use a non-jump Priest, I just knew I had to have the model! :D


My jump Priest will most likely go with Sanguinary Guard. I don't have any Sternguard or Terminators built yet but that could work. Were you thinking tactical Termies or Assault? I've got the Space Hulk ones built but unpainted.

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Also don't forget to attach one to Sang Guard. FNP and WS improvement will turn them into quite the blender.


Ya beat me to it.


I'd personally give him to the Tac Termi's. Assault are already massively survivable and don't really need it. Tac's always have the survivability problem. Give them a FNP roll on top of their Invul and they are at least better. Plus you can always shoot instead of chasing people around the board.


For non termi's I'd attach him to sternguard vets.

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I like to keep him cheap. He's a support character, there to make someone else badasser. I give him a pistol at minimum and a jump pack or bike if necessary, but that's it. Maybe, in suitably small games, where he's got no one to buff but himself, I might give him a power weapon, but honestly I'd rather save the points and field a captain or a librarian alongside him instead.

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Maybe I'll just put the pistol on the model then, but if he's with tactical termies or sternguard wouldn't the limited range make it pretty useless (in the shooting phase that is, obviously handy having +1A in assault).


@ EP I have a kitbashed jump priest already and will probably do a bike one too when I do a Grav unit. Here I'm thinking specifically about what to do with the new plastic priest model.

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I am not sure I would want to give WS and FNP to a tactical squad.

Best place would be with A. Terminators or Veterans in a Pod.


Don't forget sanguinary guard.


Also just a pistol and maybe a power sword is good for him.


I didn't, but we were talking about a Priest without JP.

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I am not sure I would want to give WS and FNP to a tactical squad.

Best place would be with A. Terminators or Veterans in a Pod.

Don't forget sanguinary guard.


Also just a pistol and maybe a power sword is good for him.

I didn't, but we were talking about a Priest without JP.


Ah my bad then. Put the priest with sternguard maybe and give him a suspect in case the target is in cover or a combi weapon for the extra weapon.

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Pardon me as I don't have the book in front of me, but can I give a Sanguinary Priest the Angel's Wings (the relic Jump Pack) and use that to more accurately deliver a squad of THSS Terminators via Deep Strike?


Doesn't seem like a bad idea I reckon.

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Pardon me as I don't have the book in front of me, but can I give a Sanguinary Priest the Angel's Wings (the relic Jump Pack) and use that to more accurately deliver a squad of THSS Terminators via Deep Strike?


Doesn't seem like a bad idea I reckon.


Yup because it doesn't word it so that it only affects jump units you can do this.

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That's a good point, I hadn't actually thought exactly where I would use a non-jump Priest, I just knew I had to have the model! biggrin.png

My jump Priest will most likely go with Sanguinary Guard. I don't have any Sternguard or Terminators built yet but that could work. Were you thinking tactical Termies or Assault? I've got the Space Hulk ones built but unpainted.

If you don't have Dante or a Valour's Edge captain in the SG, perhaps you should consider giving him Valour's Edge? It's a bit pricey, but it would add some init 5 (assuming baal strike force) ap 2 attacks to the unit, very useful to help deal with TEQ, as SG get massacred by ap 2 weps.

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I would give my jump priest Angel's Wing (and Valour's Edge if I had the points left over) and run him with SG for sure. He's built with a chainsword so would have to proxy...


For the foot slogging priest I quite like the idea of the auspex and a combi weapon as he's more likely to be with a ranged fire unit than getting into combat... Combi melta maybe?

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I would give my jump priest Angel's Wing (and Valour's Edge if I had the points left over) and run him with SG for sure. He's built with a chainsword so would have to proxy...

Me too, unless the Dantestar would also contain a librarian. Then I would spread the two relics across two models. Valour's Edge on the priest, Angel's Wings on the Librarian.
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He's built with a chainsword so would have to proxy...

Just say he bought some Kraken teeth off a Fenrisian black market dealer (or off a friend from the Space Wolves). Apparently their chainswords are +1S AP3 weapons (See Ragnar) :P

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I would give my jump priest Angel's Wing (and Valour's Edge if I had the points left over) and run him with SG for sure. He's built with a chainsword so would have to proxy...

Me too, unless the Dantestar would also contain a librarian. Then I would spread the two relics across two models. Valour's Edge on the priest, Angel's Wings on the Librarian.


Why? I don't think it really matters who has the Angel's Wing once you land.

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I would give my jump priest Angel's Wing (and Valour's Edge if I had the points left over) and run him with SG for sure. He's built with a chainsword so would have to proxy...


For the foot slogging priest I quite like the idea of the auspex and a combi weapon as he's more likely to be with a ranged fire unit than getting into combat... Combi melta maybe?

I gave a foot priest a  combi-grav since I assume he will usually be with Sternguard or something similar if I use him.

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I would give my jump priest Angel's Wing (and Valour's Edge if I had the points left over) and run him with SG for sure. He's built with a chainsword so would have to proxy...

Me too, unless the Dantestar would also contain a librarian. Then I would spread the two relics across two models. Valour's Edge on the priest, Angel's Wings on the Librarian.

Why? I don't think it really matters who has the Angel's Wing once you land.

No tactical reason, really. Just personal preference. I don't want one guy to hog all the relics. msn-wink.gif
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